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“900 witch coins.”

Although Chu Fengmian was facing the expensiveness of Xuanqi’s head in his heart, he was prepared for it, but the moment he heard the price, Chu Fengmian still let Chu Fengmian startled.

900 witch coins are almost half of the wealth of a witch king.

The wealth of a general Witch King is about 1000 Witch Coins, and many of them are Immortal Pill, and Immortal Grade belongs to them.

The 6 700 witch coins that can really be traded is already the limit.

No wonder the 2 Witch Kings who came to ask for the price just asked and left in a hurry.

This price is indeed not affordable for the ordinary Witch King.

Most witch kings are impossible to come up with 900 witch coins in one go.

Unless it comes from Great Influence, or has a fortuitous encounter, the Witch King with a shocking background, it is indeed difficult to come up with 900 Witch Coins in one go.

“Expensive, really expensive.”

Chu Fengmian was speechless.

But in his heart, Chu Fengmian also knew that the price that Wuya King said was not at all any problem.

Xuanqi’s head is indeed worth the price.

If an ordinary witch king wants to beheaded, it would be impossible to do it without the cooperation of 3 witch kings.

Only this tyrannical strength of Witch Cliff King can fight alone and kill Witch Cliff King.

In the head of Xuanqi, there is a blood essence of Xuanqi. For the Witch King, once it devours refining, it can improve a lot of strength and save 1000 years of hard cultivation.

But for Chu Fengmian, this price is an astronomical figure. It is basically impossible for Chu Fengmian to take out 900 witch coins in one go.

Looking at Chu Fengmian’s expression, King Wuya was accustomed to it, and he didn’t pay attention to Chu Fengmian, each minding their own business, packing up the things on the stall, and was about to leave.

“Wait, I want this mysterious head.”

Just as King Wuya was about to leave, Chu Fengmian suddenly said.

“Take the 900 witch coins.”

Listening to Chu Fengmian’s words, King Wuya’s face showed a slightly different color, only then did he turn his head and looked towards Chu Fengmian.

Looking at Chu Fengmian’s strange face, King Wuya’s eyes were a little surprised.

He also knows most of the witches in the ancient territory. Chu Fengmian’s unfamiliar face should be the witches who have just joined the ancient territory.

This is not worthy of the Wuya King being so surprised. What he was surprised was that Chu Fengmian was actually a Witch King.

The ancient territory of the witch clan, respected by strength, Chu Fengmian did not hide his strength, and showed the aura of a witch king. Everyone can recognize that Chu Fengmian who appeared here is a witch king.

The Witch King, in the entire Northern Territory, is a well-known powerhouse. Few new Witch Kings have appeared. There may not be a new Witch King in the entire Northern Territory for decades.

Chu Fengmian is clearly a new witch king.

And Kun Peng, standing behind Chu Fengmian, is also a powerful witch king, and a face that witch cliff king has never seen before.

Suddenly two new Witch Kings appeared. This is the case of tens of thousands of years in the Northern Territory.

However, this surprise was only a flash, and soon Wuya King opened the mouth and said to Chu Fengmian indifferently.

“Take out Witch Coins, this Xuanqi head is yours.”

“900 witch coins, I don’t have that many for the time being.”

Chu Fengmian glanced at King Wuya, spread his hands and said.


Hearing what Chu Fengmian said, King Wuya’s eyes gradually became cold, his eyes fixed on Chu Fengmian, vaguely angry.

“Why, are you here to entertain me?”

As he spoke, a coercion suddenly enveloped Chu Fengmian. The Witch Cliff King stood there unmoved, but a suffocating coercion erupted from his body.

“Not good !”

“Go back, King Wuya is angry!”

“There are people who dare to provoke the madman Wuya King?”

The other Witch Kings in the Black Witch City are now complexion greatly changed, and they retreat one after another.

In this Black Witch City, Witch Cliff King Keshi is a fiend star. Witch Cliff King does not come from any Witch clan power. He is alone and has no concerns, so he has no scruples when he shoots.

In addition to the strength of Witch Cliff King, it is stronger than most Witch Kings in the ancient territory.

His strength is almost the same as those of the ancient witch kings that are almost legendary.

Being powerful, alone, and unscrupulous, this also caused no one in the entire Black Witch City, or even the entire ancient territory, to provoke the Witch Cliff King.

Seeing King Wuya’s anger, the other witches’ faces changed in shock, and they retreated to the side.

The Witch Cliff King was furious once before, and in the Black Witch City, he fought with another powerful Witch King and directly wounded that Witch King seriously.

If it weren’t for the arrival of the strongest from the Black Witch Hall, it is very likely that the Witch King would have fallen on the spot.

In this battle, there were 2 witches who were onlookers who were killed by the aftermath.

No one wants to be the victim of the Witch King’s struggle.

Seeing that King Wuya was about to get angry, many witches even flew out of the Black Witch City directly, not dare to stay in the city.

The other stall owners were also packing up this stall, and hurriedly left the Black Witch City, looking from a distance.

“Of course not. Don’t be angry about King Wuya. Although I don’t have 900 witch coins, I can use other things to exchange for this mysterious head.”

“For example, I can help you and resolve your hidden illness.”

Facing the pressure from the oppression of King Wuya, Chu Fengmian chuckled and waved his big hand. Suddenly, the pressure dissipated from Chu Fengmian’s body.

Although the Witch Cliff King is powerful, Chu Fengmian is a person who has seen the power of the Immortal Emperor. Not to mention the Immortal Emperor, even the Great Elder of the Empty Witch Tower, which was more powerful than the Witch Cliff King before, was cut off by Chu Fengmian. Arm.

The coercion of the Wuya King, in front of Chu Fengmian, naturally has to be easily resolved.


Watching Chu Fengmian dissolve his threat casually, Wuya King’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise, especially when he heard Chu Fengmian’s next words, Wuya King’s face suddenly changed. .

“Resolve the hidden disease on my body? You probably don’t know how the hidden disease on my body was caused. Even the strongest wizard pharmacist in the ancient territory can’t do this. Can you do it?”

King Wuya stared at Chu Fengmian, his eyes flickering, he didn’t know what he was thinking, opened the mouth and said.

“The fact that the strongest pharmacist in ancient territory can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t do it.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said indifferently.

“This is not a place to talk, how about another place?”

Chu Fengmian’s confrontation with the imposing manner of King Wuya has now attracted the attention of the powerhouses in the entire Black Witch City.

Chu Fengmian didn’t want to attract attention so early, he opened the mouth and said to King Wuya.

“Well, if you dare to swindle me, I will let you know what is better than death!”

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