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“I went to the Empty Witch Pagoda this time, although I completely tore my face with the Empty Witch Pagoda, but got a lot of benefits, and almost condense the Seventh Witch’s life.”

In a huge city, two figures are on this street, strolling around here at will.

These two figures are Chu Fengmian and Kun Peng who just left the empty witch tower meeting.

After leaving the Empty Witch Tower, Chu Fengmian did not leave the ancient territory in a hurry, but came to the Black Witch City that he had passed by before.

Since it is in the ancient territory, Chu Fengmian also wants to take a closer look. The ancient territory represents the most core area of ​​the Wu Clan, and this is the best place to understand the Wu Clan.

And here is also the place where the powerful Wu clan gather.

Chu Fengmian also wants to obtain a lot of things in this ancient territory. He condenses the life of the heavenly witch and needs a lot of blood essence. Now Chu Fengmian only condenses 6 life of the heavenly witch.

There are still 3 days left, no cohesion.

The blood essence that can condense the real life of the witch must be at least the blood essence of the strong in the Immortal Venerable Realm world.

This level of blood essence is difficult to collect in the Northern Central Domain. Only here, in the ancient territory, where the powerful Wu clan gathers, can Chu Fengmian have the opportunity to collect it.

Chu Fengmian was also very interested in the witch coins. The number of witch coins he had obtained from the hand of King Kong was too small.

Let Chu Fengmian comprehend a little bit of mysterious in the witch coin, which can’t be done.

He went to the Empty Witch Pagoda. He also wanted to cooperate with the Empty Witch Pagoda to collect some blood essence and witch coins.

It’s just that this time Chu Fengmian and the empty witch tower are completely cast aside all considerations for face, and he is also impossible to get blood essence and witch coins from the empty witch tower.

In this case, if you want to collect blood essence and witch coins, you can only rely on Chu Fengmian himself.

The Black Witch City is one of the most prosperous cities in the ancient territory. Chu Fengmian intends to collect blood essence and witch coins in the Black Witch City.

Compared to the empty witch tower, it is only the gathering place of the descendants of the empty witch god and witch tribe, the black witch city, can be regarded as one of the truly prosperous cities in the ancient territory.

The witches gathered here are not only the witches of the Black Witch Hall, but also the genius witches from all regions and tribes.

These witches came to the ancient territory, mostly for cultivation and improvement of strength.

However, improving strength is not the only way to blindly meditate. Buying and selling medicinal pills in exchange for witch coins is also one of the best ways to improve strength.

Therefore, many witches who did not belong to the Black Witch Hall came to the Black Witch City to trade with each other, creating the prosperity of the Black Witch City.

Although there are not many witches in the Black Witch City, there are no exceptions. There are no weak people, even the weakest, they are all witch warriors of Immortal Saint Realm.

Less than Xiansheng’s realm, there is no qualification to enter the ancient territory.

The things traded in this Black Witch City are naturally nothing ordinary.

Chu Fengmian glanced over and saw a huge beast head placed on one of the stalls. The beast head was about 100 meters in size and showed a blood-red color. This is one wild beast, a mysterious head. .

Xuan Qi, also regarded as a kind of wild beast in the wild beast clan, Bloodline is extremely powerful.

Compared with Kun Peng, although it is a bit inferior, the powerhouse of the Xuanqi clan also has the strength to step into the Immortal Venerable.

This mysterious head belongs to the mysterious world of Immortal Venerable Realm.

The scarlet shown above contains a huge amount of blood energy, almost condensing the blood essence of Xuan Qi.

It is just a means of preserving blood essence among the witches.

Refining the blood essence of the desolate beast is not like the Chu Fengmian who owns Swallowing the Heavens Bloodline to other witch races, who can refining at will.

The Bloodline of the desolate beast clan contains extremely violent power. Even the witch clan with the fleshy body tyrannical to the extreme to refining, a little carelessness, there is a danger of injury, you must be fully prepared for 10000.

Therefore, after hunting the wild beasts, most witches use the secret technique to store the blood essence of the wild beasts in one part of the body.

It’s like this mysterious blood essence, all stored in his head.

“In this Black Witch City, even the heads of the Immortal Witch Clan are sold.”

Chu Fengmian was a little surprised.

A fairy, in the starry sky of Foreign Domain, can be called a figure in is legend.

Like the 9 Mysterious Immortal, his fame is in the Da Luotian Star Domain, but it is spread around.

However, in this Black Witch City, the head of an Immortal Venerable was sold on the side of the road, which surprised Chu Fengmian.

However, Chu Fengmian also knows that there are so many strong people in the ancient territory, even among the Three Great Saint Territories, they are only one of the few places.

There are as many as 100 Witch Kings gathered in the entire ancient territory. It is not uncommon to have powerful Witch Kings who can hunt down fairy beasts.

And it was not hunted by one person, it may be hunted by other witch kings.

If several Witch Kings take action to hunt down an immortal beast, it is not difficult.

“9 Mysterious Immortal… didn’t expect me now, I have become an existence that can sit on an equal footing with him.”

Thinking of 9 Mysterious Immortal, Chu Fengmian’s face showed a bit of nostalgia.

Once heard of the prestige of 9 Mysterious Immortal, Chu Fengmian was extremely respected, but unconsciously, Chu Fengmian has now achieved such an achievement.

If Chu Fengmian returns to the Three Great Saint Territories now, he can also become a character in the myth.

Now what Chu Fengmian left with his hands can become things that future generations don’t know how many geniuses will fight for, and they will become the Immortal Mansion of secret storage, causing a sensation.

“The message from the incarnation in the Cave Mansion of 9 Mysterious Immortal says that there is a chance to meet up. It seems to represent this, 9 Mysterious Immortal, hasn’t fallen yet?”

Suddenly Chu Fengmian thought of 9 Mysterious Immortal respect incarnation at the time of 9 Mysterious Immortal respect Cave Mansion.

9 Mysterious Immortal, if not fallen, the greatest probability, he is in the Three Great Saint Territories.

This is where the strong belong.

The laws of the Foreign Domain starry sky can no longer accommodate the strength of Chu Fengmian. If Chu Fengmian returns to the Three Great Saint Territories, it will be like a giant whale entering a small pond, which is restricted everywhere. , Extremely uncomfortable.

Although this does not affect Chu Fengmian’s return to the starry sky of Foreign Domain, in the long run, Chu Fengmian will inevitably choose to leave.

Many famous experts in the Starry Sky of Foreign Domain should all be the same. After leaving their own inheritance, they all went to the Three Great Saint Territories.

“If it is in the Three Great Saint Territories, then sooner or later there will be a day to meet.”

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

Chu Fengmian can also be regarded as inheriting the inheritance of 9 Mysterious Immortal and 9 Mysterious Immortal Technique. It also helped Chu Fengmian overcome many difficulties. Chu Fengmian also looks forward to this, and the day when he meets 9 Mysterious Immortal.

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