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“As long as we find the bone of the idol, even if we have completed the task assigned by the Master, all the following gains will belong to us.”

Young Master Zero Axe’s eyes flickered, and a greedy expression flashed across his eyes.

“This giant elephant temple is said to be one of the most noble temples in the giant elephant family. It worships this large number of treasures. After we find the bones of the gods, the remaining treasures we get are all ours. , This is a great opportunity!”

“Things of the giant elephant clan are sold very well in 9 Huatian. We get some unnecessary treasures, and we can sell them for a good extra money.”

The giant elephant family can be said to be the most powerful family of fleshy bodies in the world.

Even if it is a clan of wild beasts, it is actually not as powerful as a clan of giant elephants in terms of Fleshy body alone.

Therefore, the treasures left by the giant elephant clan are all yearn for something even in dreams to all martial artists of the cultivation Dao of Body Refinement in the world.

Take it out, I don’t know how many competitions will be caused by the strong.

“No matter what, at this time, the three of us will only succeed and not fail!”

Young Master Zero Axe said with cold eyes.

“Otherwise, Master will investigate it, none of us can afford it.”

“Don’t worry, just the three of us will join forces and add the jade talisman given by the Master to deal with these mindless wizards. Isn’t that with no difficulty?”

Mr. Spear said with a confident smile on his face.

“The jade talisman of the giant elephant clan? It seems that these three people are here prepared. Which Master behind them should be the Immortal Emperor who shot in the star hole.”

Chu Fengmian heard all the conversations between Master Zero Axe and the others.

The names of these three people, Master Zero Axe, Master Zero Spear, and Master Zero Ji, are obviously the same names as Sword Young Master Zero.

And the mysterious Master behind them should be the Immortal Emperor who had shot in the star cave before and planned to kill Chu Fengmian.

The Immortal Emperor seems to have cultivated many young martial artists. Each of them inherited the extremely mysterious Martial Dao, the axe method of the zero axe, the spear method of the zero spear, and the Halberd of the zero spear. Art has achieved extremely profound attainments.

Such a group of people are absolutely impossible. As long as Chu Fengmian leaves this Southern Desolate and goes to the Three Great Saint Territories, they should be able to inquire about their origins.

But for Chu Fengmian now, the more important thing is the bone of the gods.

The bone of this idol was actually enough to attract an Immortal Emperor’s prying eyes.

Chu Fengmian had already felt that this idol bone, an extraordinary thing, could actually cause an Immortal Emperor to spy, so Chu Fengmian could startled it.

Immortal Emperor is the peak existence standing in the entire Three Great Saint Territories.

The so-called many treasures, divine objects of the heavens, many Immortal Grades and Immortal Pills, in front of the Immortal Emperor, are all not worth mentioning. At their level, there are not many treasures worthy of their heart.

But this time for the bones of the gods, this Immortal Emperor did not hesitate to give jade talisman to let the three young masters of Zero Axe quietly come to the Northern Desolate in the Southern Desolate.

Obviously it was the bone of the idol, to that Immortal Emperor, it was an extremely important thing.

Even an imperial imperial capital is extremely fancy, the value of the bone of the idol, it goes without saying that Chu Fengmian’s heart, facing the bone of the idol, just wanted to try one’s luck.

But now it seems that the bone of the idol absolutely hides a shocking secret, which makes Chu Fengmian even more intense about obtaining the bone of the idol.

However, the forces that want to obtain the bone of the gods are not only the entire group of Young Axe, but also the forces of the Witch Clan, with dozens of groups.

During this period of time, a large number of Witch clan powerhouses poured into the Giant Elephant City.

Chu Fengmian dare not release the Spiritual Consciousness now to find out how many strong people are in the Colosseum.

At this time, whoever makes the first bird will be attacked by the group and fall on the spot.

Chu Fengmian thinks he doesn’t have that ability yet, and wants to get the bones of the idols, only outsmart.

The most important news that Chu Fengmian heard from the conversation of the three Masters of Zero Axe was the jade talisman of the giant elephant family.

This jade talisman seems to be able to break the Array of giant elephants and help them seize the opportunity.

This is also their three people, full of confidence, feeling that the bones of the idols are already the backing of the things in the bag.

“We must keep an eye on these 3 talents.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flickered, and his figure was hidden in the space close to 3 people from Young Master Zero Axe.

Compared with the Wu Clan, it seems that these three people know better about the bones of the idols. The one who has the most chance to get the bones of the idols is their three people. Chu Fengmian must keep an eye on their three people. Time passed by every minute and every second.

The three Master Zeroaxe were not talking, but quietly accumulating this power.

The entire Colossal Elephant City fell into a kind of silence, and even the fighting became much less.

But everyone knows that this calm is just the calm that’s all before the rainstorm.

The treasures in the giant elephant city are not worth mentioning compared to the treasures in the giant elephant temple. Now all the powerful are accumulating this power and are waiting for the birth of the giant elephant temple.

Hong long long !

Suddenly, from the center of this giant elephant city, there was a rumbling sound resounded.

This rumbling sound resounded through Heaven and Earth, attracting everyone’s attention, and countless gazes of Spiritual Consciousness probed the past in the direction of Colosseum.

I saw the square in the center of the Colosseum, the ground suddenly torn apart, turning into a bottomless pit.

In the vicinity of this deep pit, a large number of Arrays are condensed. These Arrays, even after the passage of time, contain extremely terrifying power.

A witch warrior, trying to approach, was hit directly by one of the Array’s powers, severely wounded and blood flowing.

If it weren’t for the amazing life force of the Witch Clan, this force would be enough to directly kill a martial artist Demon God of the immortal saint level.

This is just one of the power of Array.

Such an Array, surrounded by the deep pit, has a total of 100 channels, folded together, making people afraid to approach it.

“Each array here was arranged by the Immortal Emperor. There are 100 arrays. At least more than a dozen Immortal Emperors can arrange so many arrays. The giant elephants in the past are really scary!”

Chu Fengmian glanced over, and was shocked.

The giant elephant clan in the past had at least a dozen Immortal Emperors.

This is much stronger than the Exalted Sword Sect before.

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