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Just when Chu Fengmian explored.

This young martial artist also displayed the axe technique, which has already solved the witch tribe in front of him, and collected all the witch tribe’s harvest.

The moment he stopped fighting, his expression suddenly showed a bit of surprise, looking towards all around.

Seeing this scene, Chu Fengmian hurriedly withdrew Spiritual Consciousness.

He was also worried about what the young martial artist was aware of. Although the gap opened by the swallowing secret technique was closed almost instantly, the young martial artist may be able to detect anomalies if he explores it now.

However, at the moment Chu Fengmian retired from Spiritual Consciousness, he also left a seed of power with this young martial artist.

This power seed, and the power of Jade Talisman around this young martial artist, are already fuse together, hardly any problems can be seen.

Unless it is this young martial artist who let go of the power of jade talisman, he can detect it.

But here is the Northland. He is a human martial artist. If it weren’t for the power of this jade talisman, the incarnation would become a witch clan. If he showed up, he would be besieged by the surrounding witch clan.

Among the Wu clan, although there are mutual grievances, if compared with the blood and blood feuds of humans and the Wu clan, those internal grievances are naturally not worth mentioning.

Therefore, even if the two witches who had just been beaten to death, when they saw a human martial artist, they would put aside their grievances and besiege the human martial artist together.

In the Colosseum City, there are witches everywhere. This young martial artist is impossible to remove the cover of jade talisman.

Chu Fengmian also fancyed this point and left a seed of strength on him. This young martial artist must have something to do with the Zero Sword Young Master. Chu Fengmian left the seed of strength in advance. I also want to explore the origins of this young martial artist.

Before Zero Sword Young Master, and the Immortal Emperor behind him, Chu Fengmian suffered a big loss. Chu Fengmian can remember this grievance in the heart. Sooner or later, Chu Fengmian will get back in revenge.

The young martial artist explored with Spiritual Consciousness, and it seemed that he hadn’t gained much, but he picked up the giant axe and prepared to leave.

Chu Fengmian also followed quietly, but saw that in front of the young man, another Wu clan appeared. The two of them looked at each other and entered a house of the giant elephant clan.

“It’s not just a martial artist, you got in here?”

Chu Fengmian was shocked this time.

He began to guess that maybe this young martial artist had accidentally got such a jade talisman, and then he chose to come to the north to fish in troubled water and find some benefits.

But now it seems that he is not the only human martial artist disguised as a witch.

Chu Fengmian used the Spiritual Consciousness to probe the Wu Clan who just met him, and it turned out that, like the young martial artist, Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness was unable to detect his true body.

I’m afraid it was the witch clan who also used the power of jade talisman and pretended to be a martial artist.

After a while, another witch clan also flew from a distance, entered the house of the giant elephant clan, and disappeared.

“Three people.”

In the Northern Territory, it was 10000 years, and a human martial artist might not be seen.

But this time, Chu Fengmian encountered 3 of them all at once. I don’t know if it was Chu Fengmian’s luck or Chu Fengmian’s misfortune.

After a while, after confirming that no one entered, Chu Fengmian quietly disappeared.

“Take the seed of strength and see what they are talking about.”

Chu Fengmian disappeared from his body and devoted himself to the power seed left by the young martial artist. The power of the power seed was slowly aroused, and the young man didn’t seem to notice it yet.

“Three martial artists suddenly sneaked into the northern border. They must have a plan.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and when he explored the past, he suddenly heard the young man talking.

“At this time, the three of us, with the help of Master’s jade talisman, finally sneaked into the northern territory. We must be careful. The northern territory is full of witches. It’s a big trouble, even the Master dare not rush into the northern realm to rescue us. After all, the witch emperors in the northern realm are not asleep yet.”

“Zero spear, zero halberd, you two, you have to be more careful. It’s not like 2 Huatian, you know?”

This young man, who seems to be the leader of their three people, is warning the other two people.

“Understood, Zeroaxe, you are still so long-winded. If we knew this time, we won’t come with you.”

Standing by another witch holding a long spear, coldly said.

But this seems to be the Wu clan holding a long spear. In fact, his body is also a martial artist of the same age as the young martial artist, holding a long spear.

On the other hand, another Wu clan seemed to be holding a halberd. His body was also a young martial artist holding a halberd.

Their appearance is very ordinary, but each of them exudes these horrible imposing manners, spear power, halberd power, erupting from the center of their eyebrows.

This attitude is almost exactly the same as the Zero Sword Young Master that Chu Fengmian has seen.

And their names, Zero Axe, Zero Halberd, Zero Spear, are the same as Zero Sword Young Master.

“Sure enough, there is a connection!”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but think of it, but he still didn’t emit any power fluctuations, and continued to listen to the words of the young master.

“As for the location of the Colosseum Temple, I have almost made it clear. It is in the center of this city, but now the Colosseum Temple is still hidden underground and has not yet been born.

The tone of Young Master Muji was a little deeper, and he seemed to be slightly older than the other two, and slowly opened the mouth and said.

“In this underground, the array of this ancient giant elephant family is arranged, and it is almost impossible to rush into it. We must wait until the moment of birth before we can use the jade talisman given by the Master to enter it.”

“Wait until we are about to be born? Wouldn’t it be that we are going to compete with that group of witches?”

Upon hearing this, Mr. Spear, frowned said.

“Under the concealment of this jade talisman, my strength can only play 50-60% at most. I don’t have much chance to compete with those witches.”

“Know, because of this, the Master will give the jade talisman, this jade talisman is also from the giant elephant family, has the ability to open the giant elephant family Array, but this jade talisman has gone through the years, the strength has been less than three, so it must You have to wait until this giant elephant temple is about to be born before you can use it.”

The Young Master Mu Ji opened the mouth and said.

“We have the jade talisman left by the Master. It shouldn’t be difficult to enter it and find the bone of the idol.”

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