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But such a force has now completely withered away, and now even the pure giant elephant clan can’t be touched. The so-called giant elephant clan is actually only the giant elephant clan inherited from the Desolate Ancient era, part of the bloodline elephant clan that’s all.

The true giant elephant family has long since disappeared.

After all, even if there is still a complete Bloodline giant elephant family, they dare not appear, the giant elephant family has declined.

Without enough powerhouses, the more powerful their Bloodline is, what it brings to them is not a benefit, but a disaster.

Want to capture the martial artist Demon God who is integrated into the Bloodline of the giant elephant clan is uncountable.

So races like the Colossus clan, even if they exist now, are hidden in some Small Worlds, and they don’t matter.

The Witch Clan can still occupy the Northern Territory, because although the Witch Clan is declining, its strength cannot be underestimated. Moreover, the Witch Clan is a natural fighting clan. Facing the same realm’s martial artist Demon God, it is enough to be an enemy 3, with one enemy 5.

Otherwise, such a fertile Northern Territory would have already fallen into the control of other forces.

There were so many races that were once powerful, but there are very few that exist now.

“There seems to be something floating in the ground.”

Chu Fengmian was still sighing, but he heard an exclamation next to him.

A Wu clan, standing on a high tower, looking at the Bottomless Abyss, suddenly said in surprise.

Chu Fengmian can also clearly see that in this Bottomless Abyss, one after another golden rays of light suddenly shines and emits from it.

At the same time one after another the giant elephant groaned and resounded at the same time.

This giant elephant temple was finally overwhelmed and was about to be born.

“Both pull yourself together!”

A leader of the witch tribe shouted loudly, and the witches behind him couldn’t help getting excited.

The Giant Elephant Temple, in the eyes of all the witches, is a treasure house containing countless treasures.

Now that the giant elephant temple is about to be born, the door to a treasure house is about to open.

For a time, all the strong men near the giant elephant temple gathered this strength and were ready to take action at any time.

But no one moved first.

It’s not that I don’t want to seize the opportunity, but I dare not.

They have already seen how powerful the array surrounding the giant elephant temple is, and there is only one dead end for anyone who rushes rashly.

One of the Arrays is not something that the witch warriors of the fairy saint level can contend.

Even the Witch King of the Immortal Venerable level, he dare not say that he can forcibly break through the great array composed of 100 arrays.

A little carelessness will fall into it.

However, the battle has already begun, and many witches are vying for this, the closest place to the giant elephant temple.

Whoever occupies here, anyone can seize the opportunity.

“Empty Witch Tower, Black Witch Hall, Golden Witch Pavilion…”

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also discovered that among these witch races, the most powerful forces, their strength far surpasses other forces.

The witches belonging to these super influences have the ability to be one against two almost every shot.

The gap in Martial Dao inheritance, in this brief moment, is vividly reflected.

The Martial Dao inheritance of the Wu tribes near Southern Desolate is far from being comparable to the Super Influence of Central Domain such as Black Witch Hall.

Each and everyone Central Domain forces have been backlogged out.

This is still all influence, it is the scene of all outbreaks.

Among all influence, the true powerhouse has not been shot yet.

Their real goal is still the giant elephant temple, which contains countless treasures, so naturally they will not waste their strength on this kind of time.

Chu Fengmian is also hidden away.

The Witch Clan’s control of Dao of Space is not strong in itself.

In addition, Chu Fengmian controls the origin of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, the control of Dao of Space, the martial artist Demon God of far surpasses same realm, he is hidden in the space closest to the giant elephant temple, and there is no witch race. Perceive the location of Chu Fengmian.

While observing the birth of this giant elephant temple, Chu Fengmian also focused his attention on the three masters of Zero Axe.

Their three people, possessing this jade talisman who can restrain the array on the giant elephant temple, will inevitably move ahead and enter the giant elephant temple.

The Array originally possessed on the Colossus Temple can also be used by them as a weapon for them to block other people.

What Chu Fengmian waited for was the moment when they shot, they shot together, followed them, and entered the Colossal Temple in advance.

All Chu Fengmian needs to do now is to wait.

The time of a day passed.

The sound of the giant elephant’s long roar is endless.

The golden light radiating in the Bottomless Abyss is getting more and more dazzling. Now when you look at it with naked eye, you can see through the golden light and see what is behind the golden light.

This is a huge temple. Above the temple, there is a huge stone sculpture. This stone sculpture is one of the innate Divine Beasts, which controls the fleshy body with the ultimate brute force.

When he saw this idol statue, Chu Fengmian suddenly thought of the 1000-li stone dragon statue in the Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

These two statues are like resembles nature itself, lifelike, without any traces of carvings, they look like they are alive.

Chu Fengmian does not have the bloodline of the giant elephant family, so it is impossible to see the mystery on the stone sculpture. If you are a strong man of the giant elephant family again, I am afraid that seeing this stone sculpture will benefit them all.

“Finally to be born!”

Stone carving is here!

At the foot of this stone sculpture, there is the real giant elephant temple. I saw this giant elephant temple slowly appearing. At a glance, the most eye-catching thing is the pillar supporting the giant elephant temple and the stone sculpture of the statue.

Each of these pillars has ten thousand zhang high, able to support both heaven and earth.

From this pillar, Chu Fengmian can feel a tremendous force.

“These pillars are the leg bones of the giant elephant family!”

Suddenly someone cry out in surprise.

When this giant elephant temple completely appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone saw it, and the pillars were actually leg bones, ten thousand zhang high leg bones. Only the leg bones of the giant elephant family could have such a huge size.

And able to grow to such a huge figure, the master of this leg bone was at least an invincible powerhouse at the level of the Immortal Venerable.

Xianzun skeleton! It is the skeleton of the giant elephant family!

Seeing the 108 leg bones at this moment, the eyes of countless witch races were filled with incomparable greed.

The bones of the powerful immortals contain extremely powerful power, and the bones of the giant elephant clan, the power contained in them, are the best Supreme Treasure of body refinement.

These 108 leg bones, each one, contains amazing value.

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