Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 891: The omnipotent god?

Being questioned by Ji Ke face to face, the voice did not get angry.

It seemed to laugh at itself and said: "Who am I? Haha... The years are too long, and I have forgotten who I am.

Perhaps, I am just a desolate **** who has not been enshrined in incense and has been forgotten for many years. "

Ji Ke frowned and said with a puzzled face: "The forgotten **** of desolation? Humph! Pretending to be a god!"

She doesn't know much about ancient rumors, and of course she doesn't believe in ghosts.

The voice was still calm, and said calmly: "Little girl, it is your blessing that you can meet me.

Since I am a god, I have magical powers that mortals cannot imagine. It doesn't matter if you don't want to confide in your heart, I can naturally know what you think.

I only advise you, regardless of force, power, or wealth, you need to work hard to get it.

Love is the same! If you don't want to find ways to fight and win, how can you win the love of your sweetheart? "

Ji Ke's body was slightly stiff, looking at the ancient statue in silence.

The kind voice of the old man said with earnestness and earnestness: "There is no hatred without a reason, and there is no love without a reason.

If you want to grasp the love of your lover, you must take the initiative to fight for it and take practical actions!

What's the use of crying? Even if you cry and blind your eyes tonight, that person still won't have a slight pain. "

Hearing this, Ji Ke immediately shook his head and said to himself: "No, impossible! Brother Tianxing is definitely not such a person, he will not be so ruthless to me!

Moreover, he and Senior Sister Yunyao truly love each other, and both of them are willing to pay for each other's lives at all costs.

They can get married. I should be happy for them. I will never do anything to destroy their feelings...

I cried, just want to be sad for a while alone. "

The old man's voice suddenly became majestic, and he angrily rebuked: "Stupid! If you like it, you must fight for it, and love must be said!

If you don't take the initiative to grasp his heart, you feel sad, you can only watch him and other women day and night, and the two are happy. "

"But..." Ji Ke was speechless, her mood became extremely complicated, and she lowered her head in silence.

The old man's voice said again: "No, but! I only ask you, do you want to be with him, raise your eyebrows and stand together?"

"I... of course!" Ji Ke gave the answer almost subconsciously without hesitation.

"Then you will do what I said, to ensure that you get your wish and your dreams come true!"

The old man's voice was sonorous and powerful, containing unquestionable majesty, and extremely strong soul-suppressing power.

Ji Ke is unprepared, his soul strength is weak, where can he resist it?

Her expression suddenly became stunned, a thick confusion appeared in her clear big eyes, and her mind was a little blurred.

"You... can you really help me fulfill my wish?"

"Of course! I am a god, omnipotent!" The old man's voice was full of confidence and majesty.

Ji Ke's mind and soul were quietly suppressed, bewitched by the invisible spirit power, and gradually lost himself.

Her reaction became a little sluggish, and her eyes were confused and asked: "Then what should I do?"

The voice said solemnly: "You just need to close your eyes and imagine the result you want, the scene in your dreams, immerse yourself in it..."

Ji Ke seemed to be out of control, slowly sitting under the big tree, leaning on the ancient locust tree, and closing his eyes.

She looked serene, immersed in beautiful fantasy, and soon entered a dream.

The surroundings regained silence, and the night became deeper, as if nothing had happened.


After Ji Tianxing returned to the imperial palace, he sat in the room all night.

The incident that happened in the evening kept recurring in his mind.

Ji Ke was heartbroken, tears streaming down his face, appearing in front of him over and over again.

He was upset, distressed and helpless.

At dawn, he got up and left Tianxing Palace and rushed to Kunwu Palace.

"I don't know if Ke Ke came back last night? I hope she can calm down and stop being so sad.

I have to talk to Kunwu later and ask him to help persuade Keke. "

Although Ji Tianxing didn't know how to face Ji Ke, it might be embarrassing to meet again.

But he couldn't rest assured, his heart was full of worries, and he couldn't feel at ease if he didn't see Ji Ke.

It didn't take long before he flew to Kunwu Palace and landed outside the gate.

After he told the guard that he was coming, the guard led him into Kunwu Palace.

He sat in the hall of hospitality for a while, and saw Kun Wu, wearing a white fox fur coat, strode into the hall.

The two exchanged greetings when they met, and he asked straightforwardly: "Kun Wu, did Ke Ke come back last night?"

"Koke?" Kun Wu was taken aback, and asked in a puzzled way: "Isn't she always in Xingyuezhuang outside the city? Did you meet yesterday?"

Hearing what he said, Ji Tianxing knew that Ji Ke had not returned to the imperial palace, but mostly returned to Xingyuezhuang.

He frowned and said to Kunwu, "Kunwu, you can ask the people in Xingyuezhuang, did Keke go back last night?"

"Tianxing, what happened?" Kunwu realized that something was wrong, and vaguely had a bad feeling.

Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "I can't explain to you for the time being, you can send a message first."

Kunwu didn't say anything any more, and quickly took out a jade slip for communication and sent it to Xingyuezhuang outside the city.

After he sent the call, the two sat in the hall, waiting in silence.

After about a quarter of an hour, a flash of light flew from the sky and landed in front of Kun Wu.


With a flash of inspiration, Kunwu's palm had an extra jade slip for communication.

He quickly used his spiritual sense to check the message in the jade slip.

After reading it, he changed his face on the spot and frowned fiercely.

"The people from Xingyuezhuang wrote back. Ke Ke left Xingyuezhuang yesterday afternoon and never went back!"

Suddenly hearing this news, Ji Tianxing's complexion suddenly changed, and a deep worry arose in his heart, "That's it!"

Kun Wu also became dignified, and his heart was full of doubts and worries. He quickly asked, "Tian Xing, what is going on? What's wrong with Ke Ke?"

Ji Tianxing was silent for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ could only explain to him: "Yesterday evening, Ke Ke asked me to meet in Gui Yanlin outside the city..."

He briefly explained what happened.

After Kun Wu listened, he became even more worried, and said anxiously: "Tian Xing! How can you leave Ke Ke alone? If she has three long and two short..."

Ji Tianxing was full of bitterness, and said in a low tone: "How can I follow her in that situation?

Forget it, this is indeed my fault, I will go to her now! "

After that, he saluted Kunwu farewell and stepped out of the hospitality hall.

"Wait! Ben Jun will find it with you!"

Kunwu hurriedly followed him and said as he walked out: "This lord will send an order to send the guards of Xingyuezhuang to look for Ke Ke.

I hope that Ke Ke just wants to calm down and hide for a while, so she can't do anything wrong! "

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