Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 890: Deep Mountain Temple

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Ji Ke's sudden tears rushed, and Ji Tianxing was stunned.

He stood stiffly in place, looking down at Ji Ke, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Ji Ke lay on his shoulders, arms around his neck tightly, as if afraid that he would disappear when he let go.

She cried bitterly, her weak shoulders trembling, and crystal tears could not stop falling in her clear big eyes.

She had enough time and patience to wait, accompany Ji Tianxing by his side, waiting for him to understand his intentions.

She has been waiting for more than ten years, and she doesn't care about waiting more than ten years.

But she didn't expect that she finally reached the Tianyuan realm, and she was qualified to stand beside Ji Tianxing, and could help him alleviate his worries.

When she left the customs, she received a wedding invitation from Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

Who can understand the suffering in her heart?

Ji Tianxing was silent for a moment, then opened his arms and hugged Ji Ke, gently patted her back on her back, and comforted her softly: "Silly girl, don't cry... I know you treat me wholeheartedly, and I can't bear it anymore. other people.

But I... Koko, I have always regarded you as my sister! "

Ji Ke suddenly stiffened and slowly loosened his neck.

She looked at Ji Tianxing sadly, took two steps back in despair, and gently shook her head: "No, no...Are you just treating me as my sister? I don't want it!

You are the deepest love in my heart, the only person!

I don't want to be your sister, I just want to be your wife, and be with you to the end!

Brother Tianxing, don't you really understand? ! "

Ji Tianxing looked at Ji Ke's loss of soul and tears, and his heart was also tightly gripped, stinging.

"Koko, don't be like this, we still want to be like before, isn't it good?

Don't worry, I will treat you as my sister, and I will love you as always, doting on you, and never let you be wronged..."

"I...I understand!" The tears in Ji Ke's eyes couldn't stop flowing out.

She endured the tingling of heartbreak, her pretty face full of tears, tried her best to squeeze a smile, and said loudly: "Brother Tianxing, thank you for still pampering me and pampering me.

I wish you... and Sister Yunyao... newly married... happiness... a hundred years... a good relationship! "

Ji Ke's voice choked, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and ran out of Fenglin.

"Ke Ke!" Ji Tianxing hurried to catch up and took Ji Ke's hand.

However, Ji Ke broke free of his hand before he could speak for comfort.

Ji Ke didn't look back, and said in an almost imploring tone: "Brother Tianxing, stop talking, don't follow me, please leave me alone..."

Ji Tianxing frowned tightly, looked at Ji Ke with complicated eyes, and felt very heavy.

He could feel Ji Ke's heartache and despair, but he was unable to persuade her.

After all, what Ji Ke wants, he cannot give.

He could only stand on the spot, watching Ji Ke leave, his thin and sad back disappeared at the end of the Red Maple Forest.

After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and sighed heavily.

"Ah... Ke Ke, why are you so stupid? How am I to be worthy of your love for me?

I just hope that after today, you can calm down, slowly forget about these worries, and return to the innocent, lively and cheerful Koko..."

Ji Tianxing did not go after Ji Ke.

Because he knew that Ji Ke was in a bad mood and really needed to be alone.

With a heavy heart, he quickly left Guiyanlin and returned to Zhongzhou City.


Ji Ke walked through the mountains in despair, letting tears blur her eyes.

Her heart still hurts, and even the air that she breathes into her body seems to be filled with the coldness and depression of winter.

She ran aimlessly, just wanting to find a place where no one was there and crying unscrupulously.

I don't know how long it took, the sky gradually darkened, and night fell.

The mountains and forests became dark and dark, and the roar of birds and beasts continued to be heard in the distance.

Ji Ke flew under an old vicissitudes of life tree, almost exhausted all her strength.

She sat under the big tree with a sullen expression, leaning against the old rough trunk, holding her head in her arms, lying on her knees and sobbing.

The night was cold and cold, but she seemed unconscious.

After a long time, her tears were almost dry, and her eyes were a little red and swollen, and then she gradually stopped sobbing.

It was late at night, and there was no moon in the night sky, only sparse stars emitting faint and dim starlight.

She was still lying on her knees, watching the fallen leaves on the ground, silently in a daze.

At this time, a vicissitudes of life and vigorous voice suddenly sounded in the night, and clearly passed into her mind.

"Little girl, you seem to be sad?"

This is an old man's voice, the tone reveals kindness, and a bit of majesty.

Ji Ke, who was in a daze, was suddenly awakened by this sudden sound.

She immediately raised her head, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and searched around suspiciously.

"Who? Who is talking?"

She looked around and found that she was sitting under an ancient locust tree 100 meters high.

There is a broken stone road covered by fallen leaves under the locust tree, and ten meters away on the left, stands a black statue ten meters high.

That dark old statue, carved of an unknown beast, looks very ferocious and majestic.

However, after countless years of wind and rain erosion, the stone sculpture has long become mottled and full of pits.

Not far behind her, at the end of the broken stone road, there is a temple half-shaded by a big tree.

However, the temple has been abandoned for many years, the gate has collapsed, and the courtyard is full of weeds.

The corners of the beams and the pillars were covered with cobwebs and dust.

"In this deep mountain, there is a ruined temple? How could I come here?"

Ji Ke frowned suddenly, with some vigilance and alert in her heart.

In the gloomy night, in the deserted mountains, there was an ancient ruined temple, and the voice from nowhere... the atmosphere was a bit gloomy and terrifying.

Ji Ke vaguely felt that this place was not a good place~www.ltnovel.com~ so she got up and left subconsciously.

But at this moment, the majestic and kind voice of the old man resounded in her mind again.

"I can feel that your heart is dead, sad, and desperate.

Tell your story, maybe I can fulfill your wish! "

The old man's voice is not real, but directly into Ji Ke's mind.

That voice contains some special power, which can calm people's mind and soul, make people unguarded, and quickly relax their minds.

Ji Ke was silent for a moment, then the ghost and goddess stopped and looked at the ancient statue not far away.

She could sense that the old man's voice in her mind came from the statue.

"Who are you? God is mysterious, why don't you dare to show up?

Why should I believe you? Why should I tell you what is going on? "

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