Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 892: Xuan Chen's Dream

Ji Tianxing and Kun Wu left the imperial mansion and personally rushed to Guiyanlin outside the city to search for Ji Ke's whereabouts.

The demon guards of Xingyuezhuang, after receiving Kunwu's order, all rushed to Guiyanlin to search around.

From the rise of the morning sun until the afternoon, everyone searched for three hours in a row.

Everyone searched the area within five hundred miles around Guiyanlin.

In the end, Ji Tianxing found Ji Ke.

When he found Ji Ke, it was near an abandoned ruined temple deep in the mountains.

Outside the abandoned and dilapidated temple, there is a broken stone road covered with fallen leaves.

On the left side of the road is a dark ancient stone sculpture, on the right is an old locust tree 100 meters high.

Ji Ke was lying under the old locust tree, leaning on the rough trunk, sleeping peacefully.

This unknown ancient temple is hidden in the mountains. No one has been here for so many years.

If Ji Tianxing hadn't been careful and used his spiritual sense to detect Ji Ke's breath, it would be difficult to find here.

After he found Ji Ke, he was relieved to see that Ji Ke was safe and sound, with no injuries on his body, and very stable life aura.

However, he called out several times in a row, but he couldn't wake up Ji Ke who was sleeping.

Not long after, Kun Wu rushed over after hearing the sound and landed under the old locust tree.

Like Ji Tianxing, he saw that Ji Ke was safe and sound, and the boulder in his heart fell.

However, Ji Ke kept his eyes closed and fell into a deep sleep, without responding to everything around him.

Kunwu saw something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Koko, what's wrong with you? Wake up soon!"

But this is useless, Ji Ke is still sleeping.

Kunwu turned his head to look at Ji Tianxing, and asked in a worried tone: "Tianxing, what's going on? How could Koko become like this?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said solemnly: "I don't know what happened and put her in a deep sleep, so I can't wake up."

While talking, he carefully observed the surroundings and used his spiritual sense to explore the ancient temple not far away.

As a result, everything was normal. The old locust tree, the ancient stone carvings, and the abandoned and dilapidated ancient temples were nothing unusual.

Ji Tianxing frowned for a while and said in a deep voice, "Kunwu, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's take Keke back to the imperial mansion first.

She is asleep, and the situation is a bit weird. Let's go back and explore the reasons slowly. "

Kunwu naturally nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing flew up into the sky holding Ji Ke, and returned to the imperial palace.

Kunwu gave an order to the guards of Xingyuezhuang and hurried back to the imperial palace with Ji Tianxing.

Nearly an hour later, the two returned to the Tianxing Palace with Ji Ke.

Ji Tianxing carried Ji Ke into the practice secret room and put her on the cold ice jade bed for healing.

Then, he used the power of spiritual consciousness to observe Ji Ke carefully with his ‘Su Xin Dharma Eye’ to explore the reasons why she was not awake.

Kunwu stood aside, looking at Ji Ke anxiously and worriedly, waiting for the results of Ji Tianxing's investigation.

Half a quarter of an hour later, when he saw Ji Tianxing's investigation was over, he quickly asked: "Tianxing, how is Ke Ke's situation? Why has she been sleeping?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said solemnly: "I have checked carefully, and Ke Ke's body is not abnormal, let alone any harm, just like falling asleep."

"Then why is she sleeping and not waking up? There must be some reason!" Kun Wu was worried, and said anxiously: "Tian Xing, shall we ask Master Master to take a look?"

"Okay, I'm going to invite Divine Master Black Feather now." Ji Tianxing also had this intention, so he agreed without hesitation.

He flew out of the Tianxing Palace, rushed to the Black Feather Palace personally, to ask the Black Feather Master to come and treat Ji Ke.

An hour later, he returned to the secret room with Master Black Feather.

Ji Ke is not the emperor of the imperial palace, and the black feather master could have ignored it.

However, he respected Ji Tianxing very seriously, so for Ji Tianxing's sake, he used Divine Soul Secret Art to diagnose and treat Ji Ke.

He stood beside the bed of cold ice jade, using the secret technique of the soul, releasing a drenched white light, covering Ji Ke.


Divine Soul White Light contains a special mysterious power, and quickly figured out Ji Ke's situation.

Divine Master Black Feather retracted the white light of his soul, turned his head to look at Ji Tianxing, and said with a solemn expression: "Tianxing, Ji Ke is not injured, and there is no life threatening for the time being.

But her soul fell into a deep sleep and seemed to be immersed in a certain dream, unable to wake up.

That kind of dream originates from the depths of the soul, and it can't be awakened by ordinary means.

Only to enter her dreamland and try to wake her up. "

When Hearing Master Heiyu's words, Ji Tianxing and Kunwu both changed their faces, showing deep worried expressions.

Kun Wu asked worriedly: "Master Black Feather, if Ke Ke can't wake up, what will happen?"

Divine Master Black Feather said calmly: "Then she will sleep in a dream forever, losing herself, and there is no difference between being alive and dead."

"No, she must not be allowed to sleep like this!" Ji Tianxing shook his head repeatedly, and asked God Master Black Feather, "Master Master, how can I enter her dream and wake her up?"

Divine Master Black Feather thought for a while, and said solemnly: "This seat has mastered an ancient secret technique called Xuanchen into a dream, which can help you enter her dream.

However, only the person she is closest to and trusts can enter her dream and have the opportunity to awaken her.

But no one knows what her dreams are like, and entering her dreams rashly is likely to be unexpectedly dangerous.

If you want to wake her up, it is best to discuss carefully who will enter her dream. "

Ji Tianxing and Kun Wu glanced at each other, and said in unison, "Let me come!"

After that, both of them were silent for a while.

Kun Wu quickly added and explained: "Tian Xing, this Jun is Ke Ke's elder brother. She left us not long after she was born. We owe her too much...

Ben Jun will never let her suffer any harm! The task of awakening her, let the Lord do it. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said solemnly: "Kunwu, this matter started because of me and must be solved by me, otherwise I will feel uneasy.

I broke Ke Ke's heart. Most of her dreams are related to me, so it is more appropriate for me to wake her up! "

"But..." Kun Wu was a little worried, and wanted to persuade a few more words.

But Ji Tianxing said firmly: "No, but that's it!"

After that, he turned his head to look at Master Black Feather, and said solemnly: "Master Master, you can start to use the secret technique."

Master Black Feather nodded slightly, and solemnly warned: "Tian Xing, since you decide to enter Ji Ke's dream, you must remember one thing.

Her dreams may be bizarre, no matter what you see, don't be confused, it is an illusion.

No matter what dangers you and her encounter, you must save your lives!

If you die in a dream, your soul is very likely to be annihilated. Even if you do not die, you will be severely injured and difficult to recover. "

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