Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4170: it should be no problem?

The morale of the army who rebelled against the alliance was like a rainbow, shouting and killing.

The more than nine thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor were all terrified and filled with fear.

Before the emperor's teacher ordered to retreat, many soldiers couldn't help retreating back, and drew near the entrance of the cave.

As long as the emperor gave an order, they could immediately pass through the gate of space and escape back to the Asura Cave.

Of course the emperor knew that the situation at this time should not be fought again.

You must return to the Asura Cave, let the soldiers recuperate and adjust their breath for a while, stabilize the military spirit, and then contend with the rebellious alliance.

But he can't directly order the retreat, otherwise more than 9,000 soldiers will panic and rush to the entrance of the cave, which will definitely cause problems.

He can only keep the soldiers in formation and retreat into the cave in an orderly manner.

He and the many gods and generals cannot retreat first, and must be behind the soldiers to prevent the chase of the rebellious alliance.

With such a great opportunity, how can the rebel alliance be let go?

Seeing the soldiers under the emperor's command quickly evacuate, Ji Tianxing decisively brandished the divine sword and launched a pursuit.

More than 10,000 soldiers also screamed to kill, performing various magical skills and attacking the soldiers under the command of the emperor.


The divine light flies in the sky, and the light and shadow of various divine arts that destroy the sky and the earth are pouring down like a monstrous flood, blasting toward the emperor and thousands of soldiers.

If it is a normal battle, although the emperor's division is in a weak position, it can resist and resolve with all-out efforts.

But now it's different. The soldiers under the command of the emperor are eager to escape and have no intention of fighting.

More than two thousand people have already fled back to the sky, two thousand people are retreating, only five thousand soldiers resist.

It is conceivable that they will definitely not be able to stop the onslaught of Ji Tianxing and more than 10,000 soldiers.

Only the muffled sound of "Boom Boom Boom" burst out one after another, and there was a dazzling divine light from the crowd, and there was a loud and deafening noise.

The bones of many people who were bombarded on the spot disappeared and turned into powder.

Many soldiers were lucky enough to survive, but they were also severely wounded. They looked very miserable and their combat effectiveness was severely weakened.

Fortunately, the emperor and the many gods and generals used their all-out effort to resist and cover the retreat of the soldiers.

Otherwise, their casualties will be even more tragic.

In this round of fierce attack, more than 500 soldiers were killed and nearly 1,000 were injured.

The emperor was also anxious, and began to urge the soldiers under his command to speed up and retreat to Asura Cave.

Ji Tianxing and the soldiers of the rebellious alliance did not stop, and immediately used powerful magic spells to launch a second round of onslaught on the emperor's side.

The emperor and those gods will suffer unspeakably, and their injuries continue to worsen.

Thousands of soldiers were also beaten in embarrassment and evaded, holding their heads in their arms, and the number of casualties continued to increase.

Finally, the hundred breath time passed.

The soldiers under the emperor's command all withdrew back to Asura Dongtian, and even the emperor and many gods and generals behind the palace turned and got into the gate of space.

At this time, of the more than 9,000 soldiers under the command of the emperor, only more than 5,000 remained.

At least four thousand soldiers were killed during the retreat, and more than twenty **** kings were solved by Ji Tianxing.

The power of the emperor was further weakened, and even if he escaped back to the Asura Cave, there was not much chance of winning.

Ji Tianxing guessed, waiting for the rebel alliance to break through the entrance of the cave and advance to the Asura cave, the emperor's reliance and hole cards should appear.

After the emperor and the others fled into the Asura Cave, they quickly closed the entrance of the cave.

The door of the space that was thirty feet high disappeared, and there was actually an invisible formation in the sky that looked empty.

If you can crack or break through that formation, you can break into the Asura Cave.

More than 10,000 soldiers with murderous aura and high morale shouted to rush forward and jointly blast through the big formation.

But Ji Tianxing raised his hand to stop everyone.

He has already seen that the entrance to the cave is also a king-level supernatural formation.

More than 10,000 troops joined forces to attack, plus 21 divine warships, it is indeed possible to break through that large formation.

But it took a lot of time, and the divine power consumed is also incalculable.

Ji Tianxing let the soldiers rest and take the opportunity to deal with the injuries.

He used the secret method of the **** pupil, carefully observed the invisible large formation, looking for a way to crack it.

Although, the large formation at the entrance of the cave was arranged by the **** Emperor Shura himself, very sophisticated and sophisticated.

But Ji Tianxing is best at kendo and formation, and his attainments are also extraordinary.

After observing the spell for a quarter of an hour, he figured out the structure and context of the big formation.

After frowning and contemplating, and deducing the hundred breath time, he found the solution.

Afterwards, he began to cast spells to crack the big formation, and Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Feng and other powerful gods and kings were on the sidelines to assist at any time.

Finding the way to crack it is much simpler. Originally, it took Ji Tianxing a few hours to crack this big formation.

However, with the help of many powerful gods, he actually managed to crack a gap in the big formation in only half an hour.

Afterwards, everyone joined hands to enlarge the gap tenfold, turning it into a length and width of three thousand feet.

Everyone boarded the godship one after another, led by the Tushen battleship, and flew through the gap into the Asura Cave.


After the emperor took the remaining five thousand soldiers and fled back to the Asura Cave, he wanted to set up an ambush at the entrance of the cave.

He knew that the Sword God must have a way to crack the formation at the entrance of the cave and lead the fleet into the cave.

If you can ambush at the entrance, you can definitely hit the opponent by surprise.

But the problem is that most of the five thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor have suffered minor or severe injuries, and their morale is also very low.

In addition, there are 10,000 soldiers who have been guarding the Shura Shrine and cannot be easily transferred.

The Shura Shrine is the top priority, and the last fortress must not be lost.

The 10,000 army can't be used, and relying on the five thousand soldiers around him, if he wants to ambush the rebellious alliance, it is no different from sending him to death.

Thinking about this, the emperor dispelled the idea of ​​ambush.

He simply took the five thousand soldiers and honestly returned to the Shura Shrine.

Let the wounded soldiers recuperate, and he commanded the 10,000 soldiers guarding the shrine to prepare for battle.

After arranging these matters, he thought to himself: "These five thousand soldiers, as well as the large formation around the shrine, are our last barrier.

Success or failure in one fell swoop ~www.ltnovel.com~ The outcome depends on this battle. "

Thinking of this, he turned his head subconsciously, glanced at the depths of the divine palace, and prayed silently in his heart: "In three more hours, forty-nine days will be full. You should be done?

If there is something wrong today, I am afraid that the old man will not be able to explain anything, and can only become the soul of the sword of the sword god.

Everything depends on you! "

The emperor pursed his lips, his expression and mood became very solemn, and his hand also clenched the hilt of the divine sword.

He knew that it would take at least a day for the Rebel Alliance to enter the Asura Cave.

Even if the Sword God takes the shot himself, plus the help of many **** kings, it will take several hours.

There should be no problem with the king-level superb divine formation at the entrance for three hours, right?

(End of this chapter)

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