Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4171: Step by step

In fact, with the help of many gods and kings, Ji Tianxing made his way into the Asura Cave in less than an hour.

He originally thought that the emperor would lay ambushes and traps near the entrance of the cave.

In this way, even if the fleet of the rebellious alliance cannot be annihilated, they can be hit hard.

It's just that the five thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor is definitely not enough, at least ten thousand people guarding the Shura Shrine.

If the emperor's courage is big enough, if he really does this, he will definitely gain.

As for the result, it is unknown.

But it is a pity that the emperor has never been a bold and crazy guy, more cautious than normal people.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing did not see the ambush near the entrance of the cave, and was somewhat disappointed.

It's just that according to the usual practice, the emperor had laid some traps and formations near the entrance of the cave in advance.

The purpose is to create trouble for the rebellious alliance and delay the time.

But Ji Tianxing had been prepared for a long time, and used Divine Pupil Secret Art to see through those traps and formations, and avoided them one by one.

As a result, the rebellious alliance was indeed delayed for a while, but it didn't hurt.

The Asura Cave is huge, with a vast area, extremely rich resources, and extremely abundant divine power. No need to say more about these.

At this time, this magnificent landscape is filled with a heavy and depressing atmosphere.

Wherever the fleet that defeated the alliance passed, looking around, there was no one living person.

Ji Tianxing believed that the emperor must have dismissed the idlers and other idlers, as well as the idlers with little combat effectiveness.

The soldiers under the command of the emperor must have gathered near the Shura Shrine, waiting to fight to the death with the rebellious alliance.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry, and the Tushen battleship with twenty battleships, rushed forward and pointed directly at the Shura Shrine.

During the four hundred thousand miles along the way, naturally, he encountered many traps and ambushes.

That was all set by the emperor in the first few months. As early as at that time, the emperor had expected this day.

However, Ji Tianxing can always detect danger in advance and avoid it skillfully.

Two quarters later, the fleet arrived at the Shura Shrine without any risk.

It was a group of palaces with a radius of thousands of miles, with more than 60 majestic peaks. On each peak, there were palaces and houses, and the buildings were magnificent.

The main peak in the middle is also the most majestic giant peak.

The palace standing on the top of the mountain is the most majestic, sacred and solemn.

That is Shura Shrine.

The fleet that rebelled against the Alliance stopped thousands of miles away from the palaces.

It was because the palace group had already activated a large mountain guarding formation with a radius of thousands of miles, covering dozens of peaks.

That exquisite and exquisite mountain guard formation is the most critical barrier of the Shura Shrine, and it is a genuine king-level top-grade **** formation.

The dark red mask that was seven feet thick, with endless blood and light circulating, released a soaring killing intent and fierce aura.

There are more than 12,000 well-armed soldiers guarding the edge of the big formation, eyeing the fleet that is rebelling against the alliance.

The other 3,000 soldiers were all seriously injured. They were the group withdrawn from the entrance of the cave, and they were dealing with their injuries in the shrine at the moment.

The emperor and the nine **** generals also stood above the square of the Shura Shrine, looking at the fleet against the alliance.

This is the end of the matter, this is the final decisive battle, and the two sides did not talk nonsense and started the fight directly.

The twenty-one warships that rebelled against the alliance all activated their attack formations, madly accumulating divine power, and releasing overwhelming artillery fire and divine light beams.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A loud and deafening noise burst out, resounding across the sky.

The dense pillars of light in the sky, like a rain of arrows, also slammed the dark red mountain guard array.

I saw that countless divine light beams collapsed and burst, splashing out hundreds of millions of divine light fragments.

The dark red mask, which was thousands of miles away, also shook violently, bursting with divine light.

The artillery fire of the twenty king-class high-grade divine ships did not damage the mountain protection formation, at most it could only consume its power.

Only the hundreds of light beams released by the Battleship Tushen blasted out dozens of cracks in the dark red mask.

However, the mask is too thick, and it's okay to have some cracks.

The first round of the attack of the Rebellious Alliance could hardly shake the mountain guard formation, which caused the 10,000 soldiers in the formation to ridicule.

The Emperor Master waved his hand and issued an order to counterattack.

As a result, hundreds of soldiers used spells to manipulate the mountain guard formation, releasing magical lights and shadows that covered the sky and sun, and smashed into the fleet of rebellious alliances like a flood.

The reason for using the guarding mountain formation to counterattack and not allowing more than 10,000 soldiers to take action was to preserve strength.

The emperor knows that no matter how strong the power to defeat the alliance is, there is no way to protect the mountain in the short term.

He can just use the power of the mountain protection formation to consume the power to defeat the alliance.

In addition, even if more than 11,000 soldiers made their best efforts, they would not be able to defeat the rebellious alliance. After all, it was a waste of energy.

It would be wise to delay the time, wait for the "hole card" to appear, and then fight to the death with the rebel alliance.

The emperor's move was really effective.

More than 10,000 soldiers stayed in the state of watching the battle, and only a few hundred soldiers controlled the mountain guard and successfully dragged the rebel alliance.

Twenty-one divine warships kept attacking desperately, consuming countless resources, continuously releasing artillery fire and beams of light, bombarding the mountain guard array.

But the mountain guard formation was not damaged, at best it was just a few cracks blasted by the God Tubing battleship.

No matter how much the mountain guarding formation shook and tremble, staying in the formation was extremely safe and without any danger.

The more than 10,000 soldiers under the command of the emperor, watching the indiscriminate bombing of the rebellious alliance fleet, but there was no effect, they laughed even more triumphantly.

They ridiculed the rebellious alliance, their morale increased, and their hearts were much settled.

The sense of security brought to them by the guarding mountain array is far more effective than the emperor's slogans shouting some vague slogans!

In this way, the two sides were deadlocked for about a quarter of an hour.

The 21 warships that rebelled against the alliance have been bombarded continuously for more than 100,000 times, at least consuming resources worth more than 200 billion.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing is now rich in the world, with hundreds of billions of resources, so he can withstand such consumption.

It is a pity that even though so many cultivation resources were consumed, no results were achieved.

The mountain protection formation is still intact, even though the surface has been blasted with many cracks and pits~www.ltnovel.com~, it has not really broken.

Under the manipulation of hundreds of soldiers, the cracks and pits on the surface of the large array are slowly being repaired.

After half a day at most, those cracks and pits will disappear, and the big formation will be restored.

This makes Ji Tianxing a little depressed.

He has already seen that the emperor just wants to delay time, weaken the fighting power of the rebellious alliance, and find another opportunity to fight back.

That being the case, we must never let the emperor do his wish.

So he decisively ordered the fleet to stop the attack and let the soldiers rest for a while.

Then, he asked Bai Long to maximize the power of the Battleship Tushen, attack the large formation at any cost, and concentrate on bombarding a certain point.

He also held the Heaven Burial Sword and the Magic Hammer and shot it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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