Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4169: Invincible posture

The war is fully open.

The battleship Tushen and the twenty-one godships blasted the defense formation at the entrance of the cave with all their strength.

Ji Tianxing and twenty patriarchs and suzerains led 20,000 soldiers to fight bravely against the 15,000 soldiers under the command of the emperor.

The emperor wanted to maintain the majesty and posture of the coach, sitting in the court, commanding the soldiers to fight.

But when he saw the sword **** personally take the initiative and take the lead in rushing to kill, he could only take action.

He couldn't help but watch, the **** king and generals under his command were beheaded one by one by the sword god, right?

So, not long after the battle began, it reached an extremely intense level.

In order to win the final victory, the Rebellious Alliance exploded all its potential and rushed desperately.

Even Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Feng, Chao Qingyu and others have joined the battle.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Wuhen, who broke through the Divine King Realm not long ago, as well as Ji Wushuang, Zhen Hong, Lin Xue and others, also joined the battle.

Now, the dozen or so people who followed Ji Tianxing have all become gods, and none of them are weak.

The soldiers under the command of the emperor, not for honor and dignity, but for survival, must do their best to fight, at any cost!

In order to block the ferocious offensive of the rebellious alliance, 15,000 soldiers took out all kinds of hole cards and used magical weapons and methods to save lives.

Even some people who were seriously injured and knew they were bound to die, brazenly used taboo secret techniques, or launched a self-destruction.

It's better to say that those who use the taboo secret method, sacrifice their gods, lifespan and skill, and obtain super combat power for a short time.

The few **** kings who were forced to desperately desperately detonated without a doubt caused a huge commotion on the battlefield and caused appalling destructive power.

After all, self-destruction is an indiscriminate attack, regardless of the enemy and us.

"Boom! Boom!"

After several continuous loud noises burst out, several colorful mushroom clouds burst out on the battlefield.

The colorful shock wave that ruined the sky and the earth swept over 100,000 miles in the blink of an eye, wiping out countless mountains and jungles.

Because of the self-destruction of five kings, more than 1,000 kings of the Rebel Alliance were killed and more than 2,000 injured.

Nearly a thousand soldiers under the command of the emperor were blown into powder, and more than one thousand were severely injured.

The loss between the two parties was not much different, but the emperor was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

No way, the five high-ranking **** kings who blew themselves up were all capable officers under his command, and they were basically the first batch of domain owners who were ordered to return.

As a result, these five right-hand men were forced to blew themselves up before they played much role.

If you die, you will die, and it will kill thousands of your own people and wound more than a thousand people.

The number of soldiers under the command of the emperor was originally small, and now it is even worse.

This has made the emperor very depressed.

But what made him angry and aggrieved is still to come.

After the war, Ji Tianxing has been staring at the gods and the upper gods around him, focusing on the strongest players.

The emperor tried his best to cast spells every time, and wanted to fight Ji Tianxing.

But Ji Tianxing easily resolved his offense, instead of taking advantage of the situation to counterattack, but killing other gods and upper gods in seconds.

None of the seven-fold and eight-fold domain masters and generals of the gods were enemies of Ji Tianxing's turn, and they were all killed in seconds.

Emperor Shi is also the pinnacle **** king, but he thinks he can't do this.

Seeing the rapid decline of the capable cadres next to him, the emperor was very worried and terrified at the same time.

Before this, I knew that Ji Tianxing's strength was invincible under the **** emperor, otherwise it would not be possible to easily punish the generals.

But the emperor didn't have a specific concept of how strong Ji Tianxing was.

Now fighting against each other, he finally realized it!

It is no exaggeration to say that when fighting Ji Tianxing, he had a sense of oppression facing the God Emperor Shura.

In his opinion, Ji Tianxing's combat effectiveness seems to be close to the Shura God Emperor!

This news is very scary and unbelievable.


A quarter of an hour later, there was a short pause in the battle between the two armies.

Of the 15,000 soldiers under the emperor's command, 4,000 have been killed, and the high-end combat power above the middle **** king has lost a lot.

The remaining 11,000 soldiers took advantage of the momentum to retreat and breathe.

The 20,000 troops who rebelled against the alliance also killed more than 3,000 people, and the remaining 16,000 people retreated thousands of miles, breathing under the cover of the fleet.

On the surface, it seems that the rebellious party has not taken advantage of it.

But in fact, the rebellious alliance has the upper hand and advantage.

After all, the army of the emperor's division is protected by the king-level superb divine formation, and there are more dead kings and strong men.

The reason for the temporary truce between the two sides is because...the defense formation at the entrance of the cave is already full of dense cracks and is crumbling.

At this time, Ji Tianxing finally sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword that he was famous for.

"Sword of Destruction!"

He drew a huge amount of power from the world, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, condensing a brilliant golden sword that was ten thousand feet long, and slashed to the big formation fiercely.

This sword is open and upright, full of infinite domineering and destructive power.

It was such a gorgeous and overbearing sword, which did not seem to have any skill or conspiracy, but it brought great oppression to the emperor and others.

As a result, the emperor and the soldiers had difficulty breathing, and their hearts were full of fear.

They know that this sword is likely to destroy the defense formation, but no one can muster the courage to resist.


In the next instant, the Wanzhang Golden Sword slammed into the colorful mask with a radius of hundreds of miles, bursting out a loud noise.

Under everyone's gaze, the defensive mask of the best king class was split in half on the spot.

In the process of collapse, the dense cracks on the mask exploded, causing the entire mask to burst, bursting out hundreds of millions of fragments.


The shock wave that ruined the world, engulfed in endless fragments of divine light, swept in all directions, affecting thousands of soldiers.

The sword of World Destruction, whose power has consumed more than half of its power, has become dimmed, and slashed in the crowd.

Fortunately, the emperor and many gods and generals avoided even though they were not smashed into dregs.

However, more than two thousand soldiers suffered on the spot.

Either these people were swept by the shock wave, and they were crushed on the spot.

Either it was smashed by the sword of destruction, crushed into powder, and there was no bones left.

In addition to more than two thousand people killed at ~www.ltnovel.com~, more than one thousand soldiers were severely injured and suffered miserable injuries.

Even the emperor and several gods and generals ended up in embarrassment.

"it is good!"

"Hahaha...Finally broke!"

"Without the protection of the big formation, you will die!"

The soldiers of the rebel alliance had been prepared for a long time, and they retreated thousands of miles away, covered by the fleet, so there were no casualties.

Seeing Ji Tianxing smash the defensive formation with a single sword, more than 10,000 soldiers shouted excitedly, shouting all together.

At this moment, there was a huge gap in the military spirit and morale of the two sides.

On the one hand, it was as earthy, trembling, full of horror.

On the other hand, the morale is high, the more he fights, and the more murderous.

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