Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4165: Sword refers to Shura Shrine

The Linfeng Domain Master has already expressed his attitude, and there is nothing left for both parties to say.

Ji Tianxing stopped persuading to surrender, but raised his hand to give an offensive order.

The nine divine warships headed by the Tushen battleship are already ready to go, have activated the formation, and have accumulated powerful forces.

The three to five hundred gun barrels of each battleship had long been aimed at the defensive array of the domain master mansion.

When Ji Tianxing ordered the attack, all nine divine ships released the power to destroy the world.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

From the more than 3,000 barrels, dazzling divine light spewed out, turning into thousands of gorgeous beams of light, and blasted hard against the defense formation.

The fifty **** kings and eight thousand soldiers under the command of Linfengyu were already ready for the battle.

When the nine divine ships launched an attack, they also joined forces to cast spells, injecting endless divine power into the large formation, enhancing the power of the defense.

At the same time, hundreds of soldiers who specialize in manipulating the sacred formations also controlled the sacred formations to release thousands of swords and light, killing the nine gods ships.

"Boom boom boom!"


In the next instant, the divine beam of light that shielded the sky and the sun collided with various light blades, and a deafening noise exploded in the sky, spreading across tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth.

Many beams of light and light blades collapsed in the collision, splashing out fragments in the sky.

The energy of the explosion, wrapped in those divine light fragments, formed a torrent that spread out, sweeping everything.

In the blink of an eye, the Light Blade of the Sky Divine Art was shattered.

The more than 3,000 beams of light released by the nine divine ships also collapsed for the most part, leaving thousands of beams to hit the defensive formation.

"Boom bang bang!"

Another series of loud noises came out, echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

The Linfengyu master originally thought that eight thousand soldiers counterattacked together and offset more than two thousand beams of light.

The thousand beams of light left should not threaten the defense formation.

But he overlooked that more than three hundred beams of light were released by the Battleship Tushen.


Therefore, in the crisp sound of breaking, the first layer of defense was blasted out of hundreds of holes and dense cracks.

The defensive mask was severely damaged, flashing with divine light, and shaking violently.

Although the mask did not burst or collapse, it also lost its protective power and needed to be repaired urgently.

During the war, the Linfeng Domain Master and others certainly had no chance to repair this formation.

At this time, Ji Tianxing wielded the magic hammer again, hitting two divine lights, and hitting the holes and cracks in the large array.


With the crackling sound, the first layer of defensive mask was defeated and dissipated to pieces.

Seeing this scene, the Linfeng Domain Master and the eight thousand soldiers all felt a little bit anxious and worried.

The opponent just used the divine ship to attack for a round, so easily broke a layer of defensive mask.

It is conceivable that the remaining two layers of defense will not last long.

The lord of the Linfeng Domain quickly ordered the soldiers to cast their spells with all their strength to strengthen the power of the second layer of defense.

Seeing, the nine divine ships once again accumulated strength, released thousands of beams of light, and launched a second powerful attack.

The Lord of Linfeng Domain was full of anxiety and personally manipulated the second layer of the large formation to enhance the defense power to the extreme.

"Boom bang bang!"

This time, thousands of light beams blasted into the defensive formation, bursting with a loud noise, and blasting the mask out of dense cracks.

The eight thousand soldiers in the Linfeng Region did not counterattack, fully supported the defensive formation, and could not stop the blast of the nine divine ships.

Fortunately, the king-level high-grade divine ship of the eight powers is powerful, but it will not break the defensive mask with one blow.

The most powerful and the most terrifying is the battleship of God Slaughter by Ji Tianxing.

When a crack appeared in the defensive formation, Ji Tianxing then swung his magic hammer, smashing four brilliant lights in succession.


There was another deafening crackling sound, and the second layer of defense was also destroyed.

The eight thousand soldiers in Linfeng Region panicked, and they were all anxious and worried.

The Linfeng domain master also knew that hard resistance was useless, so he cast the spell himself, leading the soldiers to launch a counterattack.

Needless to say, the eight thousand soldiers have gone all out to mobilize the divine power and display all kinds of unique cards.


The beams of light released by the nine warships collided with the lights and shadows of the sky gods, bursting with deafening noise.

This time, the nine warships attacked three successive waves before completely destroying the third layer of defense.

The domain master mansion lost the protection of the three major formations, and eight thousand soldiers were completely exposed to the fleet.

Everyone knows that the moment of life and death has arrived!

The eight thousand soldiers all looked solemn, with tragic and determined emotions, launched a final counterattack.

The lord of Linfeng Territory hurriedly commanded all soldiers, scattered around, and fought with nine warships.

If they are gathered together, they will only become a living target for the fleet.

This trick really worked.

After the eight thousand soldiers dispersed, the shelling of the nine warships did not cause much casualties.

On the contrary, after the soldiers were dispersed, they went all out to attack, leaving all the eight divine ships at risk.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing also decisively ordered the attack.

Thousands of children from the eight forces flew out of the godship one after another, and under the leadership of the patriarchs and elders, they fought against the soldiers of Linfengyu.

The real battle begins.

More than 10,000 gods and nearly a hundred powerful gods fought fiercely on the battlefield with a radius of 50,000 li. The sky was dark and the sun and moon were dark.

At almost every instant, soldiers on both sides were beheaded, flesh and blood flying all over, with painful and dying wailing.

This area is completely chaotic, and there are images of blood and fire everywhere.

Ji Tianxing was not idle either, and ten people including Yun Yao and Ji Ke rushed into the battlefield, each looking for a target to fight.

Ji Tianxing's goal is naturally the lord of Linfeng and the gods beside him.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others are mainly responsible for killing each other's **** king and protecting their own army.

This fierce battle lasted for half an hour before it ended.

The aftermath of the battle between the two sides blasted a radius of 50,000 li into rubble.

The lofty mountains, dense jungle vegetation, and the splendid territorial mansion, many palaces and houses, all turned into dust.

After half an hour, the fight finally ended.

The loud noise echoing between the heaven and the earth slowly dissipated.

The dust and blood rain covering the sky and the sun are still falling one after another.

There is no suspense about the outcome of the war~www.ltnovel.com~ The Linfeng domain master and the 8,000 soldiers under his command were all killed on the battlefield and turned into dust to return to the world.

They paid the price of their lives, all in the name of loyalty.

The soldiers of Ji Tianxing's side also lost nearly a thousand people.

But compared to the opponent's annihilation, this battle was a complete victory and a beautiful win!

After the war, Ji Tianxing only collected the fragments of the godhead of fifty gods.

Cleaning the battlefield and collecting the spoils were all handed over to the soldiers under his command.

An hour later, the master of Linfengyu was defeated and the news that Linfengyu was captured by the rebel alliance spread.

Two hours later, the other army that rebelled against the alliance also defeated the source universe master and captured the source universe.

As a result, the entire Vast Sky Continent was only left in the Dark Night Region, which had not yet been captured by the Rebel Alliance.

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