Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4166: The army is in disarray

The army led by Nangong Buluo was responsible for attacking Yuantianyu.

Although, that road army did not have Ji Tianxing in charge.

However, the number of the army is large, and there are also many strong kings, and there are only about 10,000 soldiers guarding the source universe.

Therefore, the army led by Nangong is not difficult to win.

A few hours later, one night passed and a new day arrived.

Linfengyu and Yuantianyu were successively captured by the Allied Rebellion, and the news of the death of the two Territory Masters and 20,000 soldiers also spread on the Vast Sky Continent.

Hundreds of millions of Li people heard the news, celebrated happily, and were proud to betray the alliance and the sword god.

Everyone agreed, and in a few days, when the sword **** conquered the dark night realm and beheaded the emperor, the battle that lasted for a year would be over.

As for the entire Haotian Continent, the dark rule and oppression that had lasted for thousands of years also came to an end.

This is a time-changing event, the overlord translocation, which will surely be recorded in the annals of history, and be celebrated for thousands of years.

Hundreds of millions of Li people, as witnesses, can witness the whole process with their own eyes. It is also honored.

at the same time.

The news reached the Dark Night Realm, and the tens of billions of people were excited and full of expectations.

Although, the people in this area are the most oppressed by the Shura Shrine, and they fear and hate the Shura Shrine the most.

At the beginning of the rebellious alliance, they had no hope at all.

But as one region after another was captured by the Sword God, more and more people returned to freedom, and they also had hope and expectation.

Now, the entire ninety-nine domains of the Haotian Continent have been occupied, and only the Dark Night Domain has not yet been captured.

The people are of course excited, looking forward to, and a little anxious.

They even hope that the two armies that have rebelled against the alliance will not rest, and will continue to raid the Dark Night Region as soon as possible.

It is best that within a day or two, the Dark Night Realm can be taken, the tens of billions of Li citizens will be rescued, and the entire Vast Sky Continent will be restored to peace and freedom.

On the other side, the 30,000 soldiers under the command of the emperor learned the news, and they all had trouble sleeping and eating and worried.

The military spirit and morale that stabilized only a while ago collapsed for most of them in one day.

In the army, the matter was discussed everywhere, and everyone was depressed and worried.

After all, the Dark Night Territory is already in ambush on all sides, helpless.

Even if they have 30,000 soldiers, they will have a numerical advantage in the face of the 20,000 troops of the rebellious alliance.

But their momentum has already lost, and everyone feels that this battle will undoubtedly be lost.

As a result, many low-level soldiers gathered together to discuss whether it was time to escape?

Before the two armies of the rebellious alliance had entered the dark night realm and fled before completing the encirclement, there was still a glimmer of life.

With such turbulence in the military, more than two hundred **** kings and generals are naturally in sight.

They were also very worried and anxious, and issued strict orders many times to not allow the sergeants to discuss the matter of rebelling against the alliance, but it was of no use.

On the contrary, the harder they suppressed, the more the soldiers at the bottom wanted to escape.

Therefore, these helpless **** kings and generals can only go to the twelve **** generals to inquire about countermeasures.

In their opinion, the twelve gods had met and talked with the emperor.

Why the emperor was so confident and calm, must have told them the reason.

More than two hundred **** kings and generals, hope that twelve gods and generals can also tell them, so that they can feel at ease.

Before long, more than two hundred **** kings and generals expressed their wishes to the twelve **** generals.

But it is a pity that the twelve gods will make it clear that the emperor strictly ordered them to keep secrets, and they would never reveal any information.

However, they can guarantee that the reason that makes the Emperor Master confident and calm is absolutely very reliable.

Soldiers don't have to worry about rebelling against the alliance, no matter how powerful the Sword God is, there will be nothing wrong with the Asura Shrine, the victory will ultimately belong to their own.

In this way, more than two hundred **** kings and generals were dispatched.

Although they are still at a loss and don't know the specific reasons, they feel more at ease.

But what was a bit embarrassing was that when they faced the countless sergeants under their command, they still couldn't explain in detail.

They could only pat their chests, pack their tickets, and vowed to say that the emperor had already figured out the countermeasures and was prepared, and they would wait for those who rebelled against the alliance to die.

Don't have any worries and doubts, the Shura Shrine will definitely stand tall, and the rebellious alliance will eventually be destroyed!

This kind of empty talk that sounds meaningless has no effect on the sergeants.

The sergeants who are in low morale and heavy heart will not believe these guarantees.

Even, many people think that the emperor master hasn't made any movements in the past few months, and he is obediently waiting for death.

Now that the Rebellious Alliance has all come to the door, and there is no action by the emperor, it must be nothing.

If this is the case, you don't have to wait any longer, and you should run away.

Therefore, on the second night when the Rebellious Alliance captured the Linfeng and Yuantian domains, more than 3,000 masters of the gods fled the dark night domain.

By the third night, a few more **** kings and more than a thousand **** kings waited for the opportunity to escape.

On the night of the fourth day... There were originally more than a thousand people planning to escape, but the generals strictly inspected them, leaving them no chance.

But even so, the 30,000 soldiers in the Dark Night Realm now only have 25,000.

Compared with the 20,000 army of rebelling against the alliance, it has not much advantage.

On the fifth day, the more than a thousand sergeants who planned to escape but failed, were ready to move.

But it is a pity that when the sun goes down that day, the army of rebelling against the alliance has finally arrived!

The first to arrive in the Dark Night Realm and beyond the Asura Cave is the fleet headed by the Tushen Battleship.

Shura Dongtian is the home of Shura God Emperor, and the famous Shura Shrine is within it.

This cave sky has a radius of a million miles, like a small world, with a vast territory and abundant resources.

On weekdays, the Shura Shrine is home to nearly 100,000 people.

Most of them are servants and family members, with only 10,000 guards and dozens of **** kings.

But at the moment ~www.ltnovel.com~ of the 25,000 soldiers under the emperor's command, 15,000 are in the cave.

The other 10,000 soldiers guarded the cave outside.

Some of those soldiers guarded the Dongtian exit, and more patrolled around to monitor the surrounding movements.

As early as a few months ago, traps, ambushes, and various large formations were planted around the entrance of the cave.

Ji Tianxing was riding on the Battleship Tushen and approached with a mighty army.

Along the way, he found more than a dozen traps and divine formations, either trying to avoid them, or destroying the ones that could not be avoided.

Since casting a spell to destroy the trap and the **** array, there will definitely be a huge disturbance.

Therefore, this fleet cannot hide its tracks.

When there were 50,000 miles away from the entrance of Asura Cave Sky, it was discovered by guards on patrol.

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