Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4164: This battle has nothing to do with good or evil


In the deafening sound of breaking, the large formation in the sky was breached, and a huge hole appeared.

Ji Tianxing first crossed the hole and entered the secret realm of Linfeng Domain Lord.

The Tushen battleship followed closely, and the battleships of the eight forces also entered one after another.

The secret territory is vast, with birds and flowers, and beautiful scenery.

But it was quiet all around, and there was tension and depression in the air.

Half a month ago, the Linfeng domain master evacuated unrelated personnel, leaving only 8,000 soldiers guarding the secret realm.

At this time, the surface of the secret realm was quiet, but there were dangers in the dark, with formations and traps everywhere.

In the sky, Ji Tianxing stood on top of the Tushen battleship, standing with his hands holding hands, looking forward with a calm expression.

Bailong controlled the Battleship Tushen, advancing steadily and steadily.

Eight divine warships followed, arranged in a sharp knife formation, demonstrating the posture and domineering penetrating everything.

As soon as the fleet advanced thousands of miles away, Ji Tianxing frowned, and a divine light flashed in his right hand, offering a magic hammer.

He looked at the empty sky in front of him, holding the magic hammer in his right hand, and slamming two brilliant lights.

"Huh! Huh!"

The two divine lights smashed into the sky thousands of miles away with endless power, and suddenly burst into two loud noises that shook the sky and the earth.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the seemingly empty sky, a curtain of sky appeared, and it was smashed to pieces on the spot.

Obviously, that was a trapped formation set up by the Linfeng Domain Master, which had been invisible until it was activated.

But this concealed large formation couldn't escape Ji Tianxing's eyes, and it had long been seen through.

The large formation was destroyed, the fleet was not affected in any way and moved on.

Next, the fleet advances 100,000 miles to reach the domain master's mansion.

In the process, Ji Tianxing will find seven trapped formations, killing formations and puzzle formations, and six traps.

Despite those formations and traps, the Linfeng Domain Master spent a lot of effort, time, manpower, and material resources to complete the arrangement.

But Ji Tianxing can always see through in advance, and quickly break through with simple and rude means.

The fleet has been advancing steadily without any obstruction.

After a hundred breaths of time, the fleet arrived outside the domain master's mansion.

At this time, the Domain Lord's Mansion surrounded by the mountains, the Linfeng Domain Lord had already learned the news through various surveillance arrays and reports from the scouts.

When he knew, the formations and traps he worked so hard to set had not caused any trouble to the fleet.

Therefore, the formations and traps were easily broken by the sword god, and his face suddenly became ugly, and his eyes flashed with shock and awe.

He couldn't help but sighed: "Sure enough, he is a sword god. This seat has spent nearly a month of hard work, but can't even stop him for a moment!

Ha ha... Except for the emperor, how can we people be qualified to fight him? "

A wry smile evoked from the corner of Linfengyu's main mouth, and he had anticipated the ending in his heart.

But even so, he couldn't back down or back down without turning his head back.

After all, he is the number one loyal minister of the emperor, and the imprint on his body is too deep to be erased.

Even if he wanted to surrender, the sword **** might not accept it.

What's more, his family members and relatives were taken by the emperor to the Dark Night Region.

If he surrenders now, I am afraid that his family members will not end well.

"Let's go, let's go and see the style of the peerless sword god!"

The Master of Linfeng Domain converged his messy thoughts, got up and tidied his cloak, and left the study with a few generals.


Outside the domain master's house.

Eight thousand elite soldiers were divided into two circles to protect the domain master's mansion.

A large defensive array with a radius of thousands of miles was also activated, with a total of three layers, protecting dozens of mountains.

The soldiers were armed and armed with swords, ready to go, with murderous aura, looking at the nine warships in the sky outside the big formation with a solemn expression.

The nine warships still maintain the sharp knife formation, and thousands of soldiers have yet to show up.

Only Ji Tianxing stood at the top of the Tushen battleship, looking at the domain master's mansion indifferently.

He could see through the three-layer defensive formation at a glance. They were all king-level high-grade **** formations, which were connected in strength and superimposed in power.

For the average **** king, the three-layer defense formation is a bit difficult and cannot be broken in a short time.

But Ji Tianxing did not take it seriously. With the Battleship Tushen and his hammer, it was enough to quickly penetrate it.

The reason why he waited patiently and didn't rush to attack is because the uneasy feeling in his heart has not disappeared.

Even if he has great certainty, I believe that there are only 8,000 soldiers and Linfeng Domain Master in the Domain Lord's Mansion.

But he still wanted to see, besides these eight thousand soldiers, is there any other ambush?

Or, does the emperor have any arrangements and plans here, and what powerhouses are ambushing?

If the two sides are fighting and fighting, and the clone of the **** emperor Shura suddenly appears, that will surprise him the most and look forward to it.

Although it sounds absurd, he does not rule out the possibility.

Because he believes in the reminder given by God.

In a short while, the Linfeng Domain Master flew over the domain master's mansion, surrounded by more than a dozen gods.

They were separated by thousands of miles from Ji Tianxing, facing each other across the defensive formation.

"We have seen the Sword God."

As soon as the two parties met, the Master of Linfeng Territory took a dozen gods and generals to bow to Ji Tianxing.

Regardless of the tone or the posture, they are more respectful, from the heart, and not artificial.

Although the two sides are enemies, there is no deep hatred between each other.

Even if the swords and soldiers are to fight each other with fate, it is only because of different positions.

This did not prevent Linfengyu and others from being in awe of the sword god.

Enemies are not necessarily bad guys, and even less are they all savage, ferocious and evil generations.

To be the king of the gods and the domain master may be sinister and treacherous, or deliberate, but there is no fool.

Whether what the Sword God did was for personal gain or justice, in fact, everyone in the Vast Sky Continent understood.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly in return, saying: "You have been too polite. The war is about to come, and there are a few words in this seat. Although they may be nonsense, they still have to say.

After all, what this seat is doing with the rebellious alliance is not for killing or power, but for freedom and peace.

If you can stop and surrender now, you can also avoid the disaster of swordsmen and allow more soldiers to die.

This seat promises to exempt him from death and will not be held accountable..."

In fact, the attitudes of both sides are very clear~www.ltnovel.com~ These words are just a cutscene.

If any soldiers surrendered, Ji Tianxing would certainly fulfill his promise.

But as everyone expected, no generals stood up and surrendered.

The lord of Linfeng Domain also clasped his fists and said, "The sword **** is the so-called loyalty thing and serves him with life. Life is small, but fame is big.

Although we are not strong enough to defeat you, but we are not afraid to die in battle, in the name of loyalty and filial piety. "

The so-called loyalty is naturally loyal to the emperor and the **** emperor Shura.

As for filial piety, it is naturally to protect his family.

He died in this battle, leaving the name of a loyal minister after his death, and the emperor will take care of his family.

If he surrenders now, he will survive, but he will bear a bad reputation and hurt his family.

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