Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4124: Tried my best

Although, the number of both sides is basically the same as the number of strong players.

However, the Zhushen Army was replenishing its energy and waiting to wait for the rabbit. More than 5,000 children of the clan were ambushed and suppressed by the great formation.

One has the initiative, the other is in a passive position, and the result is self-evident.

The two sides only fought for one round, and the Zhu Shen army was clearly in the upper hand and superiority, with no casualties.

However, more than 5,000 clan children did not have much tacit understanding and cooperation with each other, and they could not completely block the opponent's attack. More than 100 disciples were injured on the spot.

There were also more than fifty weak and unlucky disciples who were bombarded and killed on the spot.

This result made Zhu Divine Army even more proud, and the children of the clan were furious, but they were helpless.

On the other side, the great protector and the eighteen **** king powerhouses did not participate in this battle.

Their goal is to seal the Nangong clan outside the Great Array.

The more than 5,000 children of the clan who were sealed by the Great Array, they did not take it seriously.

In their opinion, those five thousand people are the turtles in the urn, and they will definitely die.

There are still uncertain factors, only the children of the Nangong clan who have been alert in advance and have not been sealed by the Dazhen.

It took Zhu Shenjun a lot of time and effort to design this trap and ambush, with the goal of sweeping the army of the South Road.

Since it is a catch, there must be no fish slipping through the net!

"Huh! Huh!"

The Great Guardian led eighteen powerful **** kings and a thousand masters of the **** monarch realm to kill the Nangong clan as fast as lightning.

The second guardian stayed near the big formation, led thirty **** kings and 4,000 **** masters, and continued to besiege the children of the five families.

The two parties have a clear division of labor and their cooperation is very tacit.

Compared with the six clans fighting each other and it is difficult to cooperate, the Zhu Shen Army can exert a stronger combat effectiveness.

"Nangong is not confused! I heard that the sword **** appointed you as deputy leader?

Ha ha... Then you must die! "

The Great Protector first caught up with the Nangong clan, locked Nangong's unconfused breath, and shouted with a sneer.

Nangong was not confused and didn't answer at all, but just gave an order to take the children of the Nangong clan and flee to the secret realm exit at the fastest speed.

Even in a critical situation, he can remain calm and composed and make correct judgments.

The first step is to stay vigilant and not fall into ambushes and traps. He has already done it.

Next, he still needs to lead the Nangong clan to escape from the secret realm and get rid of the chasing and killing of the Zhu Shen Army.

Then, he can consider asking for help from Ji Tianxing, or helping the children of the five clans.

But it is a pity that more than a thousand children of the Nangong clan, no matter how hard they flee, they will not be able to escape the chase of the great guardian and many gods.

They had only escaped eighty thousand miles, and they were stopped by the guardian and eighteen kings.

Immediately after that, more than a thousand elite soldiers surrounded the children of the Nangong clan.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the children of the Nangong clan formed a formation, horning each other in unison.

They all put on the most defensive equipment, burst out the most powerful force, and joined forces to resist the siege of many soldiers.

Nangong Buluo and Nangong Nihuang, the elders, deacons, and others joined forces to deal with the great guardian and the eighteen **** kings.

There was no extra nonsense on both sides, and they immediately started fighting and fighting fiercely between heaven and earth.

The colorful divine light obscures 20,000 miles of heaven and earth.

All kinds of magical light and shadow collided with wind, fire and thunder, making a loud and deafening noise.

Although the combat effectiveness of more than a thousand elite soldiers is very strong, the offensive is extremely fierce.

However, the children of the Nangong clan worked together and cooperated very tacitly, and they even blocked the opponent's onslaught.

The first round of fighting soon ended, and only more than 20 children of the Nangong clan were injured.

This is not only the result of the concerted efforts of many children, but also the result of Nangong's unconvinced sacrifice and the use of warships to help everyone cover.

That battleship is the most powerful battleship of the Nangong clan, a supreme king-class artifact.

As someone else, he would definitely be reluctant to treat his own ship as a divine weapon to protect the disciples.

But Nangong didn't get confused. He just wanted to reduce the casualties of his disciples and delay as much time as possible to have a chance to counterattack and escape the secret realm.

Therefore, he doesn't care about his ship.

The huge battleship not only blocked many magical attacks, but also recklessly opened the magical formation, raised its power to the extreme, and released the most fierce artillery fire.

Therefore, the children of the Nangong clan suffered casualties, and more than a thousand Zhu Shenjun also suffered casualties.

In the first round of confrontation, the two sides were evenly matched, and no one took advantage.

However, the great guardian led the eighteen god-king powerhouses, but firmly suppressed Nangong Buzhu, Nangong Nihuang and others.

After all, there are more powerful **** kings on the side of the great protector, and the overall strength is stronger.

The Great Guardian is the **** king in the late stage of Nine Layers, and he is a bit stronger than Nangong Buzhu in terms of strength.

The average strength of the other eighteen **** king powerhouses also surpassed Nangong Nihuang, several elders and deacons.

Therefore, the battle on Gao Tian has become more fierce, and Nangong Buzhu and the **** kings of the Nangong family are in an even more dangerous situation.

The two sides only fought a few tricks, and Nangong was suppressed by the Great Protector without confusion, and was in a disadvantaged and passive position.

Nangong Nihuang and several deacons were injured, and their robes were stained with blood.

The situation is not optimistic, but Nangong didn't give up easily. He still used all his best to explode all the trump cards and stunts to fight fiercely with the guardian.

After more than a dozen strokes, he finally found a chance to send out a jade slip.

It was a jade slip that reported to Ji Tianxing and asked for help.

Although, Nangong was not confused and did not hold any hope, knowing that Ji Tianxing was far north of Yanxu Cave, and it was impossible to come over to rescue him.

No matter how fast Ji Tianxing is, it will take a day and a half to get here.

By that time, the war would have ended long ago, and the children of the six clans would have been killed by the Zhu God Army.

However, Nangong was not confused and insisted on performing the duties of the deputy leader.

Only in this way can Ji Tianxing make strategic adjustments in a timely manner and find a solution.

Not because the news was blocked, but also was attacked by the Zhu Shen army, and was caught in the trick of the emperor~www.ltnovel.com~ while sending out the call for help, such a thought flashed in the mind of Nangong not confused.

"Young Master Long, I have done my best!

It's a pity that I couldn't convince the public in such a short period of time, and ultimately failed to keep the other five.

Ashamed of your trust, this defeat may also affect your revenge plan. I am really ashamed and sorry.

If this seat died here today, it would be fine.

If this seat survives, I will face you with no face... Alas! "

With a long sigh in his heart, Nangong was not confused to put away his distracting thoughts and no longer think about other things.

He put his life and death aside, and went all out to display his supernatural powers and faculties, fighting fierce battles with the great guardian.

Even if he must die today, he will fight to the last moment. Death is glorious and dignified!

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