Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4125: Tianhua Rune

Within the secret realm, the battlefield was divided into two places.

In one place, the Nangong clan, the Great Protector and others were fighting fiercely, fighting in the dark.

The other battlefield is naturally near the main mansion of the Waves Region.

Within the 20,000-mile seal formation, the children of the five clans are still desperately resisting the siege of the Zhu Shen army, struggling to support them.

After a quarter of an hour of fighting, the battle has entered a fever pitch.

The seal formation with a radius of 20,000 miles has been attacked by tens of thousands of times, and it has long been riddled with holes and cracks.

The children of the five clans were all in high spirits, thinking that if they persisted for a while, they would be able to destroy the seal formation.

At that time, once the seal is broken, their strength will return to normal and they will be able to break out of the siege.


The previous quarter-hour war caused tragic casualties to the children of the five clans.

There were originally more than 5,500 people, but at this moment there are only about 4,800 people left.

More than 700 people have been killed in the battle, and most of them have their bodies torn to pieces.

Among the 4,800 people still alive, more than 1,000 have suffered minor or severe injuries.

Of course, the more than 3,000 Zhu Shen army is not doing well.

They also lost more than four hundred people, all of whom were killed in the chaotic battle.

More than 300 people were injured and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Thanks to the help of the Great Seal Array, their losses are relatively good compared to the five clans.

Without this great seal formation, I am afraid that their more than 3,000 people would not be able to take advantage of the more than 5,000 clan children!

In addition, the number of powerful kings of the five clans has reached one hundred.

Even though the average strength of these one hundred **** king powerhouses is not as good as the thirty-odd people of Zhu Shenjun.

Among these 100 people, there are a large number of middle-ranked kings and a part of lower-ranked kings.

On the other hand, the 30-odd God Kings in the Zhu Shen Army are basically above the fifth level of the God King Realm.

However, the number of kings of the five clans has an absolute advantage.

Even if the individual's strength level is low, two or three people can besiege each other.

Therefore, since they fought and fought until now, the more than 30 **** kings led by the second guardian have not taken any advantage.

If the battle continues for another quarter of an hour, the seal formation will be broken.

At that time, the situation of the second guardian and more than thirty **** kings will also be very dangerous.

While the two sides were fighting, the second protector continued to observe the battlefield tens of thousands of miles away, paying attention to the situation on the side of the big protector.

He has been looking forward to it, hoping that the Great Protector will solve the Nangong clan as soon as possible and rush back to help.

Otherwise, relying on him, more than 30 **** kings, and 3,000 **** kings, he may not be able to defeat the five clans.


The Great Guardian brought more than a thousand Zhu Shenjun under his command to besiege the Nangong clan.

At the same time as the fight, the great law protector also paid attention to the battle situation in the main mansion of the wave region.

Of course he knew that the Second Protector and more than 3,000 God-Slaying Army could only trap five clans, and it would be difficult to destroy them.

Even with the help of the Great Seal Array, it can't be done.

Therefore, he must kill the Nangong clan as soon as possible, and then rush back to help the second protector.

This made him anxious, constantly urging the Zhu Shenjun under his command to speed up the attack and besieged the Nangong clan at any cost.

However, the more than 1,000 people of the Nangong clan are very united, cooperate very tacitly, and are extremely tenacious.

In order to survive, they burst out with a strong desire to survive and burst out all their potential.

It is no exaggeration to say that they are at all costs, exhausting all means, and taking out all their hole cards to resist the siege of the Great Law Protector and the Zhu Shen Army.

For example, Nangong Nihuang, several elders and many deacons, even if they were seriously injured, their robe and long hair were soaked in blood.

But as if they didn't know the pain and fatigue, they still fought tenaciously, bursting out with formidable power.

Over time, the number of casualties on both sides has increased.

Although the Nangong clan suffered more casualties, the Zhu Shen Army was not doing well.

The ratio of casualties on both sides is basically around six to ten.

In other words, for every six deaths of the Zhu Shen Army, ten of the Nangong clan will die.

If this ratio continues, the Nangong clan will be killed sooner or later.

But the great protector had no bottom in his heart, and he didn't know when he could accomplish this goal.

Maybe half an hour later, or maybe two hours later.

Of course, even if he killed all the people of the Nangong clan, the Zhu Shenjun under his command would suffer heavy casualties, and probably four to five hundred people would survive.

At that time, he took the four to five hundred people to support the second protector, and he didn't know if he could kill all the children of the five clans?

Thinking of this, the great protector felt a little uneasy and a little bit annoyed.

"Before the expedition, the emperor vowed to say that with this seat and the second guardian leading fifty **** kings and 5,000 **** kings, it would be enough to destroy the South Road army.

But now it seems that the emperor obviously underestimated the combat effectiveness of the South Road Army.

Although the situation of the South Road Army was just as the Emperor Shi predicted, there were some internal contradictions and differences.

The patriarchs of those five clans obviously refused to accept Nangong's command.

But after all, they have more than ten thousand years of background, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

If I knew this earlier, I should stick to my own opinion and let the emperor deploy 2,000 more gods and 30 gods..."

Thinking of the conversation he had with the emperor before setting off, he only felt regret.

But the matter is over, now it's too late to say anything.

The Great Protector can only sacrifice another hole card to solve the Nangong clan as soon as possible.

"Tianhua rune!!"

The great guardian gave a low cry, pinched the law with both hands, and sacrificed twelve colorful lights.


The twelve groups of radiant light circled around him, shuttled like lightning.

Observe carefully to see clearly, there is a magic rune in each group of streamers, or gold, or red, or ice blue, or dark green...

The magic rune is not big, but the production is very exquisite and elegant, and it looks very beautiful.

On the palm-sized rune, there are at least more than three thousand lines, containing dozens of formation changes, which can arouse tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth power.

This set of Tianhua runes ~www.ltnovel.com~ is a divine object that the emperor has spent ten years of hard work, using countless precious treasures, and carefully refined.

Each rune is a king-level top-grade, but the combination of twelve runes can burst out the power of a king-level supreme artifact!

Of course, these twelve Heavenly Transformation Runes are all one-time consumables, and they are all used up.

After the emperor awarded this object to the great protector, he has treasured it for more than 500 years.

Until life and death mattered, he was reluctant to use it.

But tonight's situation is special, and his mission and mission are too sacred.

Unable to do so, he could only sacrifice this group of Tianhua runes in order to complete the task safely.

The great guardian was expressionless, and looked sharply at Nangong Buzhu, Nangong Nihuang and several elders, grinning, revealing a venomous sneer.

"You rebels, go to death!"

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