Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4123: Battle of the trapped beasts

The two white-haired old men who suddenly appeared, and the eighteen kings of the gods, made the people of the six families stunned.

Especially the words of the two elders made everyone's complexion drastically changed, and they were secretly crying out in their hearts.

"Oops, we seem to be hit!"

"Be confident and remove the seemingly."

"Damn it! No wonder I felt something wrong before. I didn't expect the Bolan Domain Master to be so bold and really set a trap!"

"Listen to the old man with white beard, did they imprison the Lord of Waves?"

"This shows that this is not an ambush designed by the wavelan domain master, but the two old men did it!"

"I see! The two old men were sent by the emperor!"

"So that's it! They knew that the Wavelan Domain Master meant to surrender, so they arrested the Waveland Domain Master."

"If there are only twenty divine kings, that shouldn't be a concern.

I am afraid that all directions have already laid a net of heaven and earth! "

"It's over, we shouldn't be so anxious and rushed into the other side's ambush!"

The patriarchs, elders, and children of the five families were whispering, their expressions very solemn.

Of course, their arguments and predictions were immediately verified.

As their words fell, the overwhelming divine light was immediately lit up in the lofty mountains in all directions.


The soaring divine light immediately gathered on the sky, forming a huge light shield with a radius of 20,000 li.

It was like a big upside-down bowl that blocked a radius of 20,000 li, and all the children and battleships of the six families were locked inside.

Immediately afterwards, there were thousands of masters of the gods, armed with swords and flying into the sky, in an offensive formation.

There are more than 30 powerful **** kings, scattered in all directions, occupying the core position of the offensive battlefield, commanding more than three thousand **** king masters.

In an instant, all the Zhu Divine Army was dispatched, revealing its traps, like a beast with its sharp fangs.

An invisible air of killing and cutting immediately filled the world, making the atmosphere very solemn and solemn.

The people of the five families looked embarrassed, and while worrying, they regretted not listening to Nangong's advice.

After all, before entering the secret realm, Nangong reminded everyone of the danger, and asked the Nangong clan to enter the secret realm to investigate the situation.

Even after entering the secret realm, Nangong Buluo reminded everyone again.

But the people of the five families didn't listen to the advice, and then they got into the ambush circle.

Everyone couldn't help thinking, if they had listened to Nangong's advice before, it would not be the result now.

At least, only the Nangong clan is ambush, they will not fall into desperation.

When I think of this, people in the five families are a bit regretful and annoyed.

Many people turned their heads subconsciously to see the reaction of Nangong Buzhu and others.

When they turned their heads and looked behind them, they discovered that the Nangong clan had already retreated 20,000 miles away, in the periphery of the seal formation.

It turned out that Nangong had long expected that the situation was not good, and that the main mansion of the Waves Region might change.

When the two white-haired elders and the eighteen kings appeared, he decisively ordered to retreat to prevent the other from ambushing.

It turns out that he succeeded.

When the large formation with a radius of 20,000 li started, the more than 1,000 people of the Nangong clan all retreated outside the large formation.

The five families saw this scene, their expressions became more and more exciting.

Many thoughts flashed through the minds of many people.

"Nangong is not confused that this guy is cunning. He had a premonition of danger and retreated early."

"We are all trapped in the big formation, but their Nangong clan is fine, it is simply... alas!"

"I knew it would be like this. I should have listened to him before. Just stay vigilant later."

"If we follow Nangong's plan and let the Nangong clan investigate the situation first, we should go the other way."

"Oh...In any case, as the deputy leader, he is to blame for not making the correct response in advance."

"Um... he reminded us twice that we didn't listen to his orders."

"Shut up! He is the deputy leader. If we were hit hard, wouldn't he be responsible at all?"

Most of the children of the five families were a little regretful, regretting not listening to Nangong's orders.

But there are still a few people who are reluctant to admit their mistakes, and they still want to throw the pot away for Nangong.

This kind of people who don't examine themselves and are accustomed to throwing the pot are not a minority in any time and place.


The two white-haired old men spoke again.

They condescendingly looked down at the more than 5,000 people in the large array, and said with a sneer: "In this period of time, you gang of thieves have had a smooth journey, and they have been very powerful.

Master Di Shi hasn't acted for a long time, do you think Master Di Shi is afraid?

Ha ha ha...It's really ignorant, ridiculous!

The reason why the Master Di Shi couldn't bear it, is to plan this terrifying plan and kill you all!

And today is the death date for you rebels! "

"You are kind, and you can't bear to see you die so confused, so you know who we are.

This seat is the great guardian who guards the Shura Shrine all year round, and the second guardian next to it.

The two of us guarded the shrine for thousands of years, and we barely showed up, so the world didn't even know it.

But everyone in the Shura Shrine knows that we are the head of the patron saint of the Shrine! "

After introducing his identity, the guardian pointed to more than 5,000 soldiers around him and said: "These 5,000 people are all elite soldiers under the command of the emperor. The emperor appoints us to form the army of the gods and act secretly. I'm here to punish you!

Of course, the number of Zhu Shenjun only accounted for more than 10% of the soldiers under the emperor's division.

One can imagine how small and ridiculous you gang of rebels are compared to us! "

The second guardian took the conversation and continued: "Don't make senseless struggles and resistances, give up all illusions, and die obediently!

Killed you all~www.ltnovel.com~ We are going to kill the Sword God and the three forces he leads.

We will let the people of Vast Sky Continent watch, how vulnerable you group of rebels are! "

After speaking, the second protector waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

Thirty god-king powerhouses scattered around immediately used their powers to cast spells and activated the seal formation, releasing powerful forces to suppress the children of the five families.

Those more than 3,000 soldiers also wielded magic weapons and used various magical skills to attack the people of the five families.

Suddenly, the pressure on the children of the five clans increased greatly, their actions were difficult, and their combat effectiveness was greatly weakened.

The overwhelming magical light and shadow, carrying the power of destroying the world, poured down from the sky.

More than 5,000 clan children have no way of retreat, they can only roar with anger, burst out the strongest force, and join hands to form a battle formation to resist the opponent's attack.

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