Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4122: Waiting for you for a long time

When the Nangong clan rushed into the secret realm, they declared that the entrance to the secret realm was lost.

Nangong Buzhu, Nangong Nihuang and others, led Nangong children to chase and kill the more than fifty escaped guards.

People from the five families immediately followed and filed in.

After they entered the secret realm, several battleships also entered.

More than 6,000 children of the clan slashed toward the middle of the secret realm, pointing directly to the cave house of the Lord of the Waves.

The six warships followed the team closely, escorting the army on both sides, monitoring the surrounding movement at any time.

Of course, the next five families just want to rush forward, and can't let the Nangong clan get ahead.

Nangong, who rushed to the front, was not confused, but was thinking about other things in his heart.

"It's abnormal! The Lord of Waves has long thought of surrendering. Since he hasn't escaped so far, then when we arrive, he must surrender.

The idiot also knew that he couldn't choose to resist, he was seeking his own death.

Even the more than one hundred guards at the entrance of the secret realm did not need to sacrifice any more.

Even if he wanted to act, there was no need to take the lives of hundreds of guards to act!

Did Mr. Long guess it right, the situation has changed? "

Thinking of this, Nangong felt a warning sign in his heart, and slowed down the speed of the charge.

He paid more attention to monitoring the movements around him.

He was thinking that if the Lord of Waves wanted to play some conspiracy and tricks, he would probably set traps and ambushes.

As long as he is more careful and does not enter the opponent's trap, he can gain the upper hand and take the initiative.


The Nangong clan ordered the prohibition, and slowed down by following Nangong's orders.

But the more than 5,000 children of those five families did not slow down, but took the opportunity to speed up the pursuit and kill the more than fifty escaped guards.

"We are more than 5,000 people, and can't solve the more than fifty injured guards?"

"If you let those dozens of guards escape back to the domain master's mansion, our faces will be lost!"

"What does the Bolan Domain Master want to do? If you want to surrender, you will obediently surrender, and even let the guards resist?

In that case, give them some color! "

"You must kill those more than fifty guards to frighten the Waves Domain Master!"

People in the five families all have this idea.

In fact, they did succeed.

The fifty or so seriously injured guards didn't escape fast enough, and it didn't take long for the five families to overtake them.

The children of the clan rushing to the forefront, a total of more than two hundred people, each performed a magic trick, and killed the more than fifty guards.

Moreover, their deaths were very miserable, with no corpses and broken bones.

More than fifty guards were killed, the talents of the five families were proud of themselves, and they restored their majesty.

They still didn't slow down, and rushed towards the domain lord's mansion with incomparably confident and domineering attitude.

Nangong was not puzzled to see them in such a posture, and quickly shouted to remind everyone to slow down and be careful that the other party had ambush.

But where can people from the five families listen?

Many patriarchs and elders showed playful smiles, and the children of all races laughed loudly, and some even laughed and mocked.

"Hahaha, there are a total of tens of thousands of people in the Lord's Mansion of the Waveland Region, and there are only about a thousand people who can be called a **** prince with combat power.

Even if they want to resist and set an ambush, what good is it? "

"Our six families are united, all of which are elite soldiers and strong generals. Are you afraid of a mere triumphant domain master?"

"What's the matter with Patriarch Nangong? How can I become so timid and shy?"

"Could it be that you can't do it because you can't do it, and you want another trick?"

"Hahaha...very possible!"

"Hey... Patriarch Nangong, don't bother.

Dealing with the Lord of the Waves, even if your Nangong clan does not come forward and only watch the battle from the side, we can easily solve it! "

Many of the more courageous clan children even opened their mouths to run on Nangong.

These words were heard by the people of the Nangong clan, and all of them were angry. Many **** men burst their lungs with anger and angered the children of all races.

However, Nangong Nihuang had issued a strict order long ago, and no internal strife was allowed in any case.

Otherwise, they will be punished with the strictest family rules!

Therefore, the Nangong clan was so angry that they could only bear it temporarily.

Seeing that the people of the five families did not obey the orders and did not listen to advice, Nangong was both angry and helpless.

But he currently has no good solutions, and the five families' prejudices against him cannot be changed in the short term.

For the present, he can only take care of the overall situation and endure the humiliation.

At the same time, he prayed silently in his heart, hoping that he was more minded, and it would be better not to make any accidents.

Otherwise, the army on the South Road will be hit hard, and he, the leader and deputy leader of the team, will be to blame!

After all, the Sword God trusted him so much and gave him the full power of the Nangong army.


Unconsciously, half a quarter of an hour passed.

More than 6,000 people from the South Road Army, under the cover of six warships, arrived at the Domain Lord's Mansion in mighty force.

Along the way, people from each family released their spiritual knowledge, performed magical skills, and repeatedly explored the situation in the secret realm.

Even Nangong is not confused, but also monitors the surroundings very carefully.

But there was no accident along the way, and the army was not ambushed.

There is a majestic mountain range ahead, and palaces and houses have been built on top of each mountain.

The armies and battleships of the five families were all pressed up with imposing force.

They are very confident, descending over the domain master mansion with a domineering attitude, condescendingly overlooking the entire domain master mansion.

When they saw it, the palaces and houses below became chaotic.

A piercing alarm sounded, a majestic horn sounded, and more than a thousand guards ran away in a panic.

Seeing this scene, not only was everyone not nervous, worried, but also smiled contemptuously.

Soon after, when more than a thousand guards assembled on the square and flew into the sky to confront the South Road army, everyone found that the situation was not good.

Lan Wuji, Chief of the God of War, Chief Xia and others frowned, and asked the guard leaders: "The entire Domain Lord's Mansion is only you guards?"

"Where is the Bolan Domain Master? Where is your Deputy Domain Master?"

"The South Road army who has rebelled against the alliance is here, let the Lord of the Waves come out and speak!"

"I waited for the army to suppress the situation, but the Lord of Waves only sent these little shrimps to deal with ~www.ltnovel.com~ It's too small for us!"

"Lord of the Waves, you are limited to appear in this seat within three breaths, otherwise don't blame us for being polite!"

The patriarchs were all aggressive, and asked each other very strongly.

Even the Lord She Mi Dong also used his divine power to shout out the earth-shaking sound and force the Lord of the Waves to appear.

Nangong was not confused and did not speak, but his face was solemn, and the anxiety in his heart grew stronger.

At this moment, two white-haired elders flew out of the domain master's mansion, followed by eighteen powerful **** kings.

They came to the sky, looked at the children of the six clans with a sneer, and spoke.

"The Lord of Waves, I'm reflecting on it in prison.

Patriarchs, I have been waiting for you for a long time! "

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