Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4121: Prejudice and disagreement

Nangong is not confused and selfless, Nangong Nihuang and several elders are watching.

Everyone's expressions were a bit complicated, and they wanted to persuade Nangong not to be confused. There was no need to do so.

But when they reached their lips, they couldn't speak.

Because they also understand Nangong's mind without confusion.

Nangong Nihuang still followed the order and sent a subpoena to the other five forces.

However, the patriarchs of those five families had different ideas after receiving the call.

They told the elders under Nangong's order not to be confused, and everyone immediately started talking.

"Obviously, let's arrive at the secret realm entrance together. Of course, we must go in together to find the Bolan Domain Master. Nangong is not confused what is this for?"

"He said nicely, saying that he was afraid of any danger, so he went to find out the situation first.

It seems that he would rather sacrifice the Nangong clan to protect us.

Ha ha... But who knows his true thoughts? "

"The Lord of Waves has already expressed the intention of surrendering. It is a wall of grass and a cartilage. What danger can it be?

I think he wants to take credit for it 80% of the time. "

"Yes! All the time, our six families have acted together without any disadvantage.

But credit that is too difficult to obtain is not a credit.

Nangong didn't confuse this deputy leader, who was already too moist, so of course he wanted to do his best as soon as possible. "

"Huh! I don't know what the leader is not confused about Nangong?

When the leader returned to the Haotian Continent, if he went to our Lan family, he would definitely be stronger than the Nangong clan! "

"Hey...Nangong is not confused just because of **** luck, and became this deputy leader.

In terms of identity, qualifications, and strength, how can he compare with our God of War?

We respect the Sword God, but this does not mean that we have to bow to the Nangong clan. "

"Don't be confused by Nangong, he wants to take credit for his own sake, but we just won't let him succeed!"

"Nangong is not confused, this deputy leader is indeed a bit misleading.

He understands it in his own heart, so he is eager to do more work so that he can feel at ease, but we can't let him get what he wants! "

Although the members of the five families were separated, each took a divine ship.

But after they got the news, their reactions were the same.

Each family is pretentious, and always feels that the Nangong clan is no better than them, and that Nangong is not confused or worthy of the position of deputy leader.

Even if Nangong didn't want to let the Nangong clan be cannon fodder, they didn't appreciate it, and thought it was Nangong who wanted to take credit.

So, an embarrassing scene appeared.

When approaching the entrance of the secret realm, the battleship of the Nangong clan took the lead and went straight to the entrance.

According to the plan, the battleships of the other five families should slow down, stay thousands of miles away, and watch their changes.

After the Nangong clan entered the cave and proved that the situation was safe, the warships of the five families followed.

But now, the battleships of the five families had no intention of slowing down, and they still followed the battleships of the Nangong clan toward the entrance of the secret realm.

Seeing this scene, Nangong frowned on the spot, his face was not pretty.

But he didn't get angry, just a flash of self-deprecating color in his eyes.

"Haha... it's because I'm passionate about myself. It seems that their prejudice against me can't be dispelled overnight."

Nangong Nihuang and several elders were angry and couldn't help but talk.

"Those five families actually disobeyed orders? Do they have any deputy leader in their eyes?"

"Don't tell me... they have been unconvinced that our Patriarch has become the deputy leader, and they are holding their breath in their hearts."

"Damn it! Even if they have a prejudice against our Patriarch, they can't be a military order joking!"

"Yes! In case something happens, Lord Leader will investigate it, can they bear the responsibility?"

Several elders were filled with righteous indignation, and they wished to scold the five families immediately.

Nangong Nihuang also frowned, with an indifferent expression: "Don't talk about it anymore, just concentrate on preparing for the battle.

These matters were reported to the lord after the war, and he would naturally handle them.

And what we have to do is to do our utmost to complete the task, not to disappoint the leader, let alone embarrassing the leader! "

Several elders quickly nodded and said yes, and stopped discussing the matter.

They all suppressed their anger, kept calm, and began to mobilize the Nangong children.


The battleship of the Nangong clan arrived at the entrance of the secret realm and stopped quickly.

The hatch opened, and Nangong rushed out without any confusion. Nangong Nihuang and the five elders led 1,200 children, and dashed out of the battleship.


In a short moment, people from the Nangong clan surrounded the Yuntai at the entrance of the secret realm.

There are more than one hundred elite guards on the cloud platform, which is suspended in the sea of ​​clouds, and guards the formation altar that enters and exits the secret realm.

They also maintained vigilance and vigilance, and when they saw the warship coming, they had already sent a summons to the people in the secret territory.

When the children of the Nangong clan surrounded Yuntai, the more than one hundred guards hurriedly waved the gods and launched an attack.

Suddenly, the overwhelming divine light enveloped the sky and blocked the scorching sun at noon.

Seeing this scene, the Nangong clan was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

"What's the situation with the guards of the main mansion of the Waves?"

"More than a hundred guards, surrounded by thousands of our army, have the courage to attack?"

"They are going to die. It seems that the situation is not good."

"Isn't it said that the Lord of Waves has already meant to surrender? I can't see this!"

Although these thoughts flashed in everyone's mind, they were not idle, and immediately cast a spell to start a counterattack.

"Kill them!"

"Those who block our army's advancement will be killed without mercy!"

Nangong Buluo and Nangong Nihuang one after another, decisively issued orders.


Suddenly, the more than a thousand Nangong children who were ready to go broke out with violent divine power, unleashing a magical attack that would destroy the world.

The magical light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun, all kinds of wind, fire and thunder, poured down like a monstrous flood, flooding the more than one hundred guards.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The magical attacks of the two sides collided, bursting with a deafening loud noise, spreading tens of thousands of miles around.

The magical attacks of those guards ~www.ltnovel.com~ were directly blocked, smashed into smashes, and there was no lethality at all.

But a round of blasts of the Nangong children caused countless deaths and injuries to the more than one hundred guards.

The guards were defeated in an instant, and hundreds of people were killed on the spot, with no bones left.

The more than fifty people who survived were all seriously injured, dripping with blood and lingering.

At this time, the five families also sent a large number of children to join the battle.

The dozens of surviving guards turned around and retreated without hesitation when the situation was not good.

Since they want to escape back to the secret realm, of course they have to open the formation altar and open the secret realm entrance.

After they passed through the oval light gate and escaped back to the secret realm, it was too late to close the formation.

Nangong Buzhu, Nangong Nihuang and others chased after them, slashed several guards who had closed the formation, and took the lead to rush into the secret realm.

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