Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4079: Is there such an operation?

"I... Nima..."

Hearing Lan Wuji's words, Jiang Chuyun almost turned black.

"Damn old fox!"

Jiang Chuyun cursed inwardly and could only bite the bullet and accept the jade slip.

Before Ji Tianxing left the God Realm, unpleasant things happened to the Jiang Clan.

At that time, Jiang Chuyun was afraid of Jinshuang and his army, and could only offend Ji Tianxing, which was also a forced act.

But since then, he secretly vowed that he would never offend Ji Tianxing again, nor would he add a bad impression to Ji Tianxing.

Otherwise, he would defeat the love between the lightsaber **** and the Jiang family.

Therefore, at this time he took the jade slip, took a deep breath, and then began to read the covenant.

The content of the covenant remained basically the same. After reading it, the sky thunder rolled and the rhyme appeared, and the whole body was filled with golden light.

Those in the know know that it is the fulfillment of the heavenly oath.

People who didn't know thought he was going to ascend as he was rewarded by heaven.

When Dao Yun dissipated and the sky thunder ended, the alliance between the Jiang clan and Ji Tianxing was reached.

Ji Tianxing was ‘moved’ again as usual, and promised the same benefits of the Jiang Clan. He still controlled one domain and allowed the development of power in the surrounding ten domains.

After Jiang's affairs were finished, Jiang Chuyun looked at the jade slip in his hand, and then at the patriarch of the God of War beside him.

I don't know that Jiang Chuyun has high EQ and is unwilling to offend people.

It was also because the two-foot-tall body of the chief of the God of War was as majestic as an iron tower and too oppressive.

In short, Jiang Chuyun returned the jade slip to Ji Tianxing, but did not pass it to the patriarch of the God of War.

But what everyone didn't expect was that as soon as the jade slip flew towards Ji Tianxing, the war **** patriarch waved his hand to cast a golden light and took the jade slip over.

Holding the jade slip in his hand, he was not eager to announce the covenant, but said to Ji Tianxing: "Brother Longtian, do you remember our previous agreement?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, and asked: "Brother Zhan is referring to... let me learn from the brothers of the God of War?"

The patriarch of the God of War smiled and explained: "Brother Dragon, it's good to remember, but there is no discussion, I just hope you can give us pointers when you have free time."

Ji Tianxing's smile was still gentle, and said, "No problem, it's a good thing for everyone to learn from each other and promote each other."

Seeing that he had agreed, the war **** patriarch no longer doubted, and immediately picked up the jade slip to read the covenant inside.

Originally, this was a covenant that made every patriarch and suzerain depressed. Generally speaking, the expression would be solemn and the mood would be very aggrieved.

But the furious voice of the patriarch of the God of War actually read the impassioned, passionate, majestic feeling of being brave soon.

With the golden light shining all over him, Dao Yun appeared above his head, and when the sky thunder sounded from the high sky, his aura reached its peak, and his golden armor bloomed with radiance.

That scene, that momentum, as if he was about to go to battle to kill the enemy.



The patriarch and suzerain, who had not read the covenant, looked at each other and communicated privately, almost cursing their mother.

"These old guys are smarter than the other!"

"Yeah! They are all people who know how to negotiate, but they think that they are faster than anyone!"

"Every one of them... is really unique!

When it's our turn, if we don't make some new tricks, I'm afraid we can't impress the sword god? "


The eight powers that came to the Guangming Hall today, the Feng Clan, the Lan Clan, the Jiang Clan, and the War God Clan have all expressed their views and formed an alliance with the Sword God.

There were still no statements from Bailian Guzong, Shemi Dongtian, Fury Dongtian, and Xia Clan.

Unfortunately, these four patriarchs and suzerains all lined up from the side of the war **** patriarch.

The patriarch of the God of War is more sturdy, never afraid of offending people, and is a real fighting madman.

After Ji Tianxing promised benefits to the God of War in public, the chief of the God of War threw the jade slip to the chief of Yuchi.

The Yuchi tribe occupies the Rage Flame Cave, within the territory of Rage Wind.

The dark-skinned and stout patriarch Yuchi held the jade slip with aggrieved expression.

He looked at the tower-like patriarch of the God of War. He wanted to complain, but he still held back.

Things have all developed to this point, and it is not a wise move to have a grudge with the God of War clan and let the Sword God take another look.

As a result, the patriarch Yuchi could only endure his suffocation and read the covenant with eloquence.

The originally boring and rigid content of the covenant was just because of his emotional voice, the ups and downs, the ups and downs of his thoughts, and there was a bit of excitement.

Several patriarchs and many powerful men looked at him with a smile, their expressions and eyes were a bit playful.

The powers that have formed an alliance are thinking in their hearts that we are all locked up, so don't even want to run.

The three powers that haven't read the covenant yet are muttering in their hearts, don't you feel exaggerated for your old boy to be so hard?

You are also Patriarch Yuchi at any rate, a powerful **** king of the Ninth Stage, what's your face?

The most important thing is that you have performed everything you can. What should we do?

Half a quarter of an hour later, Patriarch Yuchi finished reading the covenant and was verified by Heaven ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Ji Tianxing also promised benefits in public.

There are no surprises, and the treatment is the same as the previous powers.

Patriarch Yuchi is still hesitating whether to return the jade slip to Ji Tianxing or pass it to the Lord She Mi who is beside him.

She Mi Dong Tian is naturally the master of She Mi Dong Tian.

This force originated from ancient times, is best at inquiring about news, and has one of the best intelligence forces in the Haotian Continent.

Then, something that surprised everyone happened.

Patriarch Yuchi hadn’t decided who to give the jade slip to him, so She Midong master stood up and said loudly, “You don’t need the jade slip. I just heard a few patriarchs read it, and this seat has been written down.”

Then, based on his memory, he began to read the thousands of words of the covenant.



The many **** kings in the hall were shocked.

"There is this kind of operation?"

"good job!"

"Sure enough, unique and distinctive!"

"You bastards, it's really a waste of thoughts and pains!"

"Follow the way of others, leaving others nowhere to go, you?"

"It's over, we have one less road, we have to think of a way quickly..."

The powers that have already formed an alliance are all watching the show with a smile and making comments.

The two forces that have not yet formed an alliance become more anxious, racking their brains to think about how they can come up with new ideas.

It didn't take long before She Mi Dongzhu finished reading the covenant, and the content of nearly a thousand words was not bad!

Several elders and guardians of She Mi Dongtian clapped proudly.

"??" The people of Bailian Ancient Sect and the Xia clan became even more confused, their expressions becoming increasingly weird.

What is there to applaud and what to be proud of for such a humiliated and humiliated way of forming an alliance?

Wasn't everyone full of confidence and arrogant attitude before coming, did you have to scrape the sword god?

Why are you so innocent now?

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