Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4078: The pitted ginger

Everyone knows that it is extremely difficult for a strong **** king to rise to a level, often requiring hundreds or thousands of years.

Bai Feng reached the seventh stage of the Divine King Realm, only more than three hundred years ago.

The strong Feng clan thinks that he can reach the eighth realm after at least a thousand years.

Unexpectedly, he had not seen him for decades, and he had already broken through.

It is conceivable that he has benefited from following the Sword God over the years!

The guardian and the two elders were both curious and envious.

But now is not the time to talk about the old, they can only suppress their curiosity and wait for the patriarch and Bai Feng to discuss business matters.

The patriarch of Shenfeng looked at Bai Feng and asked in secret, "Bai Feng, you tell the truth, how is the sword **** like? Is it trustworthy and followable?

Today we are here with the guardians and elders. If you don't want to follow the Sword God anymore, you can follow us back to the Feng Clan now. "

The voice conversation between the two will not be heard by others.

Therefore, the patriarch of Shenfeng didn't mean anything, and went straight to the topic.

Bai Feng was startled, obviously he didn't expect the patriarch to be so direct.

After pondering for a while, after serious consideration, he spoke to the patriarch and said in a serious tone: "Although, these years, the disciple has to follow the sword **** in name and has to be loyal to him.

But in fact, he always treated me as a friend.

Of course, I'm not the only one, there are many people under his command, and they can all be called his friends.

He never asks anyone to sacrifice or dedicate for him, but to protect everyone and protect everyone.

Having such friends and allies can be completely trusted.

Moreover, the patriarch...the disciple does not plan to return to the Feng Clan.

The disciple must continue to follow the sword **** and help him complete that earth-shattering feat! "

Bai Feng's voice was low, but his tone was very firm, beyond doubt!

The patriarch Shenfeng heard his determination, and knew that he finally found a goal to fight for.

The Sword God was able to influence the people around him, willingly to fight for his goal, even if he sacrificed his life.

One can imagine how terrifying is the personality charm of the sword god?

The patriarch Shenfeng was silent, looking at Bai Feng with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Bai Feng bowed to him, then stopped to say more, and walked towards the guardian and the two elders.

He had been very close to the two elders before. He hadn't seen him for many years. Of course, he had to say hello and retell the past.

The patriarch of Shenfeng thought for a while before he held his fist to the first Ji Tianxing, and said solemnly: "Prince Long Tian, ​​after careful consideration, the old man decided to form an alliance with you and join in the grand event."

After speaking, he will read out the alliance agreement on his own to show his sincerity.

This can also avoid embarrassment. It would be detrimental to make him swear to the heavens like Nangong is not confused.

Moreover, after swearing to the heavens, the heavens will have a reaction, so that the Feng Clan dare not easily violate the oath.

That is tantamount to putting a shackle on the Feng Clan, completely falling into passiveness, and no more chance to bargain.

However, before the Shenfeng Patriarch could speak and read the covenant, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a white light before him.

In the white light is a piece of jade slip, which records the covenant made by the heavenly oath.

"Since the Shenfeng patriarch has the sincerity to form an alliance, then everyone should be treated equally, so it is fair, what do you think?"

Ji Tianxing looked at the patriarch Shenfeng with a smile, in an understatement, with a meaning that could not be refuted.

The patriarch Shenfeng frowned, his pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a little unhappy.

But this is the end of the matter, he is riding a tiger, and if he insists on resisting, it will definitely make the situation more rigid.

Several other patriarchs and suzerains stared at him with anticipation and playful eyes, waiting for him to make a decision.

After hesitating again and again, the patriarch of Shenfeng chose to believe in Baifeng, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

He picked up the jade slip and read the covenant made by Ji Tianxing in a low tone according to the content inside.

The content of this covenant is basically the same as the content read by Nangong Fuyu, and it is also full of nearly a thousand words, which sounds like various restrictions and constraints.

When the Shenfeng patriarch finished reading the covenant, the Feng clan was also locked up by Ji Tianxing, and would never dare to betray or violate the covenant.

Unless the Feng Clan is not afraid of punishment from Heaven!


After the Shenfeng Patriarch finished reading the covenant, a billowing thunder blasted from the sky above the Palace of Light, and a ray of rhyme appeared above his head, and a layer of golden light enveloped his whole body.

Everyone in the hall saw this scene and felt the power of the awe-inspiring heaven, and they were a little curious and surprised.

Although, Ji Tianxing kept saying that it was the sincerity of the patriarch Shenfeng that moved God.

But all the **** kings present understand that things are definitely not that simple.

Nangong Buluo and Shenfeng Patriarch swear to the heavens, and the content of the oath was recognized by the heavens, forming the heavenly oath.

Who dares to break the oath, you must first weigh whether you can withstand the punishment of heaven!

Thinking of this, the eyes of several patriarchs and sect masters were gloomy, and they were nervous and hesitant.

After the vision of Tiandao Oath was over, the head of Shenfeng knew that the ending was set, and the matter was irreversible.

He actually felt a sense of relief and let out a long breath.

Ji Tianxing continued his previous performances, seemingly ‘moved’ and said: “The sincerity of the patriarch of Shenfeng and this seat moved to heaven ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to attract witnesses from the heavens, it is really precious.

This seat agreed to form an alliance with the Feng Clan, and from then on, we will help each other and live and die together.

When the rebellion is successful in the future, the great cause has been achieved. The Fuchuan region is governed by the Feng clan, and the Feng clan can develop power and industries in the surrounding ten regions..."

There was no surprise or surprise for this result.

The benefits the Feng clan gets are exactly the same as the Nangong clan.

The patriarch Shenfeng forced a smile, and thanked Ji Tianxing, then returned to his seat and sat down without speaking.

It can be seen that the old man's expression is dim, he simply closed his eyes and calmed down, a little autistic.

The Feng clan successfully formed an alliance, and then it was the Lan clan's turn.

Lan Wuji knew that he was powerless to change the ending, and he could not leave, so he had to admit his fate.

He simply stood up neatly, expressed his willingness to form an alliance, and then read out the agreement that Ji Tianxing had brought forth.

Such a resolute and resolute approach made everyone admire, and it also made Ji Tianxing smile.

After Lan Wuji had read the oath, there was another scene of thunder and Tao Yun.

Ji Tianxing acts as usual and promises benefits to the Lan clan in public, just like the Nangong and Feng clan.

Lan Wuji smiled and saluted and thanked him, and then handed the Yu Jian to Jiang Chuyun beside him.

"..." Jiang Chuyun looked at the jade slip in front of him, and Lan Wuji, who was smiling and amiable, almost tilted his nose in anger.

Patriarch Shenfeng and Lan Wuji were highly respected seniors. They were framed by Nangong without confusion, and they could only pinch their noses to recognize them.

But who is next to announce the covenant is not necessarily.

It's better now, Lan Wuji directly handed it in front of him.

But Lan Wuji saw him hesitate, and smiled and said, "Patriarch Jiang, it's your turn.

Don't worry, everyone's covenant content is the same, you just need to read it. "

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