Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4080: Too much to ask

   Shemi Cave Lord was full of golden light, Tao Yun appeared above his head, and the sky thunder sounded above the Guangming Hall.

   Ji Tianxing didn't bother to act, and even avoided "moving", and directly promised She Mi Dongtian's benefits.

After    was over, only the Ancient Bailian Sect and the Xia Clan remained in the field without an alliance.

   Everyone's eyes fell on Xu Bailian and Chief Xia.

   Everyone wants to see, who of these two speaks out the covenant first.

   After all, Xu Bailian's face was thick enough, and when Patriarch Xia was still hesitating, he stood up.

   He looked at Ji Tianxing and asked, "Sword God, you shouldn't forget our previous agreement, right?"

   As soon as this statement came out, Chief Xia suddenly felt excited, looking at Xu Bailian's eyes, with a trace of anger and jealousy.

   He thought in his heart: "Damn it! You old foxes, when will you get in touch with the Sword God in advance, and have you negotiated terms?

   Before today, I have never seen the Sword God at all, and have not discussed any additional conditions. Isn’t it a big loss? "

   Ji Tianxing nodded to Xu Bailian, and said calmly: "After the alliance today, this seat can immediately fulfill the original agreement."

   Hearing his answer, so sincere, Xu Bailian felt completely relieved.

   He no longer hesitated, picked up the jade slip and began to read the covenant.

   It didn't take long for him to finish reading the covenant and form an alliance with Ji Tianxing.

   After the heaven and earth vision ended, Ji Tianxing also publicly promised to reward one domain to the ancient Bailian Sect, and to develop his power in the surrounding ten domains.

  The ancient sect of Bailian also successfully formed an alliance, and only the Xia clan remained in the hall, which became the focus of everyone.

   Everyone understands that the situation has developed to this point, and the general trend of the sword **** is already established. The Xia clan cannot resist, but can only agree.

   Now that the matter is up, Patriarch Xia wants to talk about any conditions, but he can only insult himself.

   Besides, he had to think of something new, but he couldn't think of a good idea. It would be boring to read the covenant directly.

   With these thoughts in mind, everyone looked at Patriarch Xia quietly to see how he acted.

   Unexpectedly, Patriarch Xia gave everyone a surprise and surprise.

He held the jade slip in his hand, but was not eager to read the covenant, but said to Ji Tianxing: "Sword God, you went to the Xia clan more than a thousand years ago. During that exchange, my Xia clan’s children were not as skilled as people. Many people are injured.

   Since then, there has been no intersection between us.

   It stands to reason that you have no kindness to the Xia clan, but this time you raised your arms and I still came to support you.

   This seat believes that you should be able to express your feelings and reasons.

  In this way, this seat can comfort the people in the clan, especially those disciples who have been injured by you. "

   No one thought that Clan Chief Xia was still stubborn at the last moment and made a request to Ji Tianxing.

  Although, Chief Xia has slowed down and lowered his demands.

   But in the eyes of many strong people, this is very unwise.

   If Ji Tianxing refused him, the situation of the Xia clan would be too embarrassing.

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing was not angry, nor vetoed it in public, and asked calmly: "I don't know what Patriarch Xia wants? If the conditions are not excessive, I can consider it."

   Seeing him let go, Patriarch Xia was obviously relieved.

   The other principals who had already formed an alliance began to feel unbalanced. They both envied Patriarch Xia's daring to say, and were worried that the Xia would get more benefits.

   Patriarch Xia pondered for a moment, and after discussing a few words with the law protectors and the elders, he said: "Sword God, our Xia clan lives in a corner of the East An area, where it is relatively barren and training resources are very scarce.

   It's the neighboring Jiu Hung Region, with abundant training resources.

   Therefore, we hope that after the great cause of rebellion is completed, we can control the two domains of Dong'an and Jiu Hung..."

   Patriarch Xia is very clever. He did not open his mouth and ask for seven or eight domains as he had always imagined.

   As long as he only needs one surrounding domain, it doesn't appear to be too much, and he can get enough benefits.

   However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Tianxing.

   "Patriarch Xia, your request is a bit excessive."

  Ji Tianxing raised his palm, pointed at the guide Gongbuhuo, Lan Wuji, Shenfeng Patriarch and others, and said in a majestic tone: "All the clans and sects who have come here today are treated equally and will never be treated differently.

   The benefits that this seat promises to everyone are the same, even the Nangong clan.

   If this seat is extraordinarily kind, and promises another Xia clan, what do you make friends of these clans and sects think? "

  As soon as this remark came out, Nangong Buzhu and Nangong Nihuang and others first spoke in agreement.

   "That's right! Young Master Long Tian always serves people with virtue, fairness and justice, and hopes that Chief Xia will not break the rules."

   "Patriarch Xia, let's take the liberty to say, if everyone is like you and asks the Sword God for more territory, what should the Sword God do? Can it guarantee fairness and justice?

   I’m afraid, no matter how the Sword God allocates territory, everyone will feel resentment, right? "

   "What's more, we only formed an alliance today, and we have to face countless dangers and fights.

  An inch of merit has not been achieved, the great cause has not been achieved, we are here to ask for the essentials, I am afraid it is not suitable? "

   After the people of the Nangong clan finished speaking, the Shenfeng patriarch, Lan Wuji, Xu Bailian and others also expressed their opinions.

   Everyone is treated the same, of course it is impossible to agree that the Xia clan has more land.

   Patriarch Xia was speechless, his face a little ugly.

   The protector of the Xia Clan and several elders also expressed anger on their faces and were quite ashamed.

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing spoke in time and gave the Xia a step.

   "Clan Chief Xia, I hope you can understand that the reason why this seat gives everyone the same treatment and maintains fairness and justice is also for the good of everyone.

   In addition, you and all the patriarchs and suzerains present here may be puzzled.

  Ming Ming Haotian Continent has hundreds of domains ~ www.ltnovel.com~ After we overthrow the rule of the God Emperor Shura, this seat can control all the regions.

   Under such circumstances, it is not a problem to entrust three or five domains to each power.

   Why is this seat so stingy, only giving each family one domain? "

   There is no doubt that this is an issue that several forces are very concerned about.

   Even Nangong is not confused, in fact, there are doubts in my heart.

   It's just that he chooses to believe in Ji Tianxing and never asks.

   Everyone looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, waiting for the answer.

   Ji Tianxing explained with a smile: "We are opposed to the God Emperor Shura and formed an alliance to overthrow him because he covered the sky with one hand and took power, which made the people of the Vast Sky Continent not live.

   Our goal is to restore the quietness of the Vast Sky Continent, restore the freedom of the people, so that all living things can live and work in peace.

   If each power can enclose several domains, the power will increase dramatically.

   By then, there will be a state of separatism in the group, and it will inevitably be friction and contradiction over time.

   If there is a war, the people of the Li people will suffer and suffer.

   Even if we overthrew the rule of the Emperor Shura, we also brought war, so what is the significance of our alliance? "


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