Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4038: By surprise

Seeing the Heaven Burying Sword falling into the sky, a trace of "panic" flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he subconsciously went to pick it up.

But Dao Xingyun showed a smug sneer, immediately waved the Silver Dragon Gun to intercept Ji Tianxing, and took advantage of the situation to fight back with all his strength.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing was forced to resist, and retreated steadily, fleeing to the distance.

The Heaven Burial Sword that fell in the sky naturally cannot be picked up.

He was ‘shot down’ by a sword, and lacked a weapon to take advantage of. Of course, his combat effectiveness had declined.

Dao Xingyun became more confident, seeing the dawn of defeating Ji Tianxing, and accelerated the rhythm of the attack.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing could only accelerate his escape, and was tired of resisting Dao Nebula's onslaught.

Even the more than four hundred alien kings who saw this scene were excited and emboldened to speed up the pursuit.

As for the Heaven Burying Sword that fell into the sky but disappeared out of thin air, no one paid much attention.

Perhaps, there are a few alien **** kings who have thought about picking up the magic sword and taking it as their own.

But in full view, they never dared to leave the team and go to bury the sky sword.

They can only suppress greed and follow the Tiance domain master to hunt down Ji Tianxing.

No one knew, the Heaven Burial Sword that ‘disappeared’ out of thin air, hiding in an alien space, observed for a while.

After many **** kings flew out one hundred thousand li yuan, it appeared again, quietly following behind the **** king team, looking for opportunities to attack and kill.

Of course, everyone was immersed in the joy and expectation of ‘taking advantage of the victory’, no one would care that the king’s team was being dumped farther and farther, and gradually out of touch with Dao Nebula.

Even the team of more than 400 alien kings is getting longer and longer without knowing it.

No way, these **** kings have different strength levels and different flight speeds.

Some were seriously injured, some were slightly injured, and some were not injured much, which also affected the flight speed.

After about a quarter of an hour, the team of God Kings stretched to about 50,000 li, divided into five groups.

At the same time, they were thrown away by Dao Xingyun for more than two hundred thousand li, and Ji Tianxing and Dao Xingyun were no longer visible.

They can only see the sky in front of them is constantly shattering, and there is a dazzling divine light.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone.

At the end of the God King's team, a white light suddenly flashed in the originally fragmented and empty sky.

It is the Heaven Burial Sword, it hastened to catch up with the team of God Kings!


With the white light flickering, the world in the sword opened, and silhouettes flew out and appeared in the sky.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Feng, Chao Qingyu, Lan'er, Yanke...

One after another, the king of the gods and the strong, full of energy, and murderous appeared!

Ji Tianxing was not present, and the battle was dominated by the Heaven Burial Sword. It was the first to enter the ranks of the King of Gods and set off a **** glow.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Ke held the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers in his left hand, and wielded a sharp spear in his right hand, swaying the flames of the gods of Nirvana, and slaying many foreign kings.

Yun Yao, Bai Feng, Chao Qingyu and others followed closely, and they all exploded with the strongest strength, giving the alien kings a fatal blow.

In addition to killing the enemy, Heaven Burial Sword is also responsible for coordinating everyone.

In addition to fighting the enemy bravely, Ji Ke also uses the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, an artifact of his life, to rescue everyone at a critical moment.

As the most powerful white phoenix among the crowd, he also displayed the shadow of the sky phoenix, transforming into a white sky phoenix covering the sky and covering the sun, releasing the most violent divine flame.

Since it was a surprise attack, everyone had no reservations and exploded with all potential and power.

Their goal is to punish more alien kings in the shortest time.


"Boom boom boom!"

The dazzling divine light and shadow, covering the sky and sun, poured into the crowd like a torrent of shocking sky.

The dozens of alien kings at the end of the team were originally the weakest middle kings, and they were all seriously injured.

They were not guarded at all, and there was a strong man behind the team suddenly shot out.

So that, when they recovered from their consternation, it was too late to escape.

With the earth-shaking and deafening loud noise exploded, a raging wave of blood exploded from the crowd, bursting out a shock wave of divine light that destroyed the world.

The sword and shadow flickered, and colorful flames soared.

In just one encounter, more than 20 alien **** kings were bombarded and killed, their limbs broken and blood raining.

After two breaths, the alien kings recovered, they all yelled angrily and snarled and launched a counterattack.

However, the momentum of Yunyao, Ji Ke, and others are already established, and the momentum of rushing is like a broken bamboo.

With the Sky Burial Sword as the vanguard, everyone gathered into a sharp knife, and slammed into and shred the team of alien kings.

"Boom bang bang!"


Loud noises kept coming and going.

The screams of the alien kings never stopped.

In the blood wave, many foreign **** kings fell to pieces and disappeared in ashes.

The ending is doomed.

After a hundred breaths of time, this swift and violent attack came to an end.

Forty-seven foreign **** kings with severe injuries and weaker strength were all killed by everyone, and none of them survived.

At this time, the team of God Kings 20,000 miles in front had already discovered that the situation behind them was not good.

They were also shocked when they saw a bunch of god-king powerhouses emerging out of thin air, like cutting melons and vegetables, killing more than forty colleagues.

But they calmed down, and after careful observation, they found that Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others were not at a high level of strength.

Except for Bai Feng, a high-ranking **** king, the others are middle and lower **** kings.

With such a weak realm of strength, they dispelled their worries and made their mentality much easier.

As for the more than forty colleagues who were killed, they would not think that Yun Yao and others were too powerful, but those colleagues were badly injured and were not prepared when they were attacked...

Soon, this **** king team turned around and killed Xiang Yun Yao and others.

A total of hundreds of alien **** kings rushed over with excitement and joy, murderously.

Although they wanted to fight each other, they didn't panic at all, and were very happy and excited. They were actually grateful for the appearance of Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others.

After all ~www.ltnovel.com~ they finally have something to do, and they don't need to mix Dao Xingyun and Ji Tianxing's fight.

It's just to encircle a dozen weak **** kings, it's so easy!

The two sides have not yet played against each other, and many alien kings are already planning, don't use too much force later, be sure to relax.

In order not to kill Yun Yao and others with three or five moves, they can't delay time, they have to besiege Ji Tianxing.

Many foreign **** kings have this thought in mind, tacitly telling each other.

However, Yunyao, Ji Ke and others responded quickly.

Seeing nearly a hundred foreign **** kings rushing over, Ji Ke promptly urged the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and gathered everyone into the twisted time and space.

Later, she also carried the tower into the sword world.

The Sky Burial Sword that was ready to go, the light flashed and disappeared, and he hid again!

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