Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4039: Infighting

Although, the Buried Heaven Sword is not a king-level supreme artifact.

But it is more than enough to deal with the middle and upper rank alien kings.

Most importantly, it is more special than the best artifact.

Because it has a complete sword soul and has its own consciousness!

It uses the power of the Divine Sword to hide in a different dimension, completely isolating hundreds of alien kings from investigation.

This trick was very beautiful, and immediately made the gods rush out.


"Damn it! Where are the people?"

"I was still here just now, why did the light flash and it all disappeared?"

"Where did they hide? Why can't the king's spiritual sense be detected?"

"Everyone, beware of fraud!"

"Don't panic, search me carefully!"

The alien **** kings, who were still emotional and fighting bravely just now, suddenly died down.

The crowd stood in the sky, looking around and searching with blank faces.

However, the Buried Heaven Sword has already traveled through the different dimensions, far away from here.

It flew out 50,000 miles at an extremely fast speed and caught up with another team of alien kings.

There are more than 70 people in this team, all of whom are the middle-ranked kings, and the injuries are relatively minor.

Although, these gods are definitely more difficult to deal with.

But this team focused on rushing, did not notice the strangeness in the rear, and did not know that more than forty colleagues had been killed.

In other words, these **** kings have no defense!

"call out!"

When everyone was not paying attention, the Heaven Burying Sword escaped from the alien space and appeared on the right side of the team out of thin air.

The white light flashed, and the sword world opened.

Ji Ke appeared in the high sky with Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

The Heaven Burial Sword exploded with the fastest speed, the most fierce sword aura, and slammed into the team of the **** king.

Ji Ke also opened the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, releasing Yun Yao, Chao Qingyu and others.

Everyone repeated their old tricks and displayed their tricks to attack and kill the alien kings in front of them.

"Boom bang bang!"


The scene that happened before was staged again.

The sword light and sword shadow covered the broken sky, and the colorful and brilliant flames and fires poured down like a flood.

The fragmented sky was instantly filled with brilliant light.

As a series of loud noises exploded, the shock wave that destroyed the earth also spread and spread around.

As soon as the two sides met, two alien **** kings were killed by the Buried Heaven Sword.

Immediately afterwards, more alien kings were slain by Bai Feng, Yun Yao and others.

The crowd's sneak attack really worked, and many foreign **** kings came back to their senses and immediately yelled for a counterattack.

A battle with short blades joined together, which kicked off.

The Heaven Burial Sword rushed forward, like a black light of death shuttled across the battlefield, continuously beheading one after another alien kings.

As long as the **** king hit by the black sword light, without exception, his head shattered and his godhead collapsed directly.

It's just that, no matter how fierce and domineering, sharp and unparalleled, there are times when its strength is weak.

After rushing for more than a dozen times and slaying 22 foreign **** kings, its momentum weakened and its strength also declined.

At this time, more than 20 foreign **** kings rushed over and surrounded it.

Seeing an unmanned divine sword could move freely and exert the fighting power of the upper divine king, everyone was shocked and inexplicable, but very surprised and interested.

Many of the alien **** kings who surrounded it showed greedy expressions, and their eyes were very hot when they looked at the Heaven Burying Sword.

Although, they knew that the Heaven Burial Sword was very dangerous.

But they still couldn't restrain themselves, and wanted to get this magic weapon!

Heaven Burying Sword knew it desperately to break through, and it would be difficult to escape smoothly.

As a result, it would calculate it, pretending to be insufficient, and was soon captured by the two **** kings.

The two **** kings used the technique of capture and caught it at the same time.

Although it struggled desperately, it could not escape the imprisonment of the two gods and couldn't help but uttered the sound of swords.

Seeing this scene, the two **** kings were enthusiastic, and did not hesitate to **** them, wanting to take the Heaven Burying Sword as their own.

However, the two alien kings used their power at the same time, but they were evenly matched.

Upon seeing this situation, the surrounding alien kings were also dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that they would start a contest in order to grab a divine sword.

However, they did not think there was any problem after careful consideration.

Because, if they grabbed the Sky Burial Sword, they would use it for their own use.

Thinking of this, the eyes of more than twenty foreign **** kings were fiery.

They made up their minds, if the two star masters missed in the fight and allowed the Excalibur to escape, they would definitely take a snatch.

Anyway, in accordance with Tiance Star Territory's practice, whoever grabs this kind of loot will get it.

"Let go of this king!"

"Star Lord Cantor, obviously this king caught it first!"

"Fart! It was the king who acted first and captured this magic weapon!"

"You...then whoever grabs it is the one who can speak with strength!"

When the two star masters robbed the Sky Burial Sword, they did not forget to argue, but to no avail.

The two continued to wrestle, fighting with all their might.

Finally, there was a **** king not far away who made friends with the star master Cantor and secretly helped Cantor.


Star Lord Cantor's strength increased greatly, and he snatched the Heaven Burying Sword on the spot.

The giant palm of the other star master collapsed directly, and the person was also shaken back several hundred feet, his face turned black with anger, and murderous intent surged all over his body.

But in full view, he couldn't kill his colleagues for a magic sword.

He could only grit his teeth and swallow this humiliating anger.

The star master Cantor, who successfully grabbed the Heaven Burial Sword, excitedly raised the Heaven Burial Sword to show it to the surrounding colleagues, and exclaimed excitedly: "This magic weapon belongs to this king!"

However, as soon as his words fell, the Heaven Burial Sword of ‘dimmed light and weakened strength’ suddenly burst into dazzling light.


The Heaven Burial Sword exploded with ten percent power, and instantly pierced the Heavenly Spirit Cover of Star Lord Kantor, defeating his sea of ​​consciousness and godhead.

Star Lord Cantor stood frozen in place, the vitality in his eyes dissipated, and he was killed on the spot.

At this time, the Buried Heaven Sword also turned into a black light, and escaped from the encirclement when the many gods were shocked.

After a breath, ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone reacted and suddenly exclaimed and roared.

"Star Lord Cantor is dead!"

"Be careful, everyone, that magic sword is very weird!"

"Its power hasn't weakened yet. It was showing its weakness just now. Don't be fooled by it!"

"Oh my god! A sword has such a scheming and means? What kind of weapon is this? How is it so smart?"

"Although it is not a superb artifact, it has life and wisdom, and it is definitely more valuable than a superb artifact!"

"Everyone, chase it, you must not let it escape!"

With the shouts of the crowd, more than 20 foreign **** kings went to hunt down the Heaven Burying Sword.

Not far away, the dozens of alien kings who were besieging Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others were so angry that they were blowing their beards and staring, but they were helpless.

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