Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4037: Funeral proposal

The fight between Ji Tianxing and Dao Xingyun continued.

Of course, the battlefield is constantly shifting, flying through the sky at a speed of 20,000 miles per breath.

More than four hundred alien kings came up out of breath, but after seeing the situation in the field, they hesitated.

"Domain Lord, do we really want to take action?"

"Look, my lord, the magical moves they use casually can break the world. Once we touch it, we will end up in pieces!"

"Don't talk about the magical skills they used, even the aftermath of the battle can destroy the world!"

"When everyone passed through the shattered world just now, many brothers were hurt by the residual aftermath... Domain Master, think twice!"

"Or, let's stop attacking, form an encirclement on the periphery, and help the Supreme Master to take the battle?"

"Yes, this proposal is very good!"

"We must participate in the battle and do our best to fight for the Supreme Lord, but we must not die in vain..."

Numerous foreign **** kings surrounded the Tiance domain master and talked about.

The vast majority of people are full of anxiety and fear the methods of Ji Tianxing and Dao Xingyun.

After all, the sky full of magic light and shadow and shock wave, but it does not distinguish the enemy and us, and destroy everything indiscriminately.

It wasn't until a clever ghost put forward the proposal of "encirclement circle" and "sweeping array" that many **** kings were relieved and nodded in agreement like chickens pecking rice.

But everyone did not notice that the Tiance Domain Master's face was very dark, and his eyes flashed with angry flames.

"Assholes! You **** who are greedy and afraid of death!"

Obviously, the Tiance domain master is forcibly suppressing his anger, and his heart is cursing and roaring.

"Are you fools when you are the Supreme Lord? Are you so frightened that you think the Supreme Lord can't see it?

If you really do this, I'm afraid that after the Supreme Lord killed the sword god, he turned his head and chopped you all off! "

After a few inner roars, the Tiance Domain Master shouted in awe-inspiring and righteous words: "Brothers, the Supreme Lord is fighting **** and bravely killing the enemy, how can we back down?

No matter how strong the enemy's strength is, there is a Supreme Lord to suppress him, you don't have to be afraid!

We are many and powerful. As long as we unite and cooperate and fight together, we will definitely help the Supreme Lord to kill the enemy!

Everyone listens to the order, follow this seat! "

After the impassioned shout, the Tiance domain master brandished the divine sword and issued the order to attack.

He pointed at Ji Tianxing in the battlefield, and his words made people excited.

Many high-ranking **** kings and loyal middle-ranking **** kings rushed out like a flood.

But the Tiance domain master stood in place, and there were more than two hundred middle **** kings who were hesitant, and stopped in place without moving.

Seeing that the torrent of the attack was docked, the Tiance domain master turned his head and looked behind him, and found that more than two hundred **** kings were staring at him.

Suddenly, everyone was embarrassed.

The Tiance Domain Master was so angry that he swung his sword again and roared: "Asshole! What are you still doing in a daze? Charge!"




The scarred, embarrassed and miserable middle-ranked **** kings all looked around, pretending to charge, but couldn't take a step forward.

Even though some "smart ghosts" shouted "Chong Ah" in their mouths, they looked like a **** head, but they didn't move at all.

The Tiance Domain Master was anxious and could only snarled viciously: "This seat will take the lead in the charge. If anyone is passive, don't blame this seat for cutting off his dog's head first!"

In desperation, the Tiance Domain Master shouted again, and rushed out first.

Seeing him rushing into the battlefield with a sword and killing Xiang Ji Tianxing, the two hundred middle-ranked kings slowly followed.

Although they shouted enthusiastic slogans, but the formation was loose, the momentum was weakened, and all of them were dodging and shrinking.

Had it not been for the stability of the military's mind, the Tiance domain master could almost not help executing the military law on the spot.


Although half of the alien kings were afraid of their hands, they did not dare to besiege Ji Tianxing.

But there is still half of the enthusiastic, impulsive alien king, who really surrounded Ji Tianxing, and launched a siege desperately.

When Ji Tianxing fought with Dao Xingyun, he was suppressed by the great array.

Now that he was besieged by more than two hundred **** kings, he was immediately precarious and could only retreat desperately.

Even with the protection of the Immortal Golden Body and Primal Chaos Clock, he couldn't resist it.

Fortunately, the invisible force of the Zhetian Great Array not only suppressed him, but also suppressed many foreign **** kings, greatly weakening their strength.

Ji Tianxing stimulated his potential, burst out 12% of his power, and finally escaped the encirclement.

Dao Xingyun chased after him and kept pestering him to fight.

The four hundred **** kings followed behind, chasing them endlessly.

Ji Tianxing felt a headache, but there was no good way to solve it.

After thinking about it, he decided to continue to delay time, lengthen the front, and then try to defeat them one by one.

The so-called "smash one by one" means that he first killed Dao Nebula.

When the power of Dao Nebula was exhausted and the incarnation collapsed, he went to clean up the Tiance Domain Lord and several hundred **** kings.

This is the only way out.

But it must be built on the foundation that his divine power is sufficient and the foundation is strong enough.

Judging from the current situation, the success rate is less than 20%.

At this moment, the voice of the funeral rang in his mind.

"This is not the way to go, I have a proposal."

Seeing that Funeral Tian thought of a solution, Ji Tianxing quickly asked with spiritual thought: "What can you do?"

The funeral day is not nonsense, and he said in a deep voice: "I stay, you will lead the way to the nebula.

After the battle line is opened, I will strike with everyone again to raid those alien kings. "

When Ji Tianxing heard it, he understood that the "everyone" that Funian said refers to Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Bai Feng.

To do so, it is necessary to divide the battlefield into two places and destroy them one by one.

"The solution is feasible, but it is also very dangerous.

Although the strength of these alien **** kings is weak, but there are too many people, I am afraid you can't stand it..."

Ji Tianxing frowned and said worriedly.

Funeral said with a firm tone: "This is the most appropriate and most promising method.

Don't worry~www.ltnovel.com~ I will try my best to protect everyone.

Once they can't hold on, I will take them to escape in time. "

Ji Tianxing considered it for a moment and agreed, and used his divine sense to transmit his voice to notify Yunyao, Ji Ke and others, and told everyone about the plan.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others had fought a battle before, and their strength was lost, and they were all injured in different degrees.

But now, two hours past outside, they have been healing for eight days in the twisted time and space.

Everyone's injuries and strength have recovered 80 to 90%, and they can join the war again.

After listening to Ji Tianxing's plan, everyone agreed.

As a result, Ji Tianxing and Dao Xingyun confronted each other, pretending that the Heaven Burial Sword was ‘struck into the air’.

The Divine Sword rolled and smashed thousands of miles away, turning into a ray of black light and falling from the sky, then disappeared, hiding in a different dimension.

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