Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3884: Zixia Cave Sky

After leaving the Shenhuo Cave, the Heaven Burying Sword rushed to the north.

Still the old rules, the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers are placed in the sword world, and Ji Tianxing stays in the twisted time and space.

He spent a few hours to check the jade slips that Long Yan gave him to learn about the information and traces of Lu Wu.

The information Long Yan gave is very detailed.

It not only introduced all the information of Lu Wu's patriarch, including his height, appearance, temperament, activity track, hobbies and common words.

He also introduced in detail Lu Wu's relatives, family members, and every **** king under his command.

A total of more than one hundred and fifty noteworthy God King and Powers, all have more detailed information.

After reading the information, Ji Tianxing had a detailed understanding of the situation of the Lu Wu clan leader and Lu Wu clan.

Even if he has never been to the Lu Wu clan, he has never seen those **** kings of the Lu Wu clan.

But now, as long as there is a **** king under Lu Wu's presence in front of him, he will not admit his mistake.

"Rainbow domain, Zixia cave sky."

Ji Tianxing whispered silently, using his spiritual thoughts to tell Funeral the location of the target.

Funeral continued to fly north, and he began to meditate.

In the past few years, he was in retreat on the road. In addition to practicing Zhutian Divine Art, the one thing he did the most was to refine the immortal golden body of the ancestor of Qiongqi.

This king-level supreme artifact, unlike the chaotic primitive clock, is a divine object of ancient times.

It is a divine tool that was forcibly refined by the ancestors of Qiongqi at the end of the ancient times, sacrificed his life and cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and used the supernatural powers and secrets.

In other words, the ancestor of Qiongqi made himself a divine tool.

It is said that he also sacrificed hundreds of elite poor people and thousands of masters of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Because of this, the golden body of Qiongqi can become a supreme king-level artifact.

Ji Tianxing didn't know what happened at the end of the ancient times that made the ancestor Qiongqi make such a decision.

But he was sure that this was mostly related to the Scourge and the Sin Race.

Most of the sacrifices made by the ancestors of Qiongqi were to preserve the Qiongqi family.

However, the ancestors of the Qiongqi certainly couldn't predict that after 30,000 years, the Qiongqi clan would inevitably wither and fall apart.

Ji Tianxing practiced in retreat for several years, and most of his energy was used to refine the indestructible golden body.

Now, he has basically controlled the Immortal Golden Body, and the refining progress has reached 80%.

Taking advantage of the Heaven Burying Sword to rush to the Rainbow Territory, he continued to refine his skills, only to be able to completely control this treasure as soon as possible.


Shenhuo Dongtian is in the middle of the Chilong Continent.

The Rainbow Region is in the northern part of the mainland, and there are 13 regions between the two.

The Sky Burial Sword maintained its normal speed, deliberately hiding its whereabouts and breath, and was not discovered by anyone along the way.

When it rushed to the Rainbow Region and approached the Zixia Cave, it was already seven days later.

At this time, Ji Tianxing had been cultivating for nearly a year in warped time and space.

The Immortal Golden Body has been completely refined by him, he can manipulate it as he wants, and it can also exert its power.

He also had full confidence in the assassination of the head of Lu Wu.


At midnight, the Heaven Burial Sword arrived outside the Zixia Cave and stayed in the dark night sky, hidden in the thick dark clouds.

This prescription is surrounded by mountains for millions of miles, with ridges and green mountains and majestic peaks.

Countless deep valleys and mountain peaks are all surrounded by clouds and mist, a scene of immortality enveloping and otherworldly.

In the middle area of ​​the mountain range, there is a huge mountain with a radius of thousands of miles, which is the place where the spiritual energy of this mountain gathers.

The peak is surrounded by endless clouds and mist, and the mountain top is also hidden in the sea of ​​clouds.

When the day comes and the sun is shining, the slowly flowing clouds and mists turn into purple clouds, which are particularly mysterious and magnificent.

Therefore, this huge peak is also called Zixia Peak.

The entrance of Zixia Cave is on the top of Zixia Peak.

The mountain top hidden in the sea of ​​clouds was flattened by the power of the **** king with magical powers, which was a full two hundred li.

The broad flat ground is covered with sapphire slabs, forming a huge square.

In the middle of the square, there is a huge altar with a radius of ten miles and a height of thousands of meters.

The altar is made of countless sacred stones, gems and formation materials, and it keeps running at all times, shining with divine light.

Above the altar, there is a blazing white light gate with a height of one hundred meters, that is the entrance to Zixia Cave.

There is no doubt that there are many guards guarding the altar.

There were hundreds of people, all of them with the strength of the upper gods.

The leader of the two guards is even more powerful in the middle of the gods.

"It really deserves to be the number one power in the Red Dragon Continent, and the number and strength of guards at the gates are even comparable to those of Shenhuo Cave.

It is conceivable that there are so many masters and powerhouses under Lu Wu's clan leader, no wonder Long Yan regards him as a strong enemy! "

Ji Tianxing, who was observing in secret, couldn't help but sigh.

Although, relying on his strength and means, it is not difficult to forcibly break through the gate of light and break into the Zixia Cave.

But this is by no means the best choice.

He waited patiently, looking for a chance to sneak into the Zixia Cave.

"Now that the war is imminent, Zixia Cave will never be closed, there will definitely be many people coming and going."

He expected this, so he didn't worry at all.

as predicted.

When Ji Tianxing waited for half an hour, he sensed that several strong men approached quickly.

The team came from the northeast, with a total of five people.

Four of them are the lower **** kings, and the leader is the middle **** king of the sixth stage.

Look at the clothes and aura of the five **** kings. They should be the domain master who controls a domain, or the power leader of the powerful side.

The five people walked in a hurry and came straight to Zixia Peak.

Eighty thousand miles away, the five people came to the top of Zixia Peak in only ten breaths.

"Huh! Huh!"

The crowd flew to the middle of the square and stopped outside the blazing light gate.

The two guard leaders of the Divine King Realm hurriedly greeted them to check their identities and interrogated them.

"Who is coming, please tell me what you are here."

Hearing a question from the guard leader, the purple-robed **** king headed hurriedly bowed his hands and replied: "This king is the master of Kongwenyu, and one of the four **** kings around him is this king's deputy.

The other three are all powerhouses in the Kongwen realm, leaders of several major sects.

We are ordered by the head of Lu Wu~www.ltnovel.com~ to gather the elites under our command, a total of 500 masters, are on standby 100,000 miles away.

So I was ordered to visit the patriarch Lu Wu and listen to the instructions of the patriarch. "

After speaking out his identity and purpose, the Master of Kongwen Domain took out a special golden token and handed it to the guard leader.

"This is the king's domain master order, please lead your lord to have a look."

Of course, the guard commander knew that the war was imminent, and the patriarch had been deploying troops and generals, summoning countless strong and masters to the front.

Now that he knew the identity and purpose of the other party, he would naturally not stop it.

After checking the domain master's order in accordance with the rules, the guard leader ordered the entrance of the cave sky to be opened and waved to let it go.

The domain master of Kongwen took back the domain master's order and flew to the blazing light gate with four **** kings.

No one noticed that an invisible dust fell from the air and stuck to the robes of a **** king.

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