Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3883: Blood Flame Gloves

"That gray misty star... is a mystery."

Long Yan pondered for a while before sighing in a complicated tone.

"Although, it looks like a huge star, several times larger than the dragon world.

But I always feel that it is just an air mass formed by endless gray fog.

Looking back now, I always think it is like a whirlpool. "

"Vortex?" Ji Tianxing squinted his eyes and tried to ask: "Are there any similarities with the void black hole?"

Long Yan thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "There seems to be nothing in common!

When I was closest to the gray fog, it was only about 100,000 miles.

At that time, I was afraid of being discovered, so I did not dare to release my spiritual consciousness.

Otherwise, I must use my spiritual sense to find out what is in the gray mist.

The gray mist was very strange. I was so close, and I didn't feel any divine power or spatial power.

It feels that it is not dangerous or threatening, but the five great **** emperors and thousands of masters have spent so many resources and formed a powerful formation, so there is no need for the gray fog.

In short, it's weird! "

Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, and then asked: "You mean that the five great **** emperors spent so much manpower and material resources, and also spent hundreds of years, are you trying to break through the fog?"

"It should be." Long Yan's tone was not sure, "I was discovered by the goddess emperor before I had time to observe it carefully.

Who knows if they want to break the fog, or want to absorb and refine the fog?

If there is a chance in the future, let's go there. Observe it carefully, and maybe we will understand. "

"Of course I want to go!" Ji Tianxing nodded his head firmly.

He knew very well in his heart that it would not be easy to attract the five great **** emperors, spend hundreds of years and use countless cultivation resources.

Even, that misty star has something to do with the Divine Emperor Realm, and it is probably the greatest secret and treasure in the world!

"Let's talk about this later." Long Yan condensed his thoughts and said with a light smile: "The top priority, we must first solve the immediate trouble.

When the situation in Chilong Continent stabilizes, I will accompany you to the outer starry sky to find out. "

"Okay, then we are settled." Ji Tianxing also smiled and stretched out his fist to touch him.

"You go to the south to deal with the Jinwu patriarch, and I will go to the north to deal with the patriarch Luwu.

"Are you going to deal with Lu Wu?" Long Yan frowned, waved his hand again and again: "No way, no, there are too many gods and powerful people around Lu Wu, this guy is the most cunning.

You'd better go to the south to deal with the Golden Crow, he has fewer **** kings and strong men.

Lu Wu gave it to me, and I know more about him. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said indifferently: "Lu Wu didn't know that I was coming, he didn't guard against me, and his attention was all on you.

Moreover, I can assassinate Lu Wu without distraction, but you have to control the overall situation and arrange many affairs.

The most important thing is that I have a king-level artifact, but you don't.

So, I'm going to deal with Lu Wu, you go to deal with the Golden Crow, don't fight. "

Long Yan grinned, "Brother, I didn't have the best artifact before, but don't forget, I have been active in the outer starry sky for hundreds of years!

The elder brother was lucky. He got a chance in the Tianshu Star Territory. After going through the dangers, he picked up a few pieces of ancient artifacts.

I spent more than three hundred years refining those artifact fragments, and refined more than three hundred stars, and already possessed the best artifact. "

While talking, he waved his hand and shot a fire, offering a pair of blood-red gloves covered with dragon scales.

The appearance of this pair of gloves is simple and vicissitudes, covered with dragon scales and blood marks, ten fingers are sharp as a knife, and there are six thorns on the back of the hand, exuding a terrifying murderous intent.

He put on the dark red full set, showed it to Ji Tianxing, and said with a smile: "I named it the Blood Flame Gloves. What do you think? Is it very strong?"

Seeing Long Yan smiling triumphantly, showing off his own refined gloves, without the demeanor and majesty of a strong man at all, Ji Tianxing couldn't help laughing.

"To be honest, this name is not domineering at all, it might as well be called the Fist of Blood Killing, or the Fist of Yanlong."

Long Yan curled his lips, "Your name is too vulgar. This kind of name that sounds a bit domineering has long been used by everyone.

I think the blood flame gloves are very good, they sound unassuming and very simple. "

"Yes, it's your thing anyway, you have the final say." Ji Tianxing waved his hand, not arguing with him about the name of the glove.

"The plan remains the same. I will deal with Lu Wu and you will deal with the Golden Crow."

"???" Long Yan frowned immediately, somewhat displeased: "I said it for a long time for nothing? No, you are here to help me, I can't let you take risks."

"Stop talking nonsense, give me the information and traces of Lu Wu." Ji Tianxing didn't bother to spend more time talking with him, and directly reached out for information.

Long Yan wanted to persuade him a few more words. Seeing that his attitude was so firm, he could only give up.

"Brother, between the two of us, I won't say thank you. I remember this favor.

You must be careful not to underestimate the enemy. "

After solemnly exhorting a few words, Long Yan took out a few jade slips and handed them to Ji Tianxing.

One of the jade slips recorded the information and trajectory of landing my clan leader, as well as the current location.

The other pieces were all jade slips for communication, and the two used them to contact and discuss plans.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Ji Tianxing took a few jade slips, got up to leave, and walked out of the study.

"The information about me is kept secret for the time being to prevent Lu Wu and Jin Wu from being alert.

In addition, after defeating the Golden Crow, remember to ask about the whereabouts of my son. "

Long Yan nodded without hesitation: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and stepped out of the study, leaving him with a cool back.

Standing at the entrance of the study, Long Yan couldn't help sighing as he watched his figure disappear at the end of the corridor.

"Oh...I owed so much favor to Tianlong Shishu~www.ltnovel.com~ and never had a chance to repay it.

I wanted to keep the favor on Long Tian, ​​but I didn't expect that I hadn't helped him yet and owed him such a big favor.

This account is getting more and more unclear, when can I pay it off? "

After whispering a few words to himself, he turned around and returned to the study. After quickly handling a few government affairs, he ordered a few confidantes to arrange the next plan.

He will go to the south in person to deal with the Jinwu patriarch.

Several confidantes wanted someone to guard Shenhuo Dongtian and help him preside over the overall situation.

Someone still needs to rush to the front line to lead the army, always waiting for his arrangements and mobilization.

As Ji Tianxing said, Ji Tianxing is alone, coming and going freely, and can deal with Lu Wu without distraction.

And he, the Emperor Chilong, is entangled in affairs and exhausted.

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