Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3885: Repeat the old technique

The Master of Kongwenyu and others successfully entered Zixia Cave.

Ji Tianxing, who turned into invisible dust, also mixed in, without anyone noticing.

This was what Ji Tianxing used to sneak into the mysterious cave sky.

Unless there is a pinnacle **** on the sidelines, no one can find and obstruct it.

Now that Ji Tianxing repeats his old skills, of course it goes well.

The area of ​​Zixia Cave Sky is very broad, exceeding one million li, which is twice the size of Shenhuo Cave Sky.

However, this cave is not as magnificent and mysterious as the Shenhuo cave.

In the vast Zixia Cave sky, there are mountains and rivers, grasslands, jungles and lakes, a scene of beautiful landscapes.

Naturally, there is plenty of divine power. Needless to say, the number of people living here has reached about 100,000.

Only 10,000 of them are children of the Lu Wu ethnic group.

The other 90,000 people are all elites selected from various monster races.

There are young and beautiful fox, raccoon, and wolf women who are responsible for serving the children of the Lu Wu tribe.

There are powerful, tough-willed wolf, leopard, bear, tiger and other masters who serve as guards and servants of Zixia Dongtian.

There are also many shrewd, capable, hard-working masters of various races who manage the medicine garden and animal garden in the cave.

There are countless craftsmen who build palaces and attics in the cave to create formations and weapons.

All in all, there is a prosperous scene in Zixia Cave.

Ji Tianxing attached to a certain **** king, and then entered the depths of the cave. What he saw and heard along the way made him feel a great threat.

Of course, this threat was not directed at him, but at Long Yan and Shenhuo Dongtian.

He could see that the Lu Wu clan, who had not been condemned by heaven, had already developed into a very strong state.

Moreover, the Lu Wu clan is ambitious and deliberately planning to enhance its influence in all aspects.

Zixia Cave Sky has been built into a closely connected and well-regulated kingdom.

Then the thirty-six desires in the north controlled by the Lu Wu clan must also be monolithic and strong!

If it weren't for him to come to the Chilong Continent in time to help Long Yan, it would be unclear who will win or lose in this war.

"Although I promised Long Yan, I can't punish Patriarch Lu Wu.

But the Lu Wus were ambitious, prepared so well, and had far-reaching plans.

Even if this war can be subdued, but given them ten thousand years, the Lu Wu clan will dominate the Chilong Continent.

At that time, the Lu Wu clan will be able to easily defeat the dragon clan and surpass all clans.

If the Lu Wu clan’s ambitions cannot be dispelled, I can only kill the Lu Wu clan leader to avoid future troubles. "

Long Yan had his own consideration, and in order to take care of the overall situation, he even pleaded for a strong enemy.

But Ji Tianxing will not be so pedantic, he just wants to help his brother solve the crisis and hidden dangers.

"Whether Patriarch Lu Wu is alive or dead depends on his choice!"

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing quietly left the robes of the **** king and fell into a house.

This is the core area of ​​Zixia Cave, which was carefully built by the Lu Wu people and lived there for tens of thousands of years.

The shrine is certainly not a palace, it is a group of palaces composed of hundreds of palaces and houses, standing on hundreds of peaks.

"After so many years, the **** kings and powerhouses of all races in the Dragon Realm still have such an old level of appreciation and construction.

The architectural styles of the major caves are similar, and they all like to move hundreds of peaks, artificially form the heaven and earth array, and then build palaces on each peak.

Look at those caves in the God Realm, people's architecture and creativity, and they will not be so old-fashioned. "

Regarding the layout of the Zixia Shrine, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but utter a few words.

"call out!"

After a while, invisible dust flew into the study of the house, and Ji Tianxing changed back to his original appearance.

Of course, he still remained invisible and restrained all his breath.

Even if there was a strong **** king in the study at the moment, sitting at the desk doing official duties, he did not sense his existence.

The **** king of the Lu Wu tribe is a thin, dark-skinned middle-aged man.

He was wearing a black robe, a luxurious jade crown, and a token hanging from his waist.

In fact, most men of the Luwu ethnic group are of this type.

Judging from this person's clothing and accessories, it should be the elder or deacon of the Lu Wu clan, and he has a lot of power at hand.

Ji Tianxing stared at this person's back, thinking about how to deal with him, whether to kill or destroy him directly?

Before entering the Zixia Cave, he only wanted to deal with the patriarch Lu Wu and severely wound him to avoid war.

But after he entered the Zixia Cave, he discovered that the Lu Wu clan as a whole was very powerful and had a profound influence.

Even if he severely injured the head of Lu Wu, the kind that would not recover after hundreds of years of retreat might not be effective.

Because the Lu Wu clan also has a deputy patriarch, a guardian, eight elders, and many deacons and elite forces.

Even if there is no patriarch Lu Wu, they will still start a war to **** the position of Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing changed his mind.

He not only has to solve the Lu Wu clan leader, but also abolish the high-level powerhouse of Lu Wu clan.

All the **** kings of the Lu Wu tribe with high status and power and decision-making power are within the target range.

However, whether it is to be killed or abolished is worth considering.

Ji Tianxing walked silently behind the black robe man, stared at the scroll on the table for a few times, and realized it in his heart.

This is a deacon who holds the real power, leading hundreds of elite masters. He has the duty of patrolling the Zixia Cave and carrying out assassination missions for the Lu Wu clan.

At this time, the scrolls and copywriting that the deacon was dealing with were all reports sent back from the front.

This person is mobilizing masters under his command, sneaking into Long Yan's territory, arresting and looting the people everywhere.

In this case, Ji Tianxing did not hesitate to take a shot, and his **** were joined like a sword, and he pointed to the deacon Tianlinggai.

The deacon of guards was frowning and contemplating some questions~www.ltnovel.com~ did not prevent anyone from sneaking into the study and attacking suddenly from behind him.

When he realized the danger and sensed that death came, it was too late to react.


A powerful spirit power burst from Ji Tianxing's two fingers, and through the deacon's Tianling cover, it fiercely blasted into his mind.

His godhead was instantly defeated, silently shattered into sixteen pieces, and the sea of ​​consciousness became chaotic.

In this way, the deacon of the second division of the God King Realm died on the spot without any trauma.

Ji Tianxing held his Tianling Cap with his palm, released a suction force, and sucked out all sixteen pieces of the godhead.

Collecting the fragments of the godhead into the space ring, he quietly exited the study and went to the palace next door to find the next target.

After he left, the deacon and guard was still sitting at the desk, stiff and motionless.

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