Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3833: Make accidents

On the whole, Mr. Deer and others are still at a disadvantage and are in a very dangerous situation.

More than a thousand people joined forces to form a battle formation, but they were unable to fight back, and could only desperately resist the siege of the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demon League.

Rao is so, their casualties are also increasing, and the number is rapidly decreasing.

Although there were more than 3,000 soldiers in the Ten Thousand Demons League, although there were casualties, the number was small and did not affect the overall situation.

They have the chance to win, and they are not anxious at all, and methodically attack.

King Luohu was independent of the battlefield, and he arbitrarily shuttled on the battlefield, constantly looking for opportunities to take action, killing batches of gods.

Although the situation is very good, the Ten Thousand Demons League is steadily moving towards victory.

But the avatar of the profiteer in blue, after observing in secret for a while, was still a little dissatisfied and couldn't help but shook his head.

"Snake husband, he lacks his skill, and he is not strong enough!

If it continues like this, is it really going to be three days and three nights? "

The incarnation of the Dragon General frowned for a moment, and a sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself: "Although due to the oath of heaven, this emperor cannot kill the Golden Dragon Emperor.

But if the emperor does a little bit of action and makes a little accident, it should still be okay... right? "

While thinking about it, the incarnation of Long Jiang subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky, as if he wanted to get the answer from the heavens.

But Tiandao was destined to be unable to respond to his temptation, and still did not respond.

The avatar of the Dragon General quickly moved into action, with a very concealed and secret manipulation law, pointing towards the middle of the battlefield.

"call out!"

The invisible pattern of the gods quietly passed through the defensive mask formed by Mr. Deer and many gods and fell into the crowd.

In the next instant, the earth a hundred li in a radius collapsed suddenly, and there were endless flames and magma under the ground, spewing out like a volcanic eruption.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

More than forty **** kings and more than one thousand **** kings, only looking at resisting the siege of the Ten Thousand Demons League, were completely unprepared for such an accident behind and under their feet.

When the deafening noise erupted and hundreds of magma fire columns erupted, the turbulent divine flames instantly engulfed hundreds of divine monarchs.

Many gods were blasted into coke by the magma fire column, and more people were burned to ashes by the **** flame.

The battle formation with a radius of hundreds of miles was suddenly blasted through several gaps, becoming fragmented and unsustainable.

On the battlefield, deafening exclamations, screams and wailing of dying broke out.

At least more than 700 people were killed and burnt to coke or ashes on the spot.

In the hands of these gods who died on the spot, more than 600 people were under the command of Emperor Jinyuan Long.

And the other more than 100 people are soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

No way, the two sides are very close to each other on the battlefield.

The magma fire column and the sky divine fire attack and cover indiscriminately, and of course they will not distinguish the enemy from us.

This sudden ‘accident’ has not only made Mr. Deer and thousands of gods utterly shocked and shocked.

Even the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League were taken aback, their faces looked jealous and guarded.

The left and right guardians and a few elders hurriedly commanded more than 3,000 soldiers to change their formations and try their best to stay away from the ‘magma eruption’ area.

In the minds of countless people, the same thoughts and questions popped up.

"How could such an accident suddenly occur in the originally peaceful land?"

"How can there be magma and volcanoes in the underground of Xuanji Dongtian?"

"What the **** is going on? Was it a sudden accident, or was it a deliberate attack?"

"If someone secretly attacked, who would it be? They attacked indiscriminately regardless of the enemy and us?"

Everyone couldn't understand it, and found it very inexplicable.

Only God King Luohu, after frowning for a while, suddenly realized something, and his face suddenly changed.

"Isn't he not good at interfering? How could he personally take action against the people under the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor?

Moreover, he did not distinguish between the enemy and me, and even the old man's people were killed? "

God King Luohu was a little shocked, but also a little puzzled.

But after thinking about it carefully, he guessed the meaning.

"It must be that he thinks the old man's progress is too slow, and he didn't get rid of these people as soon as possible.

Could it be... the young master is in danger and needs the old man to rush to support as soon as possible? "

Thinking of this, God King Luohu suddenly became a little anxious, and quickly issued an order to let the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League take advantage of the victory.

This time, he no longer played steadily and gradually pushed forward.

It is a powerful attack at any cost, striving to quickly slaughter Mr. Deer and others.

This move immediately saw results.

Mr. Deer and the thousands of gods under his command are in a state of panic.

They were unable to form a battle formation, but desperately wanted to escape from the ‘volcanic eruption’ area, and they became chaotic for a while.

More than 3,000 soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League broke out with the most powerful force, with an unstoppable attitude, launched a siege and charge.

Although, doing so would be insecure, and the casualties of the Ten Thousand Demons League would increase.

But this kind of destructive and tough posture caused an extremely heavy blow to the morale of thousands of gods!

Even if Mr. Deer and many **** kings worked hard to appease and command those **** kings to stabilize their positions and condense the battle.

But the effect is minimal~www.ltnovel.com~ The number of masters of the gods is decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

High above the sky, the invisible dragon general was incarnate, and seeing the reaction of the Ten Thousand Demons League, he couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

"Snake husband, the old man is still smart, not old confused, and immediately understood this emperor's intention.

Anyway, I have already made one move. Even if the rules are broken, I don’t care about one more time, right? "

The incarnation of the dragon murmured to himself, a playful smile flashed in his eyes, and once again displayed magical powers and secret methods, he flicked his fingers at Mr. Deer and others on the battlefield.


"Boom bang bang bang!"

The battlefield that has not yet calmed down is still shrouded in magma and **** flames.

At this moment, as several dull loud noises burst out, thousands of magma fire pillars burst out from the ground, spewing even more terrifying flames!

Thousands of gods who were panicked and had nowhere to escape were suddenly engulfed by the crimson flames.

Thousands of magma fire pillars also erupted in the crowd, blasting hundreds of gods into dross.

Of course, this time the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League rushed bravely, getting closer to the enemy, and more people were unlucky.

Among the 800-odd people who were bombarded and burned to ashes on the spot, more than 200 were from the Ten Thousand Demons League.

The other 600 masters of the gods belonged to the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

When the deafening noise ceased, the magma and flames covering the sky dissipated, and the battlefield was in a mess and it was horrible.

Mr. Deer and many gods survived, but the number of masters of the gods was reduced to about 400.

Moreover, the four hundred surviving people were seriously injured, weakened, and looked very embarrassed.

Such a result means that their general situation is gone, and they are about to be killed immediately.


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