Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3832: Spectator in the void

The vast void.

Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi have fought thousands of moves, and the battlefield has moved more than 100,000 miles.

There is no real thing in the void, even if the aftermath of the two fighting and fighting is strong, there is nothing to destroy.

But endless fragments of divine light and shock waves were still scattered in the void, spreading outward like ripples.

I saw that in the void where Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi fought, the divine light shone in a radius of 100,000 miles, and the laws and gods were crisscrossed like fishing nets.

Jinyuan Longdi's body was surrounded by two colorful Taoist rhymes, looming like clouds.

Divine pattern of various laws, illusion of thousands of mountains and rivers, sun, moon and stars, and vicissitudes of life.

If there are ordinary **** kings watching the battle nearby, they will be able to obtain great benefits, give birth to various perceptions, and greatly increase their strength.

At this moment of fighting each other, the two had already passed the stage of mutual temptation. Not only did they use their full strength, they also sacrificed the king-level supreme artifact.

Ji Tianxing is holding the Heaven Burial Sword, but above his head is flying a large chaotic primitive clock.

He manipulates the divine clock with his mind, or resists the attack of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, or resolves the Dao Yun released by the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

At the same time, he also released the divine power to suppress the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, restrict his actions and weaken his power.

Emperor Jinyuan Long also sacrificed his natal artifact, the king-level supreme chopping axe.

The axe is dark golden in color, the handle is curved like a golden dragon, the head is flat and wide, and the back is a lifelike dragon head.

This sky-cutting axe originated from ancient times. According to legend, it was transformed by a certain golden dragon giant in ancient times, possessing sacred coercion and spirituality.

Holding the Golden Dragon Sword, Emperor Jinyuan used his mind to manipulate the Heavenly Slashing Axe while fighting against Ji Tianxing, circling and flying on the battlefield.

The Heavenly Slashing Axe can not only resist Ji Tianxing's attack, dissolve his swordsmanship and various magical powers, but also constantly attack him, making him tired of defense.

The strength of the two is not much different. The Primordial Chaos Clock and the Heavenly Slashing Axe are equally powerful, often canceling each other out, and no one can take advantage.

Therefore, the battle between Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi could not be determined in a short time.

If nothing unexpected happens, I am afraid that the two will fight to the end, and they will still have to compete with the divine power to see who has the stronger foundation.

And at this point, Ji Tianxing is certainly no better than Jinyuan Longdi.

Although he is very talented, his practice in this life is too short, less than two hundred years.

What's more, he only has the strength of the eighth layer of the Divine King Realm, and he has not even reached the 9th level.

If he really returned to the peak and became the peak **** king, then this fight would be over long ago.


Just when Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi were fighting together, it was difficult to distinguish between them.

In the depths of the void, a pair of clear and deep eyes were watching their every move.

These eyes contain wisdom, confidence and majesty, as well as a sense of endless vicissitudes.

Only a strong person who has been in a high position for a long time can have such a pair of eyes.

But it is a pity that the owner of these eyes is a middle-aged man who is seven feet tall and has a shiny face.

That's right, this is a middle-aged man with a big belly and a humble human race.

On his ruddy and rich face, there are big collapsed noses and a pair of slightly funny mustaches.

He was wearing a royal blue robe, a hat inlaid with gems, and a variety of pull fingers, divine jade and jade rings on both hands.

This looks is no different from the wealthy profiteers of the world.

At this moment, he was lying in a luxurious divine jade recliner in a ten-foot-long black divine ship, with a jade table in front of him with divine tea and various divine fruits.

The profiteer in the blue robe leaned wildly on the recliner, carrying a delicate jade pot in one hand, and drank a sip of wine from time to time.

The other hand was twisting the divine fruit, sending one by one into his mouth, with a very intoxicated expression.

However, his eyes are always clear and sharp, staring attentively at the two people who are fighting for a war tens of thousands of miles away.

No one knew, he had been guarding the top of Tianhe Mountain before.

When Jinyuan Longdi led a large number of **** kings to attack the Jiuqu Tianhe Formation, he hid from the side and watched.

When the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation was breached and Jinyuan Longdi and others rushed into the mysterious cave sky, he quietly followed.

He had been secretly following Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi, when the two rushed into the void to fight, he naturally followed.

No matter how Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi fight or move the battlefield, he always keeps a distance of 120,000 li and hides in the dark to watch the battle.

And all this has not been discovered yet.

Not only ordinary God Kings couldn't find it, but even Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi didn't notice it.

As time passed, the profiteer in blue robe watched the battle for a while, and couldn't help but smile with relief.

He smiled and said to himself: "This stinky boy has not changed much from that year, but his temperament has changed a lot. It's like a new person.

But fortunately, at least he will not pretend to be solemn and ruthless all day long.

Young, you should look like a young man, it's nice to be naughty...

It seems that he has lived well in the God Realm over the years, not only has a Taoist companion and a son, but also his personality has changed.

Alas, it’s a pity that the old man Tianlong died early, so I can’t see it! "

The blue-robed profiteer was gratified again ~www.ltnovel.com~ sighed again, and shook his head subconsciously.

However, he watched the game for a while, and gradually felt that it was not interesting, and he couldn't help but regret it.

"Hey, although the brat has more profound skills, he has more magical powers.

But after all, he was too young, how could he have such profound skills as the Golden Dragon Emperor.

If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid that there will be no victory or defeat for one day and one night.

It is really going to be delayed for three days, and he might still lose.

Snake husband, why is it so long that he can't even handle a bunch of small fish? "

While muttering, the profiteer in blue robe split his mind to check the battle situation in the mysterious cave.

Before leaving the mysterious cave sky, he left an incarnation in the mysterious cave sky, hidden in the dark to watch the battle, and prevent emergencies.

That incarnation was a tall, mighty and mighty dragon man.

He wears dark dragon scale armor, a square face, a broad nose, a handsome appearance, and a pair of thick eyebrows, big eyes and piercing eyes.

Its majestic domineering, iron-blooded and murderous aura, like the general of the dragon clan, the commander of the dragon.

Prior to this, the profiteer in the blue robe hadn't moved, and this avatar was hidden underground, condensing all his breath, preventing anyone from noticing it.

Now he was moved, and this dragon general incarnation walked quietly underground, quickly approaching the battlefield ahead.

Not long after, the dragon general incarnation arrived near the battlefield.

He flew into the sky silently, hiding in the high sky, overlooking the entire battlefield.

I saw that Mr. Deer and more than 1,000 masters of the gods were besieged by more than 3,000 soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League and were under siege.

The two sides were fighting fiercely, and people were bombarded every moment, falling in a pool of blood, or turning into a rain of blood.


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