Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3834: Sacrifice and hope

The defeat of Mr. Deer and others is already doomed.

Under the siege of three thousand soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League, and the all-out attack and killing of God King Luohu, the four hundred gods died very quickly.

There are only more than 30 **** kings and powerful men left, still struggling to support them, and fleeing to the depths of the cave.

Mr. Deer knows that the situation is over, they have been defeated miserably, and the ending cannot be reversed.

And what he has to do now is to let everyone save their strength as much as possible to join the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, he used the sound transmission of his divine mind to give orders to more than 30 **** kings around him: "Don't entangle with the people of the Ten Thousand Demons League anymore, try to preserve your strength.

We joined forces to form the Star Shuttle battle formation, try our best to get rid of the encirclement and suppression of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and go to join the Dragon Emperor!

Although, we lost miserably in this battle, and it was a bit inexplicable.

But when we meet with His Majesty Longdi, there is still a chance to comeback! "

Mr. Deer's remarks spoke out the hearts of everyone.

They are strong gods, not the more than a thousand gods who died.

Of course they would not believe that there would be magma and volcanoes hidden in the underground of Xuanji Dongtian.

Everyone was whispering in their hearts, this matter is too weird, there must be someone secretly attacking it.

However, Mr. Deer didn't hide anything, spoke out the doubts in everyone's hearts, and pointed out the direction.

Everyone was no longer confused, all cheered up, joined hands to form a Star Shuttle battle formation, and followed Mr. Deer to fight through the siege.

But how easy is it to break through the encirclement formed by the three thousand soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League?

What's more, there is also God King Luohu, the pinnacle **** king.

The fighting between the two sides was extremely tragic, the sky was filled with divine light, the shadow of the sword and the sword covered the sky, and the loud noise was endless.

The 30-odd **** kings exploded to their final potential, and they failed to break through the encirclement of the Ten Thousand Demons League, and instead were slain 24 people.

Only nine high-ranking gods and Mr. Deer were left, both of them suffered heavy injuries and weakened strength, reaching the end of the battle.

Seeing that God King Luohu, left and right guardians, and many elders, with dozens of **** kings, began to besiege again, everyone was completely desperate.

They knew they could not escape, and had no hope of surviving, so they all placed their hopes on Mr. Deer.

"Mr. Deer, we can't escape, and we don't have the strength to fight anymore..."

"Mr. Deer, only you have the opportunity to escape and return to His Majesty Dragon Emperor."

"We are bound to die here. In that case, it is better to work together to fight for Mr. Deer's ray of life!"

"Mr. Deer, you must live, remember to tell His Majesty Dragon Emperor, you must avenge us!"

The nine scarred and terrible upper **** kings all looked at Mr. Deer hopefully, and the sound transmission told him.

Subsequently, the nine high-ranking **** kings simultaneously performed taboo secrets, burning their godheads and blood souls, and burst out their final power.

Mr. Deer is surrounded by nine king-level high-grade artifacts, protected by the last power of the nine gods, as if being in a raging sea of ​​fire.

He shouted loudly to discourage the nine **** kings from casting spells.

But the situation was beyond everyone's control, and the nine high-ranking **** kings knew their will to die and resolutely refused to stop.

With their last hope and prayer, they turned into ashes in the raging flames, releasing the most terrifying power.


In the next instant, the endless **** flames, wrapped in nine artifacts and Mr. Deer, cut through the sky like a meteor and blasted into the depths of the mysterious cave sky.

The soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demon League who stood in the way were blasted into **** by the roaring'Meteor' on the spot, and turned into ashes in the **** flames.

The encirclement of the Ten Thousand Demons League was broken, and hundreds of gods and five gods were killed on the spot.

The huge blood-colored meteor also rushed out of the encircling circle like an aurora, disappearing to the end of the horizon.

Such a shocking scene had a great impact on the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demon League, and it stunned countless people.

Even God King Luohu didn't expect that the opponent would choose this way to end the war.

As a result, when he came back to his senses, it was too late to take action to suppress.

Fortunately, only Mr. Lu escaped to death, and the soldiers under Jinyuan Longdi could be regarded as annihilated.

The left and right guardians and several elders came back to their senses, hurriedly shouted, led the soldiers to the depths of the cave, and continued to hunt down Mr. Deer.

However, God King Luohu waved his hand decisively to stop it.

"Stop! No pursuit!

Everyone rested in place, cleared the battlefield, and treated the wounded. "

Although many people didn't understand King Rahu's decision, all soldiers obeyed the order.

Nearly 3,000 people put away their swords and hurriedly exercised energy to adjust their breath, heal their injuries, or heal their injured companions.

Under the arrangement of the hall masters and rudder masters, a group of soldiers went to clean the battlefield, collect the trophies and the corpses of the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

The left and right guardians, several elders, and heavenly kings all flew in front of King Luohu and asked him about his next actions.

God King Luohu calmly said: "We have won a great victory in this battle, everyone has worked hard!

Next, our enemies are only Mr. Deer and the Golden Dragon Emperor.

And this level of fighting is no longer something ordinary allies can participate in.

Elders four, five, six, and seven, stay here and lead everyone to rest and stand by.

Others ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the power to fight again will come with us, we will support the young master! "

Everyone agreed with his order and acted immediately.

The four elders stayed to preside over the situation and took the soldiers to recuperate and adjust their breath.

The other three elders, the five heavenly kings, and the left and right guardians all followed the God King Rahu to fly to the depths of the cave.

These ten people are all high-ranking **** kings. Only with this level of strength can they be qualified to hunt down Mr. Deer and besiege the Golden Dragon Emperor.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Ten people rushed to the depths of the cave sky like a streamer piercing the sky.

Along the way, everyone sensed the supernatural aura left by Mr. Deer, but did not see Mr. Deer.

After they flew millions of miles, they discovered that there were still more than a dozen wide space cracks above the lofty mountains, which were slowly healing.

God King Luohu used magical powers and secret methods to explore this area and determined that this was the battlefield of the young master and the Golden Dragon Emperor.

Moreover, Young Master and Golden Dragon Emperor have moved the battlefield and entered the void.

Therefore, God King Luohu took the other nine people and rushed into the dark and cold void, looking for the trace of Ji Tianxing.

As soon as everyone entered the void, before they found Ji Tianxing, they saw a blood flame in front of them, speeding fast.

That blood flame like a shooting star is exactly Mr. Deer who is wrapped in majestic divine power and protected by nine divine artifacts.

The power gained by the nine high-ranking kings who sacrificed their lives in exchange for helping him escape this far has not dissipated yet.

So, God King Luohu and others chased up and followed Mr. Deer to the depths of the void.

The two sides chased millions of miles away, and the distance kept getting closer. .

When the two sides were 50,000 miles apart, God King Luohu and the others finally saw that there was an area of ​​brilliant light 100,000 miles ahead.

There is the battlefield of Young Master and Golden Dragon Emperor!

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