Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3815: Problems that plagued 0 years

"Awesome! Amazing my Xiaolongtian!"

Heilongdi's excited eyes gleamed, and he clapped in admiration.

"The kid in the Golden Dragon Emperor is the least gregarious. He is self-defeating. He considers himself a descendant of the dragon ancestor and does not put us in his eyes.

Laozi had long seen him displeased, but he didn't find a suitable reason to get him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Long Tian made a blockbuster and helped Lao Tzu out of such a bad breath! "

God King Luohu's expression remained unchanged, and he continued: "Young Master Qing is born in blue, and he is already qualified to take over from the old master.

However, the supremacy of the Tianlong Continent had already been given to Longdi Beiming.

Therefore, the young master attacked Xuanji Dongtian and wanted to win the overlord position, so I agreed.

It's just that we have forged an endless enmity with Jinyuan Longdi.

Now it's time for Jinyuan Longdi to come back for revenge. I am worried about the safety of the young master..."

The Black Dragon Emperor frowned, and asked with a smile, "Neither you nor Long Tian are the opponents of the Golden Dragon Emperor, but if you two join forces, there should be no problem?

You came to me today, just to ask me to help you kill the Golden Dragon Emperor? "

God King Luohu was noncommittal, but solemnly said: "The young master's future achievements are certainly not weaker than the old master.

It’s just that he is too young and his skill is still weak. It is too dangerous to face the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor at this time..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Black Dragon Emperor waved his hand and interrupted him.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Emperor also put away his joking gesture, with a rare serious expression, and said: "Snake husband, there are some things you don't know, but your old man knows.

For some reasons that cannot be elaborated, the five dragon emperors cannot kill each other.

Don't believe it, we all took the oath of heaven.

It is impossible for me to help you kill the Golden Dragon Emperor.

Long Tian that kid can cause trouble, then you have to bear the consequences yourself, I can't help! "

Seeing Heilongdi's tone and expression are very firm, God King Luohu's eyes are a little sad.

But after another thought, he had an idea, and changed his words: "You misunderstood, I am not asking you to kill the Golden Dragon Emperor, but to ask you to help protect the young master.

Our master and servant will deal with the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, but please help to suppress the battle, whether in the light or the dark, protect the young master.

This shouldn't make you break your oath, right? "

Heilongdi rubbed his chin with one hand, frowned and thought for a while, then smiled and nodded: "This is a good idea. You said it would be fine.

I happened to be bored for decades, and I'm tired of playing in the Black Dragon Continent, so let's go to Star Source Continent. "

Only then did God King Luohu smile, and quickly got up and bowed to the Black Dragon Emperor.

"Thank you Black Dragon Emperor for your help. Both the old man and the young master will remember this kindness."

The Black Dragon Emperor waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, don't be so polite, that kid has an appetite for me, and I don't want to see him die young.

Besides, even for your old man's sake, I will find a way to help. "

God King Luohu's smile became warmer and warmer, he immediately saluted and said goodbye, saying: "If this is the case, the old man will leave first.

I wonder if you are going with the old man or..."

The Black Dragon Emperor quickly replied: "You go back to deal with the matter first, I will rush there later, I have to think about how can I give that kid a surprise..."

God King Rahu no longer said more, he would leave after saluting.

Seeing that he was about to reach the entrance of the main hall, the Black Dragon Emperor suddenly remembered something and asked: "Hey, snake husband, I will ask you one last question!"

God King Luohu stopped, turned to look at him, nodded and said, "Please speak."

Heilongdi rubbed his chin, and asked with a playful tone and smiled, "Tell me the truth, is that boy Longtian the **** of your old man?"

"..." God King Luo Hu immediately frowned, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Black Dragon Emperor, you asked this question many times a thousand years ago.

Moreover, you have asked the old master so many times in person, didn't the old master answer you every time? "

The Black Dragon Emperor showed the color of memories, and still said with a smile: "Although Lao Tianlong denies every time, I always don't believe it. He is too kind to Long Tian, ​​right?

Moreover, he titled Tianlong and named the kid Longtian. Isn't that the reverse of the two characters?

If this is not father and son, who believes it? "

God King Luohu became more dumbfounded and could only explain: "Black Dragon Emperor, don't be fooling around, thinking about it, it's really not the case!"

Heilongdi still didn't believe it, and said with a curl of his lips: "The old Tianlong has been single for a lifetime, and suddenly an illegitimate child has appeared. He will never admit it.

But this is understandable, even if this kind of thing is put on me, I will..."

Before he could finish speaking, God King Luo Hu said with a disdainful face: "Don't you admit it? Don't deceive yourself!

Your harem is crowded, there are more than a thousand children, what else can't be admitted! "

"Well, this is also true." The Black Dragon Emperor had nothing to say, and could only nod his head in agreement.

God King Luohu stopped talking nonsense with him, waved his hand, turned and left the hall.

At the entrance of the main hall, a middle-aged man wearing golden armor with three legs bowed to him and followed him out of the shrine.

The three-legged golden armored man was a three-legged golden crow in the ninth layer of the Divine King Realm.

But he is not a person from Fanxingdongtian, but a follower of God King Luohu, who has been active in a certain star field outside the domain.

This time God King Luohu returned from outside the territory and brought this person back to the Dragon Realm.

In the future, when dealing with Xuanji Dongtian and Jinyuan Longdi, there will be more help.

Regarding the origin of this three-legged golden crow, it is a long story, and there are some twists and turns.

In fact, at the end of antiquity, this three-legged golden crow lived in the dragon world.

At that time he was an elder of the Jinwu tribe.

Due to the demise of the Phoenix clan, the Jinwu clan has become a sin clan of heavenly punishment, withering day by day and in a difficult situation.

In order to avoid disasters and disasters~www.ltnovel.com~, this three-legged golden crow flees the dragon world, escapes the starry sky outside the domain, and takes root in a certain star field.

After more than 20,000 years of accumulation and development, this three-legged golden crow has also created a huge force and has the strength to control the entire star field.

But unfortunately, in the battle for the master of the star field, he lost to a more powerful and insidious opponent.

From then on, the overlord who was aloft became a wanted criminal in the entire Star Territory, in a very dangerous situation.

Hundreds of years ago, God King Luohu entered the star area to investigate the news of Fengtian Dragon Emperor.

The two met by chance, and God King Luohu helped him to turn his dangers into danger several times, finally winning his trust and respect.

From then on, this three-legged golden crow followed God King Luohu, secretly building power.

Of course, God King Luo Hu's creation of power in the outer starry sky is not to seek the position of the master of the star field.

He was just for the convenience of investigating the news of Emperor Fengtian, and to win over more available talents.

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