Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3814: The Dragon Emperor who is least like the Dragon Emperor

The cave mansion of the Black Dragon Emperor is within the famous starry cave sky.

This cave with magnificent scenery and abundant resources is located to the east of the Black Dragon Continent.

The starry cave sky with a radius of a million miles is like a huge, transparent crystal ball attached to the space barrier of the dragon world.

In the starry cave, beneath your feet are the vast sea of ​​clouds and the blue sky of the dragon world.

And overhead is the gloomy outer starry sky, there are hundreds of millions of stars, and countless silver galaxies.

Such a special environment is a bit like the gluttonous clan's star-chewing cave sky.

However, this starry cave sky is broader, the scenery is more beautiful, and the resources are dozens of times richer.

The star-biting cave is full of deserts and wastelands, mixed with a large number of barren mountains, and star veins are hidden inside.

This is not the case in Fanxingdongtian, where there are green mountains and green waters, and thousands of trees and flowers.

The incomparable strength of the stars has nourished this cave sky from ancient times to the present, turning many mountains into silver mountains of stars.

And the heinously abundant divine power will also condense into divine liquid, and it will rain heavily from time to time.

The rainwater formed by the gathering of the sacred liquid flows in the cave sky, and finally gathers into colorful rivers and lakes.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are treasures of heaven and earth everywhere in Fanxing Cave.

Just dig a few stones in the mountains and get them in the dragon world, which are precious gems and **** jade.

Looking at the entire Black Dragon Continent, there is no cave and blessed land that can be compared with the starry cave.

Even among the hundreds of caves and blessings in the entire dragon world, the magnificence and abundant resources of the star caves are among the best.

This is also one of the things that Black Dragon Emperor is proud of.


At this time, the depths of the starry cave sky.

In a sacred and glorious gilt palace.

Hundreds of black dragon guards wearing gold armors are firmly guarded around a certain shrine.

In the spacious and luxurious shrine hall, the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful.

There are only two people in the hall, sitting opposite each other on both sides of a jade case.

On the jade case, there are nine rare divine fruits, a pot of superb divine soul jade tea, and a primitive bronze incense burner, with refreshing smoke.

Sitting on the south side of the jade case was a tall, thin-faced old man in black robe.

He has long purple-black hair, a gloomy and cold breath, and his eyes are purple. Upon closer inspection, he has nine-fold pupils, layered on top of each other, which looks extremely mysterious and weird!

If the elders of the Ten Thousand Demon League were here, they would definitely recognize this purple-eyed old man as their leader of Luohu!

At this time, the elders and guardians of the Ten Thousand Demons League were all anxious and lost the trace and news of the leader.

But no one could have imagined that their leader would be drinking tea in the starry cave of the Black Dragon Continent.

Sitting across from God King Luohu, was a middle-aged man in a red robe.

He did not sit upright like God King Luohu, but lay wildly, with one hand propped up on his body and the other hand holding the tea cup.

The red robe is also not neat at all, covering the body crookedly, and the neckline is still involved.

Even his black hair was draped in disarray, covering the dragon horns on his forehead.

There is no hair bun or jade crown on the top of the head, but a ponytail whip is simply planted, which is extraordinarily rough.

Hmm... In more elegant terms, this is called unrestrained and cynical.

In particular, under the messy bangs, there is a face that is so handsome to be strange, which is even more convincing.

This handsome, unrestrained middle-aged dragon man is the overlord of the Black Dragon Continent, the black dragon emperor who is not doing business.

This point of not doing business is fully reflected at this moment.

"Snake husband, you have been busy for hundreds of years. Haven't found the bones of your old man?"

The Heilong Emperor twisted a divine fruit and threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, looked at God King Luohu slantingly, and asked vaguely.

God King Luohu shook his head sadly.

The Black Dragon Emperor smacked his lips, showing a look of regret, frowned and said: "Then you have to work harder to get his bones back as soon as possible.

At that time, I had to ask him in person what he realized before he died, and he disappeared without a word.

It's okay if he can't think about it, but the story he told me back then was only half of it!

Suddenly came with me like this, which caused me to struggle for thousands of years, and I still can't guess the answer...This is not good!

The smelly old man is too loyal! "

God King Luohu was speechless, and could only show a wry smile.

He respected the old master very much, looking for the bones of the old master, also to fulfill his only wish and obsession.

But these words came out of the Black Dragon Emperor's mouth, always appearing light and casual, making people feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, God King Luohu knew the temper of the Black Dragon Emperor and the relationship between the Black Dragon Emperor and the old master.

If someone else dared to ridicule like this, God King Luo Hu would have broken his neck long ago.

The two of them were silent, and only the black dragon emperor chewed the dried fruit with the sound of "click" in the main hall.

After a while, God King Luohu took the initiative to speak, "I am coming back this time, there is a major issue to deal with."

"Oh?" Black Dragon Emperor raised his brows, looked at him sideways, and asked: "Tell me, what is more important than looking for the bones of an old man?"

God King Luohu said with a serious face: "The young master is back."

"Huh?" Heilongdi was stunned for a moment, a flash of surprise flashed under his eyes.

Immediately, he quickly finished chewing the dried fruit in his mouth, swallowed it roundly, and asked: "You mean that boy Longtian? Is he still alive?"

"..." God King Luohu frowned and explained: "The Young Master has been in the God Realm for more than a thousand years and returned to the Dragon Realm a year and a half ago.

One is to visit the old master, and the other is to find his son. "

"???" Heilongdi widened his eyes and his expression became more exciting.

"Not only is that kid not dead, he has his son?

Cough... For so many years I have always thought that the reason why your old man can't think about it is because that kid Long Tian died. "

God King Luohu ignored his words and continued: "I created a power in the Star Source Continent called the Ten Thousand Demons League.

After the young master met me ~www.ltnovel.com~ I took him back to the Ten Thousand Demons League.

However, he and Jinyuan Longdi became enemies, and this alliance threatened Xuanji Dongtian's position.

As a result, this league clashed with Xuanji Dongtian, and I fought to death with the incarnation of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

In a rage, the young master smashed Xuanji Dongtian while taking advantage of the absence of the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan, in order to seize the position of hegemony. "

"!!!" Heilongdi's eyes widened again, his face full of wonder.

"Hey! He's a snakeskin, what strength is that kid?

As soon as I returned to the Dragon Realm, I did a big vote and lifted the Golden Dragon Emperor's lair?

Seeing how he was stunned back then, doesn't he look like such a grumpy person? "

God King Luohu frowned again and forcibly ignored the word'snake skin'.

Knowing that this was the mantra of the Black Dragon Emperor, he didn't care about it, and then said: "The strength of the little master is equal to mine."

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