Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3816: The only way

God King Luohu took the three-legged man and left the Starry Cave.

In the wide and bright hall, the Black Dragon Emperor still leaned on the jade case, drinking tea and eating the fruit.

However, his cynical smile and eyes disappeared.

Instead, there was a calm and thoughtful look.

There is no one else in the hall, and there is the most loyal guard guarding it outside.

Here, he is not afraid of someone eavesdropping on anything, and his mentality is very relaxed and comfortable.

After thinking for a long time, he frowned and muttered to himself: "Old man Tianlong, you have always been the clearest and most respected of the five of us.

But when you were dying, you left us with such a big question.

What do you think? What have you learned?

Could it be... Heaven gave you instructions? Or did you see the answer?

Why can't I think about it, so I'm short-sighted?

Is it good to live? You still have more than 60,000 years of life!

That kid Long Tian is very good, but I can't understand why, does he make you favor and value to that point?

No wonder we all suspect that he is your illegitimate child, and everyone can't understand your way! "

The Black Dragon Emperor talked a lot to himself, and his brows became increasingly tight.

After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind, and his brows opened.

"Well, taking advantage of Long Tian's return this time, I will observe and study carefully to see what is special about him!

I hope that the mystery in my heart can be found through him. "

Heilongdi sighed, then waved his hand to put away the jade case, turned and left the hall.

After a while, he returned to the bedroom and called the maid to dress him up.

This time I went to Xingyuan Continent, as usual, I still had to dress up.

What kind of identity should I play?


As the sun sets, night falls.

The City of Ten Thousand Demons, which seemed to be peaceful on the surface, was in fact a solemn atmosphere and strong defense.

With Ten Thousand Demons City as the center, within a radius of a million miles, a total of five lines of defense were laid out, and hundreds of scouts were scattered.

And the entire dark water area, under the control of the Ten Thousand Demon League, was under tension and alert.

The intelligence system of the Ten Thousand Demons League has been fully operational.

Once a large number of powerful gods enter the dark waters, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance will know for the first time.

In Ten Thousand Demons City, in the exclusive palace of the leader.

Ji Tianxing has returned, and is sitting in the magistrate's chair in the study, listening to the report of the chief house officer and the elder.

A quarter of an hour ago, the Chief of Internal Affairs reported on the deployment of Ten Thousand Monster City and the response plan in case of emergency.

Great Elder Fox Xinyue reported on the peripheral situation of the Ten Thousand Demon League and its layout on the Star Source Continent.

After listening to the reports of the two, Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his satisfaction, and said earnestly: "Over the past year, you have made so many arrangements and arrangements for your hard work, and you didn't even have time to heal your injuries.

Your credit and hard work are all in my heart. "

The head of internal affairs and Hu Xinyue hurriedly saluted, saying: "It is our duty to share the worries for the young master, and we dare not take credit."

The two parties exchanged a few words and asked each other about the current situation.

Then, the housekeeper and Hu Xinyue relaxed and chatted with Ji Tianxing.

"Although the lord leader has not yet returned, the young master can rush back and sit in the city of Ten Thousand Monsters himself. Now the military will be determined."

"Young Master, Lao Slave never understood that the chess pieces and forces under the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor were basically handled by us.

He quietly returned to the Star Source Continent this time, and neither released any news, nor took the initiative to take refuge in him. How come dozens of **** kings gathered around him?

Where did those god-king powerhouses emerge from? "

Ji Tianxing frowned for a while, and said calmly, "Actually, these are all within my expectations.

Jinyuan Dragon Emperor has been operating in Xingyuan Continent for more than 20,000 years. How can it be easily defeated?

Those forces and strong men that this league cleared out should be just part of his chess pieces.

There must be some chess pieces that are hidden deeply, and we have not investigated them. "

After a pause, he added: "In addition, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor has been outside the territory for nearly a thousand years, and may be active in certain star regions.

With his strength and means, it shouldn't be difficult to win over a group of powerful gods from outside the territory. "

Although, neither the house chief nor Fox Xinyue have been to the outer star field.

But they also heard from Leader Luo Hu that the nine star regions are extremely vast, with at least tens of thousands of large and small worlds.

Although the peak **** kings have not yet been born in those worlds, the number of ordinary **** kings is more than that of the dragon world.

For Ji Tianxing's conjecture, the two were convinced.

"So, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor brought a group of **** kings back from outside the domain?"

"Since he has brought manpower from other star regions, there are definitely more than dozens of **** kings, and there must be a large number of **** king masters!"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "In other words, the power currently held by the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is enough to destroy the Ten Thousand Demon League, so we must be careful!"

When Hu Xinyue thought of something, she reminded: "Young Master, yesterday's spy under Ao Jinying got a news that someone secretly spread the news of the return of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

Although, in the past year, this kind of rumor has been passed on many times.

But this time, the news seemed to be true. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and said, "Go on."

Hu Xinyue continued to analyze and said: "Although, the forces on the mainland and the powers of the gods have been numb after hearing too many similar news.

The news has not spread yet, and many people do not believe it.

However, the news will eventually spread, plus this alliance shrinks defenses and strengthens guard... These changes will confirm the news.

When the time comes, the Star Source Continent, which has just calmed down, will be undercurrents again.

I guess that many of the old ministries of Xuanji Dongtian will be ready to move, and even take the initiative to seek refuge in the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan.

You see, should we monitor those domain owners and first-class forces?

If they change, assassinate them in advance? "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "This situation is inevitable~www.ltnovel.com~ Now we must concentrate our efforts to deal with the counterattack of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

No matter how the situation changes, no matter how the undercurrent surging, as long as we kill the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, all turbulence will be subdued. "

The house chief said with a worried expression: "But this way, our situation is too passive.

The initiative is in the hands of Jinyuan Longdi, when he will counterattack, how to attack, we all know nothing. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, tapped his fingers on the desktop, and said, "So, we want to take the initiative, there is only one way.

That is... fully investigating the whereabouts of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor!

Only by grasping his whereabouts, we can take the initiative.

Even after the leader of Luohu returns, we can assassinate the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor!

Once the assassination is successful, this league won't need to fight those strong, and easily win! "


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