Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3624: Chaos Primitive Clock

Accompanied by the cracking sound of "click, click", the divine formation covering the top of the starry cliff collapsed and shattered.

Hundreds of millions of divine light fragments poured down like a torrential rain, and spread around like a stormy sea.


The entire top of Starry Cliff was swept across, and the dilapidated palace was razed to the ground on the spot, and there were not even a few pieces of masonry left.

Tao Yongsheng's reliance disappeared, and it became an extravagant hope to trap Ji Tianxing and others again.

But this is only the second thing. The first problem he and the **** kings of the gluttonous clan face is... the bombardment of 36,000 star giant swords.


Under the control of Ji Tianxing's mind, 36,000 star giant swords formed a circle of heaven and earth, covering the heaven and earth.

Thousands of star giant swords formed a light wall, sealing off this area.

And the other 26,000 star giant swords all exploded with the strongest speed and the most terrifying power, and slammed Tao Yongsheng and others fiercely.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, huge swords poured down from the sky, flooding the entire Starry Cliff, bursting with a deafening noise.

Fanxing Cliff had cracked a few gullies and was crumbling.

It was bombarded by tens of thousands of stars and giant swords, and it suddenly broke apart, collapsed in all directions, and earth and rocks were flying.

However, Tao Yongsheng and others, who had been bombarded by Wan Jian, ended in an especially embarrassing situation.

It is better for Tao Yongsheng and the high priest to say that after all, they are the powerhouses of the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm, and they can still resist the might of the giant sword.

But those elders suffered, and they were bruised and splattered with blood.

The most miserable was Tao Rongxing, the third elder.

At the beginning of the war, he was destroyed by Ji Tianxing's sword, leaving only one godhead.

When everyone was fighting, his godhood could only hide on the edge to avoid being affected.

But he never had a chance to escape, so he was blocked by the Heavenly Sword Formation.

Then, his godhead was bombarded and killed by hundreds of giant swords, and was fragmented by bombardment on the spot.

More than a dozen pieces of the godhead fell in the ruins.

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing put away his godhead fragments and put them into the space ring.

The first elder and the second elder were both wounded by the sky-filled giant swords, their clothes were stained with blood, and they looked very embarrassed.

The fourth elder Tao Yuxing, the fifth elder, and the sixth elder were all severely injured by the giant sword. They were covered with wounds and dripping with blood.

As for the weakest Seventh Elder, who is just a middle-ranked king of the Sixth Realm, how can he withstand the bombardment of Wanjian?

He was shattered by Wan Jian's bombardment, and his divine body became full of debris.

There was only one godhead, and he fled out in a panic, flying towards the edge of the sword formation.

Ji Tianxing winked at Bai Feng, Chao Qingyu, and Yan Ke, and the three of them immediately understood and hurriedly hunted down the seventh elder's godhead.

Their task is very simple, that is, to completely kill the Seven Elders and obtain fragments of their godheads.

But Ji Tianxing was alone, relying on the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation, against Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and the five elders.

Although he has fewer enemies and more enemies, he is confident and confident.

Yanke and Chaoqingyu were not surprised, but took it for granted.

Because they have followed Ji Tianxing for a long time and have witnessed too many miracles.

Bai Feng's mood was a bit complicated, shocked and awed.

Only then did he understand that from the very beginning, Ji Tianxing's plan was not only to escape the encirclement, but also to complete the counter-kill, which would severely inflict the powerhouses of the gluttonous race!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that Ji Tianxing had such a terrifying method, and he could really realize his plan!

This is so dreamy!

"Little beast, you are deceiving too much! Do you really think that this seat can't cure you?"

Tao Yongsheng returned to his senses, staring at Ji Tianxing with cracked eyes, bursting with murderous intent all over his body.

Half a quarter of an hour ago, when they entered the palace, they had the belief that they would win and the mentality of cats and mice.

But now, the situation has turned upside down.

Ji Tianxing and the others were safe and sound, but they fell into a passive state and suffered heavy casualties.

This is too ironic!

Tao Yongsheng felt that he must use the means and stunts of pressing the bottom of the box to win back a city.

He sacrificed a huge black divine bell, injected divine power madly, and opened the divine bell.

Suddenly, the fist-sized pitch black divine clock expanded to a height of thousands of meters, as large as a mountain.

Under his control, the divine clock hovered over the ruins of the Starry Cliff, releasing dazzling blood, and resisting the Heavenly Sword Formation.


And he, the high priest, and several elders flew under the divine clock one after another, hiding in the blood-red mask.

With the protection of the pitch black divine clock, the huge sword of stars flying and shuttling in the sky was all blocked by the blood-red light.

No matter how the Star Giant Sword assassinated, Tao Yongsheng and the elders were safe and sound.

"Ha ha ha... boy, although your dragon clan rules the world, supreme, but our gluttonous clan is not vegetarian!

This is our town treasure, the primitive chaotic clock! "

Tao Yongsheng stood under the dark red blood, staring sharply at Ji Tianxing, and said proudly.

"Chaotic primitive clock?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows, and a cloud of haze flashed across his eyes.

He had heard of the great name of this **** clock thousands of years ago.

Before the ancient times, when the world first opened, the dragon world was barren, and there were no tens of thousands of monster races.

At that time, the dragon, the phoenix, and the unicorn were the heads, the four spirits and the sacred beasts were the supplements, and the seven ancestors of the monster clan were the backbone forces to jointly open up the world and divide the four seas and five continents.

As the first monster race to appear in the dragon world, all races have obtained innate treasures from the chaos.

For example, the Chaos Primitive Clock of the Taotie tribe is one of the innate treasures.

This is a supreme king-level artifact, tainted with the power of the law of heaven, sacred and majestic, and strong.

Of course, compared with the innate treasures of the dragon, wind, and unicorn races, their rank and power are slightly weaker.

However, to other monsters and the king of gods, the Primal Chaos Clock is already a powerful and invincible treasure.

Ji Tianxing stared at the pitch-black divine clock with scorching eyes, and whispered to himself: "If it is really a primitive chaotic clock, then they will be invincible.

It's harder to kill them than to get to the sky! "

as predicted.

He used his mind to manipulate more than 26,000 star giant swords ~www.ltnovel.com~ to launch a violent bombardment on Tao Yongsheng and others.

But it's a pity that all the Star Giant Swords were blocked by the Primal Chaos Clock.

No matter how powerful the Star Giant Sword was, it couldn't shake the seemingly thin layer of red light.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was basically certain that the divine bell was the primitive chaos clock, a supreme king-level artifact.

He knew that the anti-kill plan was going to fail, so he gave up.

Tao Yongsheng and the others were dragged by the Zhutian Sword Formation. He wanted to take Bai Feng, Yan Ke, and Chao Qingyu, and quickly leave the Star Devouring Cave.

Anyway, the godhead of the Seventh Elder had been killed by the three of Bai Feng.

When Bai Feng returned to him, he brought back a dozen pieces of Godhead.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing accepted the Godhead fragments and decisively chose to evacuate.

Wonderful book house

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