Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3625: Star Eater Flower and Mineral Vein

"let's go!"

Ji Tianxing gave a low cry, took Bai Feng, Yan Ke, and Chao Qingyu, turned and flew away from the sword formation.

The gluttonous clan tried every means to murder him and tried to plunder his blood.

He wanted to teach the gluttonous clan a lesson he will never forget, and at least six or seven high-ranking kings must be killed.

However, judging from the current situation, this idea is destined to fail.

But he didn't lose anything. Instead, he killed Tao Rongxing and the seventh elders, and wounded several elders.

No matter how you look at it, he made it.

There is no regret for leaving the Star Devouring Cave Sky.

However, Tao Yongsheng and the gods and kings of the gluttonous clan were full of anger and murder, and refused to let him go.

"Swallow the sky!"

Seeing that Ji Tianxing and others were about to leave, Tao Yongsheng suddenly became anxious, and the sound was like Hong Zhong's anger.

Afterwards, he joined forces with the high priest and several elders to cast spells, unleashing turbulent powers and injecting them into the primitive chaotic clock.

In an instant, the Primal Chaos Clock was lit up with **** light, covering tens of thousands of miles in the sky.

With the Primordial Chaos Clock as the center, thousands of miles around has become a dark red vortex of blood.

The vortex revolved at extreme speed, bursting out the power that swallowed everything, frantically swallowing the giant sword of stars flying all over the sky.


In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of giant swords of stars, swallowed by the vortex of blood, and quickly dissolved and dispersed.

The Primordial Chaos Clock is like a bottomless abyss that can swallow everything.

No matter how fierce and violent the Star Great Sword, it has become its food.

After just two breaths, there were two thousand star giantswords, swallowed and dissolved by the Primal Chaos Clock.

Ji Tianxing took Bai Feng and others, just left the Zhutian Sword Formation and stood in the gloomy sky.

Seeing this scene, he also frowned fiercely, a cold light flashed under his eyes.

"Damn it! As expected, it is the town **** of the gluttonous tribe, it can swallow all power.

It seemed that my Heavenly Slaying Sword Array could not trap them, and it wouldn't last long. "

At that time, Ji Tianxing didn't understand the gluttonous clan, but now he discovered that the strength of the gluttonous clan was far more powerful than he had imagined.

No way, when he stayed in the dragon world thousands of years ago, it was the developmental period of his rapid growth.

At that time, he went from the Heavenly God Realm to the God Sovereign Realm, and then to the God King Realm.

After he reached the fourth level of the God King Realm, he left the Dragon Realm and went to the God Realm.

Therefore, the Dragon Realm only knows that the peerless genius Dragon Heaven, like a flash in the pan, has bloomed in the Dragon Realm.

Only the strong and the forces of the God Realm know the style of the peerless sword god.

In contrast, Ji Tianxing had a clearer understanding of the power pattern of the God Realm and the major caves.

"My son, shall we continue to deal with them?"

Chao Qingyu held the sapphire divine sword tightly and looked at Tao Yongsheng and others murderously.

"No, we should go." Ji Tianxing shook his head, decisively led Bai Feng and the others, turned and flew south.


The speed of the four people was extremely fast, like lightning piercing the dark sky, and went straight to the camp of the gluttonous clan.

Just after flying out of more than 20,000 miles, Ji Tianxing stopped suddenly and turned to the southwest.

"call out!"

He teleported eight thousand miles and appeared in a canyon filled with stars.

Bai Feng, Chao Qingyu, and Yanke didn't know what to do, and quickly followed, looking at him suspiciously.

Before everyone could ask, Ji Tianxing waved out a golden light, dived into the deep canyon, and picked out two silver flowers the size of a basin.

The two nine-petaled silver flowers, which are like lotus leaves, look stronger than steel, cold like rocks, shining with dazzling stars.

This is the King-level high-grade heavenly material and earth treasure, the Star-Eater Flower, unique to the Star-Eater Cave Sky.


Ji Tianxing moved extremely fast, only glanced at it, and confirmed that the two Star-Eater Flowers were okay, and put them into the space ring.

Immediately afterwards, he waved the Sky Burial Sword again, and cut out eight swords "swish".

"Boom bang bang!"

Only a muffled sound was heard, and eight brilliant swords of ten thousand feet long fell in the mountains on both sides of the canyon.

Suddenly, those two towering mountains were cut off by two huge mountains.

Each mountain has a radius of a hundred miles, and contains extremely rich star ores and various gems.

If it is refined, it will be able to extract hundreds of billions of stars and gems from the two mountains.

But it is a pity that Ji Tianxing has no time to refine it.

Therefore, he adopted the simplest and rude way.

Cut these two mountains from the two mountains, put them in the space ring, and save them for later refinement.

"Huh! Huh!"

Ji Tianxing quickly put away the two mountains and took the three of Bai Feng to continue flying south.

On the way, Bai Feng couldn't help but be full of doubts, and asked: "Master, how do you know that there are natural treasures and rich mineral resources here?"

Ji Tianxing replied in a calm tone: "I have already used my spiritual sense to investigate on the way to Fanxingya.

Let's come to Devour the Star Cave Sky once, if we don't bring something to go, wouldn't it be a big loss? "

"Uh... it makes sense." Bai Feng was taken aback, nodding quickly in agreement.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke both laughed and said nothing, thinking in their hearts that this white-haired phoenix still didn't know the character of the young man, and asked these meaningless words.

Next, Ji Tianxing and others flew all the way south.

Along the way, he paused three times.

Every time he stopped, he would pick one or two star-eating flowers and plunder one or two star veins.

The most indispensable thing in the star-devouring cave is mineral veins and gems.

As a result, Ji Tianxing successively searched for cultivation resources worth four to five hundred billion.

However, he also delayed dozens of interest time.

On the ruins of Starry Cliff, Tao Yongsheng and several elders have been casting spells to control the Primordial Chaos Clock, devouring the giant sword of stars madly.

After seventy breaths of time, more than 36,000 star giant swords were all swallowed by the Primal Chaos Clock.

The Zhutian Sword Array disappeared, and the crisis of Tao Yongsheng and others was lifted.

So Tao Yongsheng put away the Primordial Chaos Clock, took the high priest and several elders, and chased south in a rage.

"Damn beast~www.ltnovel.com~ Don't let this seat catch him, this seat will blast him into dregs and thwart his bones and ashes!"

"It makes the wild goose peck at all day long! It is tolerable or unbearable!"

"They fled to our camp, don't let them mess up the camp and kill the people!"

Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and others rushed to the camp as quickly as possible, cursing with resentment and worry.

Originally, they were worried that the Zhutian Sword Formation had been delayed for too long, and they would not be able to catch up with Ji Tianxing and the others.

However, after chasing to the vicinity of the gluttonous camp, they unexpectedly found the trace of Ji Tianxing and others.

At this time, Ji Tianxing and others were near the camp, cutting off a mountain range with a sword, and dug up a mountain unscrupulously!

Tao Yongsheng and the high priest had a vicious look, and they could tell at a glance that it was not an ordinary mountain, but a mine containing stellar veins!

Seeing this scene, Tao Yongsheng burst his lungs with anger.

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