Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3623: Jedi comeback

Ji Tianxing's behavior seemed a bit strange to Tao Yongsheng and others.

They all wondered, what exactly is this guy doing if he doesn't surrender or fight back?

Pointing the sword at the outer starry sky and shouting inexplicably, what is the use?

Just as Tao Yongsheng and the high priest were filled with doubts, Tao Yuxing's expression suddenly changed, and he pointed to the vast starry sky and exclaimed.

"Gosh! Look at it!"

The sudden exclamation shocked everyone.

Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and several elders all looked up at the stars.

Then, everyone saw a scene that they will never forget.

I saw tens of thousands of bright points of light in the dark starry sky.

In a short breath, the more than 30,000 silver light spots, like a meteor shower, descended on the sky above the starry cliff.

At this time everyone can see clearly that it is neither a light spot nor a meteor shower.

It is a condensed by the divine power of endless stars, with more than 36,000 star giant swords!

Each giant sword of the stars is more than a thousand feet long, condensed like substance, divine majesty.

When those more than 36,000 star giant swords passed through the space barrier and entered the Star Devouring Cave Sky, they absorbed half of the Star Devouring Cave Sky's divine power, and the volume was further enlarged!

The great sword of stars has not yet descended, and the terrifying supreme power has already enveloped tens of thousands of miles.

The entire Fanxing Cliff was trembling, and Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and several elders were even paler by the terrifying sword power.

They couldn't imagine that besides a few dragon emperors, anyone in the world could display such terrifying kendo supernatural powers!

That supreme sword power, like the rules of heaven, was enough to destroy everyone's fighting spirit and confidence.

At this moment, not only the high priest and several elders' expressions changed drastically, but a deep panic flashed in their eyes.

Even Tao Yongsheng's expression and eyes became extremely solemn.

"No! This is no longer the magical powers of kendo, but...the true meaning of kendo like the rules of kendo!"

This thought flashed through Tao Yongsheng's mind, and his heart suddenly twitched.

He suddenly realized that today's hunting plan may have variables.

So, he used the secret method at the fastest speed, manipulated the king-level superb divine formation, and turned it fully into operation.

The divine light shield that enveloped the palace instantly expanded to a hundred li, covering the entire starry cliff.

In addition, the shield flashed with a dark red light, greatly enhancing the defense.

"Rumble rumbling!"

In the next instant, more than 36,000 star giant swords flooded the Starry Cliff like a monstrous flood.

All the star giant swords burst out with the most violent power, slamming the blood-red divine light shield fiercely.

The deafening and loud noises continued to burst out, echoing endlessly between the sky and the earth, spreading tens of thousands of miles away.

At this moment, in addition to Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and several elders all raised their throats.

They were afraid that the Divine Light Shield would be defeated, then they would be bombarded and killed by the Divine Sword.

Fortunately, the blood red mask was trembling violently and violently waved crazily, but only a few cracks broke apart and was not defeated.

The first round of the bombardment of the sword rain over the sky was blocked by the blood red mask.

The high priest and several elders were relieved with a sigh of relief.

Tao Yongsheng raised his eyebrows, restored a confident smile, and looked at Ji Tianxing, "Ha ha ha... boy, your kendo skills are truly amazing.

But it's a pity that your swordsmanship is flashy and unrealistic, so you can't help the divine formation laid by this seat.

After all, that is the king-level superb divine formation that this seat and many powerful people have spent a lot of effort to deploy! "

Originally, a nine-layer realm **** king like Tao Yongsheng was unlikely to set up a king-level top-grade **** formation.

Only the pinnacle **** king, dragon emperor-level powerhouse, can do it.

However, this king-level superb divine formation is an ancestral divine formation passed down from generation to generation by the gluttonous clan, and it is also a relatively simple and easy to set up king-level superb divine formation.

Ji Tianxing looked at Tao Yongsheng blankly, raised his eyebrows, and said, "This king's swordsmanship is flashy and unreal?

Ha ha... Your **** formation is indeed the king-level best **** formation.

But it's a pity that this can only be regarded as the bottom of the king-level best **** formation.

This king will let you see how vulnerable it is! "

When the voice fell, he pinched the magic trick with his left hand, and used a magic trick to secretly manipulate the nine king-level artifacts buried in the ground.

At the same time, he swung the Heaven Burial Sword with his right hand, manipulated 36,000 stars giant swords, and launched another bombardment.


More than 36,000 celestial giant swords flew and shuttled at extreme speed, bursting out with violent power, and blasting the blood light shield fiercely.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The blood-light shield that was a hundred li around shook violently, and the light flashed randomly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone heard nine dull rumbling noises in the ground beneath their feet.

Suddenly, around the ruins of the palace, the ground instantly cracked and collapsed, revealing nine deep pits.

There is a shock wave of divine power that destroys the heavens and the earth, blooming with colorful divine light, carrying endless dust, rushing into the sky.

The entire starry cliff shook violently, cracking huge gaps, and faltering.

But what made Tao Yongsheng and several elders horrified was that the blood red mask was suddenly hit hard, its strength weakened sharply, and the light became flickering and dimming.

"Boom bang bang..."

"Boom! Click... Click..."

As the sky full of stars continued to bombard the giant sword, the blood-red mask was blasted out of cracks, and gaps appeared one after another.

Those cracks and gaps spread rapidly, expanding in all directions, and soon the entire sacred formation became riddled and fragmented.

The high priest and a few elders looked earthy, hurriedly releasing their supernatural powers to help repair the gaps and cracks in the divine formation.

But these are all in vain, and the **** array is collapsing at an extremely fast speed.

Tao Yongsheng also had a gloomy expression, and quickly checked the situation of the divine formation with his spiritual sense.

Only then did he discover that several foundations of the divine formation had been destroyed, and several key veins had been cut off.

"No wonder...it's no wonder that the Divine Array suddenly weakened and was smashed to pieces by the sky huge sword!

Damn Long Tian~www.ltnovel.com~ He actually...has already understood the structure of this **** formation and moved his hands and feet in advance? "

Tao Yongsheng guessed the answer instantly.

Following this, stormy waves threw up in his heart, and he was dumbfounded in shock.

"God! He just came three quarters of an hour earlier, or was he able to see through the structure of this divine formation under the supervision of several elders?

Then, isn't his formation knowledge as powerful as kendo knowledge, reaching an unimaginable level? "

Thinking of this, Tao Yongsheng only felt heart palpitations and dry mouth.

If Tao Changji and Tao Wangchuan were still alive, he would pinch the necks of those two guys and ask how they provoke such a terrifying monster?

That's right!

In Tao Yongsheng's view, Ji Tianxing is a terrifying monster!

Wonderful book house

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