Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3466: 0Alchemy

() Although, Ji Tianxing is already a strong God King.

He would only look forward, staring at a higher divine realm, and formulating a long-term revenge plan.

He will not miss the past, nor will he waste time in memories.

Wu Hate hasn't found yet, the five great **** emperors are still aloof and dominate the gods.

If his **** hatred is not reported, the world will not be peaceful!

But he also knew that after reaching the Divine King Realm, the progress of strength would definitely slow down.

The idle **** king and strong man, perhaps thousands of years, can break through the first realm.

It would take dozens to hundreds of years for an evil evil like him to be gradually improved.

During this process, he appropriately paid attention to the world of the five elements and the world of the sword.

When appropriate, he will secretly help and cultivate the creatures of the two worlds.

For him, the creatures in the world of the five elements and the world in the sword are his mass foundation and future forces.

Within nearly a thousand years, it may be difficult to become a climate.

But what about thousands or 10,000 years from now?

Perhaps by then, there will be a large number of gods and a few gods in the world of the five elements and the world of the sword!

That is his people and power.


The sound of "rolling" sounded, and the stone door of the secret room opened.

Ji Tian walked out of the secret room and came to the main hall of the Palace of Heaven's Will.

Jiang Tianyi was sitting cross-legged in the hall, and while healed his injuries silently, he drove the palace to the south.

He wants to drive the palace and drive, unable to retreat and heal his injuries.

In this state of healing, the injury recovered very slowly, and it has only recovered 70% so far.

But he loves to be clean, the scruffy white crane cloak has long been replaced with a new one, and his unkempt white hair is also neatly combed.

"God, where are we now?"

Ji Tian walked in front of him and asked.

Jiang Tianyi opened his eyes, said hello to him, and replied: "Young Master Tianxing, it hasn't been long since we entered the Crimson Dragon Region."

Ji Tianxing nodded and asked: "When crossing the border between the two regions, did you encounter an ambush?"

Jiang Tianyi shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "Since the Battle of Manchuan Pass, there has been no harassment so far, and the Chilong Region has not reacted at all.

But the more so, the more strange and uneasy I felt. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and analyzed: "Since the Asura God Emperor unified the entire Haotian Continent, it has been calm for thousands of years.

Those divine envoys and domain masters all have eyes above the top.

When something like this happens, they will never give up, let alone rest.

Especially the astrological envoy, will surely gather many domain masters and kings, and do everything possible to besiege me.

It's just that the news of Manchuan Pass's defeat was spread, and they must be cautious.

Even, they will re-make plans and do not rush to do it.

But next time, once they do it, it must be a thunderous blow! "

"It makes sense." Jiang Tianyi nodded in agreement, and said in a low tone: "Ten days ago, I sent a message to God Yin Dongtian and asked Jiang's eyeliner to help me collect the news.

At the same time, I also sent a message to She Mi Dongtian’s friend and asked her to help me inquire about the situation in the surrounding areas.

It is estimated that it will not take long before they will get back to me. "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "She Mi Dongtian is best at inquiring about news, with his eyes and ears all over the world.

But the six relatives of She Mi Dongtian don't recognize them, only recognize money and interests, so you still have friends? "

"Uh..." Jiang Tianyi was taken aback, his face was a little red for some reason, and his eyes were a little dodging.

Looking at his posture, Ji Tianxing vaguely understood something.

Jiang Tianyi was a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject and asked: "Young Master Tianxing, can I ask, how did you become enemies with the Star Elephant God Envoy?"

Ji Tianxing replied lightly: "In the beginning, it was just an enmity with the two domain masters. The two domain masters suffered a loss, so they went to find the star **** envoy to support them.

As a result, I killed one of the two domain masters, one missing, and the Astral Envoy was severely injured by me.

Since then, the star **** envoy has summoned many **** kings and domain masters to besiege me desperately. "

"So that's the case." Jiang Tianyi nodded, and said in a somewhat indignant tone: "Those divine envoys are very arrogant and domineering. They regard themselves as the guards of the **** emperor and don't put anyone in their eyes.

Several times in the past, several envoys had been to the heavens, and all of them were arrogant and dragged into the sky.

Whenever anyone offends them, they will be accused of rebelling against the emperor and conspiring against them.

But in fact, many divine envoys are not as good as those domain masters.

In the eyes of our children of the ancient race, those divine envoys are the running dogs of the divine emperor, and they are the most arrogant and hateful! "

Seeing Jiang Tianyi's reaction in this way, Ji Tianxing couldn't help asking: "You know, I killed the domain owner and offended the envoy, don't you worry?"

"What are you worried about?" Jiang Tianyi asked subconsciously.

Ji Tianxing said: "Take trouble to the upper body."

"Cut..." Jiang Tianyi was very disapproving, and said with a smile: "What's so scary about? It's just killing a few domain masters and offending a divine envoy, not the Asura God Emperor.

Our gods guide the cave to heaven for tens of thousands of years. Are we afraid of a divine envoy? "

The two chatted a few more words, and Ji Tianxing told him to heal his injuries.

Jiang Tianyi said that it was okay, most of his injuries had recovered, and there was nothing serious.

At this moment, a stream of light suddenly flew from Gao Tian and fell in front of Jiang Tianyi.

Jiang Tianyi showed joy, stretched out his hand to pick up the jade slip of the message, and said: "They must have found the news..."

While talking, he read the news in the jade slip with his spiritual sense.

However, after reading the news in the jade slip, his expression was a bit strange.

Ji Tianxing asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Jiang Tianyi explained: "It wasn't the news from them, it was the ninth brother who asked me for help.

Two years ago, the family sent me and three brothers to practice in the world together, and recruited the refining talents for the family, and added fresh blood.

The ninth brother Jiang Tiansheng, and I are half-brothers~www.ltnovel.com~ We are relatively close, and the other two brothers are far away, one in the south and the other in the east...

Jiang Tiansheng spent half a year in the Hengshan domain, and after a lot of effort, he finally dug up two refining geniuses and wanted to bring back the Jiang clan.

Unexpectedly, the second senior brother of Bailian Ancient Sect Chen Lan was also in the Hengshan region.

After Chen Lan learned the news, she rushed to intercept Jiang Tiansheng to **** the two refining talents he recruited. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing frowned: "Ancient Bailian Sect? Second disciple Chen Lan?"

Jiang Tianyi looked up at him and asked, "Master Tianxing, do you know the Ancient Sect of Bailian? Know Chen Lan?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Well, the ancient sect of Bailian, you mentioned before, just like the Jiang, Nangong, and Fury Dongtian, they are all ancient clans who are proficient in the way of refining tools.

But to tell the truth, the ancient sect of Bailian's research and foundation on the way of refining tools is indeed a little better than the others. "

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