Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3467: 30 **** kings!

() Jiang Tianyi's expression is a bit depressed.

"Sir Tianxing, although I admit that you are telling the truth, I am not convinced."

"Cough cough..." Ji Tianxing coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and comforted: "It's okay, the ups and downs of the major clans are normal, and it will be a matter of time for the Jiang Clan to surpass Bailian Ancient Sect."

Jiang Tianyi felt more comfortable and continued: "The ancient sect of Bailian has always been domineering, and has old grudges with the Jiang clan, and has been fighting openly and secretly.

But Brother Jiu recruited two refining geniuses first, why should Chen Lan grab them?

The ninth brother and Chen Lan got into a dispute and then moved their hands.

As a result, the ninth brother suffered a loss, and Chen Lan was still reluctant, and had to take away two refining geniuses.

This is really outrageous!

It's so deceiving! "

Speaking of this incident, Jiang Tianyi was full of indignation, with anger on his face.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked: "Then what are you going to do? Go to Hengshanyu to help your Ninth Brother?"

Jiang Tianyi frowned, and said in a low tone: "The ninth brother and I have a very good relationship. He is in trouble, and I should help him.

But I want to take you back to the Jiang Clan, now being surrounded by many gods...

The situation is so critical that I can't make extravagances. "

Ji Tianxing said again: "But if you don't help, not only will your ninth brother be bullied, but the two refining geniuses will also be robbed."

Jiang Tianyi hesitated before gritting his teeth and making a decision.

"It's okay, the ninth brother rarely goes out and lacks experience.

This time, let him gain some experience.

Even if Chen Lan was too much, she didn't dare to do anything to the nine brothers, otherwise it would provoke a battle between the two.

As for the two refining geniuses, no matter if they were robbed, they just need to find them later. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, noncommittal: "Okay, you just have to make up your mind."

After speaking, he was ready to return to the secret room and continue to practice in the sacred tower.

But at this moment, another streamer flew from outside the sky and fell in front of Jiang Tianyi.

The streamer dissipated, and another jade slip appeared.

Jiang Tianyi quickly picked up the jade slip and read the information inside.

After a while, his face became gloomy and his expression became solemn.

"Master Tianxing! She Mi Dongtian's friend, wrote me back."

Seeing his dignified expression and solemn tone, Ji Tianxing also felt bad.

"How's it going?"

Jiang Tianyi said with a heavy tone: "My friend inquired that the surface of the Chilong Region is calm, but a huge storm is actually brewing.

The domain owners of the surrounding domains seem to be rushing to the Crimson Dragon Domain.

Moreover, not only did more than a dozen domain masters come, it seemed that two divine envoys were also coming.

They may converge in the Red Dragon Region and give us a thunderous blow! "

Ji Tianxing nodded to express his understanding, smiled and said, "Their target is not us, but me."

Jiang Tianyi was very clever. He understood what he meant, and quickly stated: "Mr Tianxing, you look down on me!

I am not afraid of those envoys and domain masters, and I will never back down!

I want to fight alongside you and take you back to the cave of God! "

Ji Tianxing smiled again and persuaded: "You have to know that you represent the Jiang Clan who leads the sky, so you can't express your opinion casually.

Moreover, your ninth brother is being bullied in Hengshan domain, you should go there to help him. "

Jiang Tianyi said with a firm tone: "Young Master Tianxing, you are the benefactor of our Jiang Clan. Now that you are in trouble, how can we just ignore it?

As for going to Hengshanyu to help the nine brothers...I think this is a reliable thing, let's go together! "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"The Astrology God Envoy summoned more than a dozen domain masters to gather in the Crimson Dragon Region, and they must have laid a net of heaven and earth.

That being the case, we don't need to go head-to-head, just take a detour to the Hengshan region. "

If you continue to fly south, it will run through the entire Chilong region, at least half a month.

However, the Hengshan Region is in the southwest of the Chilong Region, and after a detour, it can avoid the ambush of the Star God Envoy.

Originally, Jiang Tianyi was not going to help Jiang Tiansheng in Hengshan domain.

Now that he learned of the conspiracy of the Astrology Divine Envoy and obtained Ji Tianxing's consent, he changed his direction and flew towards the Hengshan Region.


Ten days later.

Tianlong Pass in the south of Chilong Region.

This place is located at the southern border of the Chilong Region, and one hundred thousand li further south will leave the Chilong Region.

Tianlongguan is amidst the mighty mountains, the mountains are steep and the cliffs are as high as ten thousand feet.

Compared with Manchuan Pass, which was on fire in the mulberry field, the area of ​​this checkpoint is smaller, but the terrain is more dangerous.

Originally, this was the border between the two regions, an important checkpoint, and a battleground for military strategists.

But the Haotian Continent has been peaceful for thousands of years, and there have been no wars among the various domains.

On weekdays, Tianlongguan only guards one hundred thousand soldiers.

Moreover, 100,000 soldiers are relatively leisurely, patrolling and practicing all day.

Until ten days ago, the tranquility of Tianlong Pass was broken.

First, the Red Dragon Territory Lord took a few emperors and more than two hundred gods and powerful people, and rushed to Tianlong Pass overnight.

One hundred thousand soldiers entered the state of preparation, always listening to the dispatch of the domain master and several emperors.

Immediately afterwards, the Red Dragon Territory Lord and his deputy jointly arranged the divine formation, and several emperors, more than 200 gods and 100,000 soldiers assisted.

In more than ten days, everyone arranged three king-level gods in a row.

Tianlong Pass has become as solid as gold, and surrounded by a divine formation, its lethality is very terrifying.

During this period, other domain masters, with a large number of gods and powers, rushed to Tianlongguan one after another.

These domain masters and gods did not rest after arriving at Tianlong Pass, and joined the ranks of arranging the gods.

The entire Tianlong Pass was filled with a tense and solemn atmosphere.

Everyone knows that an earth-shattering battle is coming soon.

Just like Manchuan Pass in the Huosangyu.

To this day, seventeen domain masters and more than twenty powerful **** kings have gathered in Tianlongguan!

Tonight, there are several super noble gods and powerhouses who arrived at Tianlong Pass mysteriously and silently.

One hundred thousand soldiers are not qualified to know their identities.

But more than twenty **** kings gathered in the coach's palace, but they saw their true faces.

There are four people here.

Three of them are honorable envoys!

The Star Elephant God Envoy was headed, and the Withered Cloud God Envoy and the Shadow Slashing God Envoy came to assist.

As for the fourth **** king, it was the landlord of the fire mulberry domain next door, the **** king Baifeng.

All the **** kings present had heard of the battle situation at Manchuan Pass and the encounter with the **** king Baifeng.

The eyes of everyone looking at Bai Feng~www.ltnovel.com~ are also full of sympathy.

Bai Feng remained calm, standing silently among the many gods, not conspicuous.

The Astrology Divine Envoy's injury has not healed, but it seems that it has no effect on the surface.

His face was gloomy, his eyes were sharp, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

Looking across the many **** kings in the hall, he said in a deep voice: "The thieves who acted as the head of the heavens went all the way south and tortured and killed several domain masters and **** kings.

This kind of thing has appeared for the first time in thousands of years. It is simply appalling and cruel!

This king doesn't want to talk about extra nonsense.

In short, this time we assembled a heavy army, thirty **** kings are sitting in town, we must intercept them at Tianlongguan!

If you let them escape again, everyone here will apologize!

Including this envoy! "

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