Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3465: 2 good news

() The resources of 200 billion sacred stones can at least expand the world of five elements by 10%.

As the Five Elements World grows, Ji Tianxing's strength will also increase.

Moreover, Ji Tianxing refining the godhead fragments of the three **** kings will greatly increase his strength.

Even the Blood Flame God Tree, which absorbed 200,000 soldiers in the Battle of Manchuan Pass, and the blood spirits and spirits of many gods and three **** kings, have also grown substantially.

Now it has grown a thousand feet taller, the branches and leaves are becoming more luxuriant, and the divine breath and blood flames released are also stronger.

Judging by the grade of the king-level artifact, it is now at the pinnacle of the king-level inferior product.

Perhaps in the near future, if it swallows more blood souls of the strong, it may become a king-level middle-rank.

When Ji Tianxing was refining the godhead fragments, a thought flashed in his mind.

He remembered that Lin Xue had mentioned one thing to him before, and asked if the blood illusion could improve his strength?

The **** of blood illusion was severely injured that year and lost his body.

It was Ji Tianxing who used the branches of the Blood Flame God Tree to help Xue Huan refine his body, making Xue Huan a high-ranking god.

Now, the blood flame tree has long been transformed to the **** king level.

Ji Tianxing couldn't help but guess, and took another branch of the Blood Flame God Tree to replace the blood illusion God Lord's body. I wonder if it can succeed?

If it succeeds, doesn't the blood illusion **** possess a king-level body?

As long as he is diligent in practice, can one day break through to become a true king?

However, if this is unsuccessful...

The blood illusion will not only lose its divine body, but it may also lose its life!

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing decided to consider it again.


A year and a half passed quickly.

The fragments of the godheads of the three gods were all refined by Ji Tianxing.

His strength reached the peak of the Divine King's Second Layer, and he was only one step away from breaking through the Third Layer.

At the same time, he has refined twenty kinds of the law of the gods to further strengthen his strength.

Today, the number of laws he mastered has reached four hundred and twenty.

In terms of the number of laws, he has more than a dozen more than Baifeng in the Seventh Realm.

If Bai Feng knew this secret, he was afraid that his eyes would fall to the ground.

What the hell?

The Heavenly Walking God King, who can tie him, only has the strength of the Divine King Realm?

The number of Shinto laws he mastered is actually more than him?

After finishing his practice, Ji Tianxing got up and moved for a while.

He circled the blood flame sacred tree to check everyone's situation.

Yun Yao's injury has recovered, and she is practicing in retreat.

The previous battle at Manchuan Pass enriched her actual combat experience, and also allowed her to see the gap between herself and the king of the gods.

She practiced harder and harder and improved her strength little by little.

But unfortunately, after careful observation, Ji Tianxing found that she basically showed no signs of breaking through the Divine King Realm.

It seems that I can only pin my hopes on the seventh divine bead.

On the contrary, Ji Ke's situation was a bit beyond Ji Tianxing's expectations.

It took her to break through the Ninth Level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, a bit later than Yun Yao.

However, she had reached the peak of the gods and began to attack the gods realm.

Although it is difficult to break through the Divine King Realm, it is like crossing the sky.

But she has already begun to try, and summed up experience in the failure, continue to strengthen the foundation.

Ji Tianxing could see that her background was already very strong, and she hoped to break through the Divine King Realm.

As long as one or two hundred years, as short as three to five years, she should be able to succeed!

In addition, Bailong, Ji Wushuang, Zhenhong, Black Dragon, and Qianyue are all in the realm of the upper gods.

Everyone worked hard to cultivate, and they vowed not to give up without breaking through the Divine King Realm.

But Ji Tianxing knew in his heart that not all hard work can be rewarded.

Not everyone following him will definitely be able to break through the Divine King Realm.

Some results are actually doomed long ago.

Of course, if there is a big chance, the ending may change.


Ji Tianxing circled the sacred tree, and was about to leave the warped time and space to see Jiang Tianyi's situation.

But at this moment, the voice of the funeral rang in his mind.

"There are two good news, do you want to hear?"

Ever since Funeral became a king-level middle-grade artifact, he has never spoken again.

This is the first time it actively contacted Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing was taken aback, and asked quickly: "What good news?"

"Sanjue ancestors have become gods." Funeral's tone was calm, without emotional fluctuations.

Ji Tianxing frowned, a little stunned: "Three Great Ancestors? Which Three Great Ancestors?"

Funeral Tian was probably a bit speechless. After a moment of silence, he explained: "It's the old man you conquered in the Profound Sky Continent. Later, you refined into an ancient tree, and he has been in the sword world."

"Oh... it turned out to be him!" Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, thinking about it, and chuckling: "It's too long, I forgot him."

Funeral continued to explain: "Over the years, it has been rooted in the sword world, desperately absorbing the spiritual energy and resources of the world, and its strength has been steadily improved.

Originally, it was limited by the body of the ancient tree and could not become a god.

But not long ago, I was restored to the middle grade of the king class, and the world of the sword also expanded a hundredfold.

The world has changed drastically, the power is abundant, and the resources have skyrocketed.

The Sanjue Patriarch was the first to break through the shackles and become the true god. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with a light smile: "It's interesting! This old man is tenacious, even if he becomes an ancient tree, he will not give up the hope of becoming a god.

Now that he has become a true god, he can get rid of the shackles, transform into a human form, and act at will. "

He considered for a moment and said, "Let's throw the Sanjue Ancestor into the world of the Five Elements, let him protect my father and guide my father's cultivation."

Funeral said in a calm tone: "It is indeed a suitable candidate. The world of the Five Elements has transformed and has also released the shackles. Hundreds of millions of creatures have the hope of becoming gods.

Your father's qualifications are not too high, and he is still crossing the catastrophe.

With the protection and guidance of three ancestors, he will surely survive the nine calamities safely and become a martial sage. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "The world of the five elements has been refined by me and placed in the Sky Filling Bead. Even if those creatures become gods, they will not be able to ascend to the God Realm."

Funeral agreed: "This is also the reason why Sanjue ancestors are full of anxiety, so I will inform you.

Of course, the Five Elements World is not weaker than the God Realm, and there is no need to ascend~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing stopped discussing this matter, and asked: "What about the second good news?"

Funeral said in a calm tone: "The King of the Mountain has become a god."

"Jinshan King?" Ji Tianxing was startled.

With his previous experience, he recalled a bit and guessed the answer.

"In the world of the sword, the chief of the earth spirit tribe, right?"

"Yeah." Funeral sky replied, adding: "The Earth Spirit Race has multiplied to 100,000 people, and many of them are martial arts and martial arts masters."

Ji Tianxing was surprised, a little unbelievable, "Those dwarfs are quite capable of giving birth? Haven't paid attention to them for many years, has grown to such a point?

It seems that the Earthlings are worth training and can be used in the future. "

"Understand." Funeral said in response, and fell into a long silence and stopped talking.

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