Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3423: Wait for the rabbit

The colorful light curtain above the head of the God King Baifeng is still slowly changing the picture.

Had Ye and Wu Xue were full of excitement, staring at the screen with wide-eyed eyes without blinking.

The couple observed for a while, Wu Xue suddenly noticed the divine light across the sky and frowned.

"Could it be that that divine light is the alien **** king we are going to search?"

Had Ye nodded in agreement, and murmured, "Looking at the shape and speed of the divine light, it's not like a few divine kings are on the way, it's more like a divine ship speeding?"

Wu Xue was full of exclamation: "This is unbelievable! Lord Domain Master's Nirvana pupil, as expected, is the bloodline of the beast Huofeng, and it has such a magical effect!"

Had Ye stared at the picture for a while, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Looking at the mountains and the city that the divine ship flies over, it seems to be the northern part of the Fire Mulberry Region.

I remembered, that mountain range should be the Lingyue Mountain of the Spirit Empire!

In other words, those alien kings are riding on the divine ship, in the territory of the Spirit Empire! "

Wu Xue nodded quickly, and said emotionally: "Finally found it! Here is our chance to make merit!

I will now send a message to the emperor of the Spirit Empire and let him lead his troops to Lingyue Mountain to intercept! "

While talking, Wu Xue couldn't wait to take out the jade slip of the message, and he was about to send a message.

But Had Ye was calmer and stopped her by raising his hand.

"Don't don't...We don't know whether this scene happened in real time, or was it before!

Besides, even if you send a message to Emperor Qiling now, it will be too late for him to rush away.

Don’t you know how fast the king-class divine ship is? "

"Uh..." Wu Xue suddenly got stuck and froze in midair with her hand holding the message Yujian.

Fortunately, at this time, the White Phoenix God King stopped casting the spell, and the colorful light curtain above his head disappeared.

The divine formation around him also gradually stopped working, and he opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

For a month, it was an extremely hard work for him to perform magical secret skills every day to open the pupil of Nirvana.

Especially just now, he had insight into the secrets of Vientiane and speculated that the traces of the unfamiliar **** king's aura cost a lot of divine power.

After a short break, the God King Baifeng got up and walked out of the magical formation.

Hadye and Wuxue hurriedly greeted them and asked about the situation with concern.

"My lord, how is your situation? Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

"My lord, is the picture you just speculated about the traces of those alien kings?"

The **** king Baifeng nodded and said, "Although he has been casting spells for a month, this king is really tired and exhausted. I really want to recuperate for a few days.

But the picture that this king just speculated is indeed the location of the few alien kings.

They were driving a divine ship, and they had just passed the Lingyue Mountain of the Spirit Empire, and they should still be within the territory of the Spirit Empire.

As expected, the Astrology Divine Envoy hadn't said that those alien kings were rampant and confident.

They did not detour to other areas, and went all the way south to the Fire Mulberry Region.

Next, they will leave the Spirit Empire, enter the Sanglan Empire, and then the Huosang Empire..."

The voice of the **** king Baifeng was calm and powerful, and very majestic.

After explaining the situation, he went on to say: "As of now, no one has searched the traces of those alien kings.

Therefore, the king can't rest for the time being, and must report this news to the Astrology Divine Envoy.

At the same time, we must act immediately and mobilize a large number of gods as soon as possible to intercept the **** ship. "

Qin Ye and Wu Xue hurriedly bowed their hands and said in obedience.

However, Qin Ye hesitated and reminded: "My lord, if you want to intercept those alien kings, we must not only gather a large number of gods, but also high-ranking gods.

It's a pity that the high-ranking gods we can mobilize are scattered around the main roads and borders of the Fire Mulberry Region.

It takes a long time to get them together.

Even if you issue orders to the empires, grant privileges to those gods and allow them to gather through the teleportation array.

But I estimated that it would take them three days at the earliest to complete the assembly. "

Divine King Baifeng frowned for a moment and nodded slightly, "In three days, enough time for that divine ship to leave the Spirit Empire and enter the Sanglan Empire.

When we are assembled and ready to intercept, it is estimated that the divine ship will leave the Sanglan Empire again.

In such a rush and rush, the king is worried about something unexpected in the middle, or the power of the gods is weak... alas! "

Wu Xue hurriedly said with relief: "Domain Lord, don't worry, the upper gods under our command are all elite men.

If you feel that after we assembled, we were too hasty to intercept the divine ship, and we are worried that there will be an accident.

Then we might as well wait for work and guard the border of the Huosang Empire after the assembly.

Anyway, that divine ship will go all the way south, after passing through the Sanglan Empire, it will definitely enter the Huosang Empire.

Let's wait and see if we are fully prepared, we can also set up traps and ambushes in advance.

Lord, what do you think? "

God King Baifeng frowned and considered for a while, then nodded and said: "This king has weighed it a bit, this seems to be the best choice.

Anyway, we know the traces of that divine ship, but those alien kings ~www.ltnovel.com~ don't know our plan.

Then do it! "

Qin Ye and Wu Xue both smiled comfortingly, nodded quickly and said: "Follow the order of the domain master!"

"My lord, then we will send orders now and start to gather all the people. You will be able to recuperate for a few days."

The **** king Baifeng nodded in agreement and waved his hand: "Okay, this matter will be handled by you, and this king will go to rest."

Had Ye and Wu Xue said goodbye, then turned around and left quickly.

The God King Baifeng also returned to the secret room of the bedroom, taking Shendan to meditate and adjust his breath. The fastest updated novels https://

It didn't take long for the high-ranking gods scattered across the Huosang Region to receive summons and orders.

Immediately, the two hundred high-ranking gods all began to act and returned to the Huosang Empire from various places.

The emperors of the major empires also received orders from the domain master.

They set up special privileges one after another to open the teleportation array for many upper gods.

In short, a powerful force is quickly gathering, waiting for the godship in the north to cast its net.


at the same time.

Ji Tianxing traveled in the world of the Five Elements for a long time and also figured out the situation.

In fact, as he has seen, the Five Elements World has indeed expanded twice.

Not only has the entire star become twice as big, the cultivation resources on the star have also become abundant.

Even the hundreds of millions of creatures on the stars are rapidly multiplying and expanding.

All continents have become more prosperous, and the martial arts of all ethnic groups have become more brilliant and prosperous.

What surprised Ji Tianxing most was that after the five-element world's territory exploded several times, the resources and heaven and earth aura also increased several times.

This has led to the emergence of geniuses of all races and the strong.

Not only has the number of Valkyrie increased significantly, but a true **** powerhouse has even appeared!

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