Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3424: Star Training Program

At that time, the many powerhouses in the world of the Five Elements united to fight against the invasion of the Sky Clan.

After arduous battles, many strong men defended the world of the Five Elements and also shattered the plan of the Celestial Clan invasion.

But in that long-term battle, the Five Elements World paid a huge price.

Tian Jue Wu Shen went astray and was killed by Ji Tianxing.

Taihao Wushen died in battle against the Marshal Zhengnan of the Fatian clan, and Luoshui Wushen also chose to sacrifice himself in order to perfect Yun Yao.

The three major gods fell successively.

Even the envoy of the gods and the secluded fairy Yuqing gave their lives to protect the world of the five elements.

After that, the only Martial God powerhouses in the Five Elements World were Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

When they took the Five Elements World and wandered across the starry sky to seek revenge from the Fatian Clan, there was no Valkyrie in the Five Elements World.

There are only a lot of martial arts powerhouses who stick to the three great kingdoms and many forces.

Ji Tianxing always thought that the Five Elements World was hit hard by this and it would take at least a few hundred years to recover.

But he didn't expect that in just a hundred years, the world of the Five Elements has not only recovered, it is also more prosperous than before!

Not only are there more than a dozen martial arts powerhouses, all of them have grown into war gods, guarding the three great kingdoms.

The strongest among them, broke through the limit of Valkyrie and became a true god!

And that person is... the disciple of the Sword God, Taoist Huanglong!

Therefore, in today's world of the Five Elements, Tianzhu Mountain is already the number one power because of the true **** Huanglong Taoist!

Discovering this situation, Ji Tianxing was both shocked and gratified.

What shocked him and unbelievable was that the Five Elements World recovered so quickly and became more prosperous than before. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Moreover, the seal and shackles of the Five Elements World were lifted, and the True God powerhouse appeared.

He also became more and more certain that the world of the Five Elements is definitely not the world of the inferior planes, and it is most likely the former main world!

What makes him feel gratified is that the strongest person in the Five Elements World is his disciple Huanglong Taoist.

This made him also light and proud.

After calming down, he pondered for a long time. The fastest updated novels https://

There must be many reasons for the tremendous changes in the world of the Five Elements.

First, Yun Yao was killed at the beginning, causing the seal of the Five Elements World to disappear, and she was successfully resurrected.

Secondly, the world of the Five Elements broke away from the lower planes, and when he was brought to the God Realm, he lost his fetters and shackles.

This is the only way to rapidly expand and grow after absorbing massive cultivation resources and divine power.

In addition, he has merged with the world of the five elements, and the two share the same prosperity.

His strength increased rapidly, and the Five Elements World also grew.

After understanding this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help thinking: "I have only returned to the second stage of the Divine King Realm, and the world of the Five Elements has such an amazing change.

When I return to the peak of the God King, will the Five Elements World expand five or six times and become an eternal world like the God Realm and the Dragon Realm?

It seems very possible!

However, if I want the Five Elements World to grow faster, I have to give it more power and resources. "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but try.

He took out the cultivation resources worth 500 billion sacred stones from the space ring, and put them into the supplementary dzi beads.

Next, the Budzi Bead swallowed all the 500 billion resources, turned them into endless divine power, and instilled them into the world of five elements.

The moment to witness the miracle came.

After the endless divine power merged into the world of the five elements, Ji Tianxing watched the world of the five elements grow little by little and expanded by a tenth.

Not only has the volume of the Five Elements World increased, but the cultivation resources and various treasures contained in it have also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

This result confirmed Ji Tianxing's conjecture.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it!

As long as the world of five elements is given divine power and resources, it can grow rapidly!

Before that, I rarely took the initiative to give it divine power and resources.

It's just relying on me to improve my strength to drive it, and to fill the dzi automatically absorb the divine power of the gods to help it grow.

Even so, it has grown so rapidly.

If I often give it divine power and resources in the future, it will grow faster! "

Ji Tianxing and the Five Elements World are already in a mutually integrated and complementary relationship.

Just now he sent resources worth 500 billion to the Five Elements World, not only has the Five Elements World increased by 10%, but his own strength has also increased a bit.

Therefore, he decided to search for cultivation resources as much as possible in the future, and find ways to strengthen the Five Elements World.

This is not only to improve his own strength, he also wants to see how far the Five Elements World can grow?

Will it become an eternal world like God Realm and Dragon Realm?

This matter had a conclusion for the time being, and Ji Tianxing began to consider another matter.

"During this period, I used various magical powers and secrets to search the Five Elements World, but I didn't find the seventh orb.

It seems that the seventh divine orb should not be in the world of the five elements... it may be in the divine realm!

However, the God Realm is so vast and vast, it is like finding a needle in a haystack to find the seventh God Orb.

However, Yaoyao's strength progresses slowly ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is very likely that she is stuck in the peak of the gods, unable to break through the gods.

I have to think of another way, first help her improve her strength and reach the Divine King Realm as soon as possible.

After all, searching for the seventh divine orb cannot be completed in a short period of time. "

Ji Tianxing thought about it and felt that there were only a few ways to help Yunyao break through the Divine King Realm.

One is to find a king-level **** pill that can help Yun Yao break through the shackles and increase her strength by a huge amount.

The second is to help her refine a set of king-level artifacts, let her warm up and sacrifice the artifacts, and learn and explore from it.

The third is to teach her king-level magical skills, let her comprehend and explore...

In fact, the core ideas of these three methods are the same.

They all use the power of a king-level fetish to help Yun Yao break through the shackles.

But the first method is difficult to achieve.

One is that Ji Tianxing doesn't have that kind of pill, even if he wants to refine it, he has to look for more than a dozen alchemy materials.

In contrast, the third method is the simplest.

Not to mention that Ji Tianxing taught Yun Yao, she has Wang-level exercises and supernatural powers in her memory.

But this method is too slow to be effective.

After much deliberation, Ji Tianxing still thinks the second method is reliable.

He decided to refine a king-level artifact for Yun Yao!

Anyway, Yun Yao will definitely become a **** king in the near future, and he also needs a **** king weapon to take advantage of it.

In addition, before Ji Tianxing recast the Sky Burial Sword, there are still many refining materials left.

There are two bottles of Galaxy Golden Sands, half of the essence of Xuanji Mother Qi, and a lot of Purple Flame Silver Silk.

But these materials are the icing on the cake, and the foundation stone for refining artifacts still has to be used.

No, the source crystal is more refined than the source stone!

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing excavated a large number of source stones from the Five Elements World.

He took the source stone back to Twisted Time and Space, and asked Yanke to perform magical skills to refine many source stones into source crystals.


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