Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3422: Peerless Artisan

Hearing what her husband Had Ye said, Wu Xue looked at him sideways.

"What? You don't have confidence in the domain master?

Do you think that we and the domain owner are all busy and doomed to be impossible? "

Had Ye nodded, and Transmission said, "Although I can't say that I'm 100% sure, but I'm sure it's over 90%."

Wu Xue waved her hand, and said, "There should still be hope! Didn't the celestial envoy say it?

Several alien kings fled all the way to the south, following their route, they would definitely pass through our Huosang Region.

They will even pass through the Huosang Empire!

We have laid out divine formations and ambushes everywhere, especially in the Huosang Empire, we have laid a net of heaven and earth.

As long as the few alien **** kings pass by, we will definitely be able to find and hold them..."

"No, no... you are wrong." Had Ye quickly shook his head and explained: "Although the Astral Envoy said that they will pass through the Huosang Empire, I also want to find them and intercept them.

In this way, we can all make great contributions and get the gratitude and favor of the astrological envoy.

But this is obviously unrealistic!

Think about it, those alien kings who committed a crime will definitely escape as quickly as possible.

We all know that they will definitely pass through the fire mulberry domain.

As long as they are not fools, they will definitely take a detour.

Originally, we searched for them in the fire mulberry domain, it was a matter of finding a needle in a haystack.

If they detour other domains, or disguise, hide their breath, etc., then we are completely hopeless. "

After listening to these words, Wu Xue's will was a little shaken, and she said a little sullenly: "Listening to you, we really have little hope of success.

What do you say? Can't we persuade the domain owner to give up?

Although he has been casting spells continuously for a month, his divine power has been exhausted, and he must be haggard.

But he and the Astrology Divine Envoy are old friends and are very concerned about this matter, and most of them won't listen to our advice. "

Had Ye thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "That's right! It is of course impossible for the domain owner to give up.

I just want to remind you not to hope too much, so as not to get disappointed. "

"Well, I see." Wu Xue pursed her lips, feeling a little depressed.

Had Ye stopped discussing this matter, and quickly turned the subject away, and asked, "By the way, I don't know if you have heard of something?

Ten days ago, the emperor of the Sanglan Empire sent me a report.

Said that a young master craftsman suddenly appeared in the Sanglan Empire, appeared in the Fire Dragon Mountain, and announced that he would stay there for ten years.

The young master craftsman claimed to be a peerless master craftsman and planned to accept a few disciples.

All the master craftsmen in Huosangyu can go to Huolong Mountain to visit him.

If you are not convinced, you can learn the way of learning tools with him.

With great concentration in seeking scholars, as long as the talent is good, he can also give pointers and instructions.

Even, he will choose the most potential person from the master refiner to be his personal disciple..."

"There is such a thing?" Wu Xue frowned, and asked with interest: "Young divine craftsman? Is also a strong man in the Divine King Realm?

It must be a **** king from another domain!

However, he claimed to be a master craftsman?

This is too big!

Now these young people are too mad! "

Wu Xue curled her lips with a disdainful expression.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and then asked: "By the way, don’t we have a **** craftsman in Huosangyu? Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

Don't the most talented master craftsmen learn from the master craftsman Tianye?

That young master craftsman made such an accident, wouldn't it mean that Tianye master craftsman's place was destroyed?

Don't talk about Tianye God Craftsman, just the disciples and grandchildren of Tianye God Craftsman, won't let him go? "

"Who said no?" Qin Ye nodded quickly, and said with a light smile: "I heard that in the past few days, several disciples of God Crafter Tianye have all gone to Huolong Mountain to challenge the master crafter.

And guess what? "

Wu Xue raised her eyebrows and said nonchalantly: "Does this still have to be guessed? It must have been defeated.

That person is a strong **** king, a true master craftsman.

No matter how top-notch and genius the master refiner, he couldn't compare to the master craftsman. "

"Uh..." Qin Ye was taken aback, and explained: "You are right to say that, and the result is true.

However, that peerless master craftsman did not take advantage of them either.

His challenge rules are very interesting. The opponent chooses what level of artifact to refine.

I heard that the disciples of the **** craftsmen of Tianye tried to refine the top-grade artifacts of the monarch level with him, and see who refines them faster and with better quality.

But even so, those disciples of Tianye God Craftsman still lost in a mess. "

After a pause, Qin Ye went on to say: "However, those masters were not convinced and felt that this challenge was unfair. They are preparing to jointly invite the gods of Tianye out of the mountain to find the place. Qiqi novels will be published on the whole network.

It's a pity, we have to help the host, search for those alien kings, and can't leave for now.

Otherwise, I want to watch the battle in person to see how capable that peerless **** will be? "

Wu Xue was also very interested when he heard it~www.ltnovel.com~ frowned and asked, "Can Tianye God Craftsman agree to this thankless thing?

If you win that peerless master craftsman, it's easy to say, and everyone thinks it should be right. Who makes him the predecessor of the art of refining?

But if he loses to that peerless master craftsman, his signature will be smashed. "

Qin Ye thought for a while, and said with a serious expression: "I originally thought that the old fox, who is so savvy, would definitely not agree.

But now that the matter has spread, the entire Huosang Region is discussing this matter.

I don't know how many refining masters and forces are filled with righteous indignation, and jointly request Tianye Divine Craftsman to fight to help Huosangyu save face.

You said, this matter has risen to the dignity and glory of the Huosangyu.

Even if Tianye God Craftsman is reluctant, he will catch the ducks on the shelves, so he can only bite the bullet. "

Wu Xue nodded slightly and said, "If this is the case, then it will be lively.

It's a pity that we can't leave, we can't go to Fire Dragon Mountain to watch the battle.

By the way, you have to keep in touch with Emperor Sanglan, and it is best to let him report the latest progress every day..."

The couple are communicating by voice, discussing the gossip of the two master craftsmen.

At this moment, the divine formation in the hall suddenly accelerated.

A dazzling dazzling light suddenly lit up above the head of God King Baifeng, folded and interwoven into a dazzling light curtain.

On that colorful flame light curtain, there appeared an endless mountain range and some majestic cities.

There is a long and narrow divine light, like the tail flame of a meteor, flying over the mountains and the city.

Although, the picture on the light curtain is blurry and not very clear.

But Qin Ye and Wu Xue were awakened and both stared at the colorful light curtain with wide-eyed expressions of joy and surprise.

"There's news!"

"Look, Lord Domain Master must have found it!"

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