Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3416: Chaotic situation

no doubt.

This humiliated and miserable protoss man is exactly the star king.

He escaped from Zhutian Sword Formation, and soon after he got rid of Ji Tianxing, the state of burning blood and transforming gods ended.

At that time, he was backlashed, his body shrank violently, his blood was weakened, and his strength was extremely weak.

In addition, he was so badly injured that he was almost unconscious and planted from the sky.

Fortunately, he was strong-willed and promptly swallowed a few king-level divine pills, temporarily suppressing his injuries.

Then, he kept escaping to the southeast, and went straight to the Sanchuan area.

He was worried that Ji Tianxing would chase him down, so he could only escape from the Golden Dragon Region as soon as possible and find a hidden place to hide and heal his injuries.

Around the Golden Dragon Region, he is most familiar with the Sanchuan Region.

He and Ye Qing, the master of the Sanchuan Region, have known each other for many years.

Moreover, he was still in the Sanchuan region not long ago, helping the domain master Ye Qing solve a tricky matter.

At this critical juncture, the first thing he thought of was going to the Sanchuan Region to heal his injuries.

It took him twenty days to get there, a journey he could have reached in ten days.

Fortunately, he dragged a weak and seriously injured body, and finally returned to the temple of the Sanchuan Territory Lord.

A few hours ago, he contacted Ye Qing, the master of the Sanchuan domain.

At this moment, the Astral King had just landed at the gate of the divine palace, Ye Qing had already been waiting there.

Ye Qing is an old man wearing a purple robe with long gray hair. He looks thin, but his breath and eyes are very sharp. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Of course, in front of the Astral King, he still has to maintain proper respect.

Suddenly seeing the miserable appearance of the Astral King, Ye Qing was also startled, and he hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Subordinate Ye Qing see Lord God Envoy!

Astrology Divine Envoy, you are... how could you hurt so badly?

Who hurt you?

This should not be, and it is impossible! "

While talking, Ye Qing hurriedly greeted him and graciously helped the Astral King.

The Astral King waved his hand, panting, and said, "You don't need to help, this king can walk by himself.

This is not a place to talk, let's go in and talk more. "

"Okay!" Ye Qing nodded quickly, and reached out his hand to make a please gesture: "My lord, please come with me."

He took the star king into the shrine, passed through the two courtyards and several corridors, and entered a dark hall.

There was no one in the hall, and the ground and walls were inlaid with countless sacred stones, carved with dense array patterns.

Ye Qing closed the gate of the palace, waved his hand to open the large formation in the temple, and said to the Astral King: "My lord, this is where I usually retreat and heal my wounds.

Hurry up and go to the formation of Yun Gong to heal your injuries, let's speak slowly...

The astrological **** king couldn't ask for it, and he didn't treat Ye Qing courteously, and quickly sat in the middle of the sacred formation, taking a few pills of the **** pill, and starting the exercise therapy.

Ye Qing waited for a quarter of an hour and waited for the situation of the Astral King to stabilize before he asked: "My lord, I heard news from the Golden Dragon Domain next door yesterday...

It is said that you brought Jing Feihong and Golden Dragon Domain Lord to the Golden Dragon Abyss to intercept and kill those alien kings.

As a result, Jing Feihong was killed in the war, and the Golden Dragon Domain Master also disappeared. The fastest updated novels https://

Lord God, what is going on?

Those alien kings are so powerful? "

The Astrology King can do two things with one mind, heal his injuries while healing his injuries while distracted to chat with Ye Qing.

He gave a cold snort full of resentment, and said in a harsh tone: "This time it is the king's carelessness. I really didn't expect the strength of that kid to be so strong.

Of course, the performance of Jing Feihong and Golden Dragon Domain Lord also exceeded this king's expectations.

Unexpectedly, as the masters of a domain, their strength and methods are so unbearable, it is really disappointing! "

Ye Qing sneered secretly in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be shocked and anxious, saying: "In the surrounding areas, the strength of the Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong is relatively weak, and it will indeed disappoint the Lord.

But one of them fell in the battle and the other was missing, which is indeed a pity.

It's all to blame for those alien kings, they are too damned, and damned! "

The Astrology King frowned immediately and couldn't help asking: "One fell on the spot, and the other went missing?

Who was killed? Who is missing again? "

Ye Qing was taken aback, frowned and asked, "My lord, haven't you been there to fight? How come you don't know about this?"

The star **** king suddenly blushed, and a look of embarrassment flashed under his eyes.

But he couldn't tell Ye Qing that he ran away without looking back, ignoring the life and death of Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong.

That's shameful.

So, the Astrology King changed his view.

"The situation at the time was rather complicated, and it was not clear in one or two sentences.

Those alien **** kings have a large number of people and are scheming.

So, we split up, this king didn't know about this..."

Ye Qing is an old fox who has lived for 30,000 years, and his heart is like Mingjing.

Upon seeing the reaction of the Astrology God King, he guessed it, but he didn't say anything.

"Oh... it's no wonder that the Golden Dragon Domain Lord sent me a message before and asked me to help him, but didn't explain what happened.

I knew that things were so tricky~www.ltnovel.com~ I should have promised him to go and help with Lord God.

Thinking about it now, I really regret it! "

Ye Qing pretended to be annoyed and regretful, with a pounding look of sadness.

The Astrology King waved his hand and persuaded: "You can't be blamed for this matter. After receiving the call for help from the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, this king didn't take it seriously and didn't notify you.

Forget it, let's not talk about it yet.

You just said that the incident has spread in the Golden Dragon Region?

What is the situation now? What are the rumors outside? "

Although the Astrology God King knew that there were thousands of gods watching the battle at that time, this matter would surely spread.

But he didn't expect the news to spread so quickly.

Moreover, he would be so miserable and embarrassed.

Ye Qing said with an indignant expression: "Today's Golden Dragon Region and Yunyang Region, the rumors that have been spread long ago have made people panic.

I don't know what kind of good people are, lest the world will not be chaotic, it is simply made up.

They spread rumors that the Lord God Envoy and the two domain masters would lose to those alien kings.

Not only did the Yunyang Domain Lord be killed, but the Golden Dragon Domain Lord also disappeared, and you were seriously injured and fled.

Now the two domains are in the state of a group of dragons without a leader. Not only are the empires and the people panic and worried, but some empires and forces take the opportunity to make chaos and try to control the power of the entire domain.

For this reason, infighting of different scales broke out in the two domains of Yunyang and Jinlong, and there were many wars..."

Before Ye Qing could finish speaking, the Astral God King changed his face and shouted coldly with shame and anger: "Damn! Those guys who took the opportunity to disturb the people's hearts should die!

Ye Qing, this matter can no longer expand its influence, and must find a way to suppress the news.

You are the closest to the two domains of Yunyang and Jinlong, so you should find a way to control the two domains! "


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