Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3417: The layout of the Astrology King

Hearing the words of the Star King God, Ye Qing was happy.

He knew that his opportunity had come when he learned that Yunyang and Jinlong had no heads of dragons and fell into chaos.

He wanted to lead troops into the two domains and take advantage of the situation to take over the power.

Whether it is for the domain owner, mastering two domains, or taking the opportunity to make a fortune, he will not miss it.

But he didn't dare to act rashly, and decided to look at the attitude of the Astral King.

Nowadays, it is of course the best that the Astrology King has offered to let him come forward to suppress the situation.

After all, this is justified.

Even if he took over the two domains and looted wealth and resources, he still acted according to orders.

While gratifying inwardly, Ye Qing had to pretend to be flattered.

"Thank you God for making the adults trust and respect, and the subordinates are terrified, for fear that they will not be competent for this solemn task!" Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

Wouldn't the astrological king not understand that Ye Qing is acting?

It's just that he didn't want to say bad, waved his hand and said, "This king says you can do it, you can do it!

Don't delay and hesitate any more, this matter is best for you.

You must make Yunyang and Jinlong settle down in the shortest possible time, and there will never be any trouble.

Otherwise, this king will not be able to go to the divine emperor in the future! "

Ye Qing hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "If this is the case, the subordinates have no choice but to respect their lives.

Please God to reassure adults, the subordinates must do their best to settle this matter as soon as possible.

Subordinates must not only reassure the two domains, but also block and suppress the news, so that they can no longer spread and spread outside. "

"It's so good, you go." The Star Elephant King nodded.

Ye Qing leaned back and said, "That subordinate will retreat. Please God please let the adults heal here with peace of mind."

The Astrology King didn't say anything, just nodded, and closed his eyes to heal his injuries.

Ye Qing quickly withdrew from the main hall and summoned his staff.

After he assembled a good manpower, he couldn't wait to set off and went straight to the cloud.

Although the Golden Dragon Territory is relatively close, the Golden Dragon Territory Lord has just disappeared, and it has not been determined whether it is alive or dead.

However, the domain master Yunyang was confirmed to be dead, and he could safely take over the power.


at the same time.

The star king in the hall opened his eyes, temporarily ending his healing.

He looked at the dark corner with a gloomy face, his eyes burst with ferocious, spiteful gazes, and he cursed viciously: "Tian Xing, you **** beast!

Although, this king doesn't care about the life and death of Golden Dragon Domain Master and Jing Feihong.

But the king took them to intercept Tianxing, but the king was seriously injured and escaped. The two domain owners died and the other disappeared.

Nowadays, there is a lot of enthusiasm for wearing outside, this king must have become the laughing stock of the people of the world!

The dignified Haotian Divine Envoy could not beat a few foreign **** kings. It was ridiculous, and he lost the face of the **** emperor! "

The astrology **** king was embarrassed and angered, wishing to smash Ji Tian's corpse into thousands of pieces and thwart his bones and ashes.

But with his current state, the combat power is less than 30% of the peak period, it is impossible to find Ji Tianxing revenge.

He could only temporarily suppress his murderous intent and wanted another way of revenge.

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Not only did I want Ye Qing to suppress the situation in the two domains, but I also had to capture and kill Tianxing and others as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we wash away the shame of the king and give the people an explanation.

But, who should I call for help to chase down those bastards? "

On the way back to the Sanchuan Region, the Astral King had thought about this issue.

His first thought was that he must never report this to the God Emperor Shura.

First of all, this matter seemed serious, but it was not a big deal to the God Emperor Shura.

Now the **** emperor Shura is practicing in retreat, comprehending the supreme divine way, and must not be disturbed.

Moreover, the Astrology God King couldn't even handle this matter well, and it would only prove his incompetence if he had to trouble the Asura God Emperor himself.

At that time, the God Emperor Shura dismissed him in anger, and he would cry without tears.

I think back then, in order to become the Haotian Divine Envoy, he gave up the position of the master of a domain and made a huge sacrifice.

Therefore, he must not alarm the Divine Emperor Shura, he can only find a solution by himself.

"If you can't alarm the divine emperor, the king can only ask other divine envoys for help.

With their help, this king mobilizes dozens of domain owners to lay a net of heaven and earth, which can definitely catch Tian Xing and others in one go! "

The Astrology King murmured to himself, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his heart was full of expectation.

"This matter, this king has to take a long-term plan and consider it carefully."

While healed his injuries, he frowned and thought: "When the king fled the battlefield, the beast Tianxing did not pursue him. It should be to deal with the Golden Dragon Domain Lord and Jing Feihong.

In other words, he lost his trace of the king and did not chase him over at all.

They traveled all the way south from Yunyang Region, passing through Golden Dragon Region.

After this matter is over, they should continue to go south, and even escape from the Haotian Continent as soon as possible.

In this case, the king must immediately notify those domain owners in the central region.

Only with the cooperation of many domain owners can we find out the traces of Tian Xing, form an encirclement and ambush network ~www.ltnovel.com~ When the time comes, this king and a few envoys can rush to kill him personally for revenge!

Of course, there are six envoys who came out with this king to inspect the mainland this time, and each is responsible for an area.

Of the six divine envoys, three are far away, I am afraid it is too late to come and help.

This king can only inform three envoys, and only three of them are enough to help. "

Thinking of this, the Astrology King's thoughts were immediately cleared.

He quickly took out thirty yuan of jade slips for transmission, and sent out one after another.

He first sent a message to the three divine envoys close to him, explaining the situation to them and the seriousness of the matter, and asked them to help.

Then, he sent a subpoena to more than 20 domain owners in the central region, ordering them to go all out to investigate Ji Tian's tracks, and try to intercept and encircle them.

After finishing all these things, a quarter of an hour has passed.

Only then did the Astrology God King stop, focus on his exercises and heal his injuries, and wait for the reply of the three envoys and many domain masters.

After about two quarters of an hour, three envoys and many domain masters successively sent him back messages.

The three divine envoys seemed a little reluctant, and they must have laughed secretly at his lack of ability, and had fallen into such a big mess.

But anyway, the mission of the divine envoy is to inspect the Haotian Continent and maintain peace and stability.

When something like this happened, the Astrological God King couldn't handle it, and the three divine envoys must come to help.

Otherwise, the matter really got to the Divine Emperor Shura, and the three of them would also be punished.

The more than 20 domain owners in the central region did not have any hesitations or worries, and they simply followed the order and expressed their full cooperation.

They will start to act immediately, and once they find the traces of Ji Tianxing and others, they will immediately report to the Astral King.

After reading everyone's replies, the Astral King was relieved and healed his injuries with peace of mind.

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