Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3415: Undercurrent

Two dozen high-ranking gods discussed for a while, and they unanimously decided not to chase south.

They couldn't catch up anyway, those **** king and strong men had already flown far.

Besides, even the domain master Yunyang died tragically in the war and fell here.

These high-ranking gods, even if they catch up with those gods, they can only be sent to death as cannon fodder.

Instead of this, it is better to return to their respective sites earlier.

After all, their divine power is empty, and they have suffered serious injuries, and they are in urgent need of retreat.

What's more, the domain master Yunyang has fallen.

The gods of the Yunyang Domain have no heads, and there is no point in chasing them.

They collected Jing Feihong's remains and relics, put them together, and prepared to send them back to Yunyang Domain.

After making up his mind, the dozen or so gods of Yunyangyu first turned and left.

Only a dozen gods of the Golden Dragon Region remained, who were still wandering on the battlefield for a while.

They were also very heavy, and they all muttered in their hearts: "Even the domain lord Yunyang has fallen, so what about our lord of the domain? Will he also fall?

Although on this battlefield, no remains or relics of the domain master were seen.

But the strength of the domain master is not much stronger than that of the domain master Yunyang, and the situation must be very dangerous...

It's just that it's useless even if we worry. "

A dozen gods discussed it, and the gods who decided to follow the example of Yunyangyu also turned and left, and went back to heal their injuries.

After the gods left, the ruined battlefield returned to quiet.

The long night will eventually pass, and dawn will usher in three hours.

At this time, an explosive news spread within the Golden Dragon Region.

It is said that several foreign **** kings invaded the Golden Dragon Region to commit crimes and slaughter.

The Golden Dragon Territory Lord was defeated, so Haotian Divine Envoy and Yunyang Territory Lord were invited to join forces to deal with those alien kings.

Unexpectedly, the two sides fought for a long time, chasing millions of miles away, and there was no result.

On the contrary, it was the domain master Yunyang, who died in the battle and fell.

As for the Golden Dragon Domain Master and the Haotian Divine Envoy, they are also missing.

Of course, no one knows whether those alien **** kings have surrendered.

Once this news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the Golden Dragon Region and was widely spread by countless people.

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Many people were a little confused when they first heard the news.

They neither knew what was going on with the Haotian Divine Envoy, nor could they believe that the two domain masters would personally take action against those alien kings.

However, this news came from a few upper gods.

The few high-ranking gods, in their respective empires, are the pillars and hegemonic existences.

What they said was so true that they had noses and eyes, and everyone had to believe it.

After the explanation of the rumors, many people know that the Haotian Divine Envoy is superior to the domain master and is the loyal guard under the crown of the Divine Emperor, who will inspect the entire continent on behalf of the Divine Emperor.

Everyone realized how serious this matter was, and how powerful the strength of those alien **** kings was.

After all, even the Haotian Divine Envoy personally appeared, but he could not punish those alien kings.

The lofty Yunyang Territory Lord, even died in the war.

This is horrible and incredible!

That's a battle between several **** kings!

For the entire Golden Dragon Domain Lord, such a major event has not happened for nearly a thousand years.

The people who heard the news were extremely shocked and excited, but also frantically confided and spread it to others.

As a result, the news seemed to have grown wings, spreading quickly in all directions, and there was a tendency to sweep the entire Golden Dragon Region.

But in fact, this is far more than that!

Twenty days later, not only this news spread throughout the Golden Dragon Region, but also known to many empires and powerful forces.

Even Yun Yangyu next door was spreading the news madly.

In particular, the news of the fall of the domain master was like a blockbuster, blasting the Yunyang Domain upside down and stirring up stormy waves.

The first reaction of countless empires, forces, and powerful people upon hearing this news was incredible.

However, as more and more news came, the whole thing was described more clearly, and those people had to believe it.

Most importantly, more than a dozen gods brought back the remains and relics of the domain master.

They joined hands to **** those remains and relics to the shrine of Lord Domain Lord.

After the news spread, the evidence was conclusive and irrefutable.

Suddenly, the entire Yunyang region was full of sorrow, and the cage was covered with a thick haze.

Many empires, kingdoms of gods, and powers were solemn and sad, and mourned the fall of the domain master Yunyang.


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bsp; Those strong men are all worried, the lord of the domain has fallen, and the dragons of the Yunyang domain have no leader, what should I do next?

The Haotian Divine Envoy, the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, and the few alien **** kings have no news, and they don't know the outcome and outcome.

What if those alien kings slay back to Yunyang Territory, and then come to kill again?

Of course, this is the reaction of most normal people.

There are also a few top powerhouses, the emperors of the top empire, but they have other thoughts.

Not long ago ~www.ltnovel.com~ Domain Master's deputy fell.

Now that the Lord of the Domain has also been killed, and the entire Yunyang Domain has fallen into a state of no ownership, will they have a chance to seize the power?

Anyway, the domain can't be left alone, they are doing this for the sake of the people of Yunyangyu.

After they seized the position of domain master and stabilized the situation, even if the Haotian Divine Envoy and the Shura Divine Emperor knew about it, there would be no impact.

After all, the emperor is far away, and the **** emperor Shura is high. It is impossible for him to come to the Yunyang domain himself. Who should be appointed as the domain master?

The Emperor Shura didn't care who was the domain master, as long as the new domain master was loyal to him and maintained the peace and stability of the Yunyang domain.

With this mind in mind, the emperors of the empires and the peak gods all began secretly planning and preparing, and gradually took action.

As a result, the already chaotic and floating cloud field has become more undercurrent.


It is at this time.

The Sanchuan Region adjacent to the Golden Dragon Region is the territory of the God King Ye Qing.

Ye Qing lives in the shrine all year round, hanging high above the vast sea of ​​clouds, overlooking the mountains and rivers in the Sanchuan region.

This is the evening.

The faint golden afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the vast sea of ​​clouds, making the shrine glow with colorful lights.

A shrine that was originally very majestic and solemn also seemed quiet and peaceful in the sunset.

However, this quiet and tranquility was broken by a distinguished guest.

Of course, this guest is just a noble identity and status.

The state at this time is not flattering and very embarrassed.

Although he is ten feet tall, he has a burly body and a very domineering appearance.

But he was hunched over his waist, his body was as thin as wood, his face and eyes were dull, and his breath was very disturbed.

The bronze armor he was wearing had long been shattered, and his whole body was covered with criss-cross wounds, looking hideous and terrifying.

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