Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3414: crisis

A long time ago, Yanke guessed that Ji Tianxing was the king of kendo.

But that was a thousand years ago. At that time, the sword **** king was already comparable to the upper **** king of the seventh realm.

But it was not long before Ji Tianxing broke through the Divine King Realm, this is something everyone knows.

Therefore, Yanke judged that Ji Tianxing was not the kendo god, but he should have a close relationship with him.

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing never mentioned these things since then.

Yanke also tried to inquire about the news and asked Ji Tianxing about the specific situation, but Ji Tianxing avoided answering.

Now, it is hard to wait until Ji Tianxing brings up those past events again.

Yanke was immediately full of excitement and anticipation, and couldn't help but dig through the roots, trying to figure out the truth.

However, Ji Tianxing avoided answering again and changed the subject.

"I don't take Jing Feihong, and there is another most important reason.

This person has a special identity, not only has seen the Haotian Divine Envoy, but also has seen the Shura Divine Emperor when he first took control of the Haotian Continent and proclaimed himself the emperor.

It is said that the God Emperor Shura left a mark in the body of each domain master with some kind of magical powers.

In this way, the **** emperor Shura can know the location and movement of each domain master without leaving his house.

Because of this, the **** emperor Shura was able to retreat with peace of mind, without showing up for thousands of years.

Even the affairs of the Vast Sky Continent were handed over to the deputy and the Vast Sky Divine Envoys. "

Hearing this, Chao Qingyu understood what he meant, and nodded: "The young man means...If you take in Jing Feihong, even if he doesn't use his hands and feet or try to escape, our whereabouts will be exposed.

Once the Haotian Divine Envoy reports the matter to God Emperor Shura, it is possible that God Emperor Shura finds us through Jing Feihong? "

"Exactly." Ji Tianxing nodded, and said in a calm tone: "With our current strength, we can't be domineering in the Vast Sky Continent, and we are not qualified to compete with the God Emperor Shura.

Therefore, I can only kill Jing Feihong. "

"So that's the case." Chao Qingyu nodded to express his understanding, and said worriedly: "But you killed Jing Feihong and forced the Golden Dragon Domain Lord to commit suicide, and even injured the Haotian Divine Envoy.

This incident is bound to cause a major disturbance, and it will surely alarm more Haotian Divine Envoys and do everything possible to besiege us.

Even the **** emperor Shura might know about this, and will personally kill us! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said blankly: "What you said is possible, so we have to leave here as soon as possible, just in case.

Moreover, if there is nothing wrong, we should not delay and leave the Haotian Continent as soon as possible. "

Upon hearing these two sentences, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Chao Qingyu, Yanke and Lan'er's expressions were a bit solemn, frowning.

"Anyway, we have already offended the two domain masters, the Haotian Divine Envoy, and the Shura Divine Emperor."

"Yes! One domain owner was killed, the other disappeared, and even the envoy was severely wounded and fled. This hatred is settled and cannot be resolved."

"Compared to hundreds of domain masters, dozens of Haotian Divine Envoys, and the supreme God Emperor Shura, we are too small!

Apart from fleeing the Haotian Continent as soon as possible, there is nothing we can do. "

At the thought of offending the **** emperor Shura and about to be chased by many **** kings, all three of them were depressed and full of anxiety.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing persuaded: "Don't worry too much, the situation should not be that bad.

Over the past thousand years, the Haotian Continent has been peaceful and stable.

Therefore, the God Emperor Shura was relieved to hand over the power to others, and sent envoys to inspect the world.

On weekdays, the **** emperor Shura must be practicing in retreat, studying the pinnacle divine way.

Once he retreats for dozens or hundreds of years, how dare those envoys bother him?

Don't worry, God Emperor Shura will not show up in the short term.

Even if there is a strong **** king to retaliate, it is only some domain masters and gods. "

Hearing what he said, Yanke and Lan'er felt a little relieved.

Chao Qingyu also nodded in agreement, saying: "This matter is not small, but it is not big.

After the Astrology God King escaped, he would definitely find other divine envoys for help, and would never easily report to the Asura God Emperor.

Otherwise, such trivial matters will disturb the cultivation of the God Emperor Asura, and will only anger the God Emperor Asura, and prove that the Astral King has no power and means. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "It's okay if you understand, let's go on the road."

The sapphire godship was sacrificed to the sapphire, and everyone boarded it.

Soon, the divine ship flew into the night sky and flew southward swiftly.

After an hour.

More than 20 wounded gods came to the battlefield out of breath.

These people are all high-ranking gods convened by Jing Feihong and the Golden Dragon Domain Lord, and they are also the survivors among the hundred gods.

Their strength is low, and the speed of their journey is too slow, until then they arrived.

Originally, the team flew mightily into the night sky, preparing to continue chasing south.

But the few gods flying in front of the team suddenly discovered that there was a breath of divine power remaining between the heaven and the earth.

Moreover, the entire radius is in ruins, leaving traces of fighting.


"There was a big battle here!"

"Could it be the traces of the territorial lord fighting with those dog thieves?"

"Don't hurry, see what's going on."

As a result, more than twenty gods stopped to observe the battlefield, looking for clues and traces.

In a short while, someone found fragments of armor in the ruins, as well as fragments of magic weapons ~ www.ltnovel.com~ more than a dozen gods have gained, and they quickly gathered together to piece together those fragments.

When everyone put together a half-cut sword and a piece of broken armor, two gods suddenly exclaimed.

"God! Isn't this the armor that our domain master wears, the sword used by us?"

"Sure enough! Could it be that our Domain Master has already..."

The two gods who exclaimed were from Yunyang Domain.

At this time, someone on the edge of the battlefield screamed again.

"Oh my God!"

"How could this be?"

"It's the domain master! The domain master is dead!"

"I can't believe it, the domain master has fallen!"

The exclamation of several gods was full of shock and panic.

More than a dozen gods were attracted and hurried over to check the situation.

I saw that in the ruins on the edge of the battlefield, several gods formed a circle, staring at a corpse with different expressions.

To be precise, it was only half of the corpse, and it was incomplete.

But even so, it can be distinguished from the body's physical characteristics and clothing characteristics that this is the main shaft of the Yunyang Domain Feihong!

The gods of the Yunyang Domain were shocked, and all of them showed pain, sadness and horror.

The gods of the Golden Dragon Region also looked ugly and felt anxious.

After everyone exclaimed and discussed for a while, the gods of Yunyangyu joined hands to find Jing Feihong's remains and relics.

After doing this, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"What to do? Are we still chasing?"

"Even the lord of the domain was killed, what are we going to chase after? Shall we go to die?"

"With our strength, we are not qualified to intervene in the battle between the kings!"


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