Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3302: Intercept

Seeing Lin Xue holding the demon knife, her face was cold, and her whole body burst out with terrifying murderous intent.

The hearts of the twenty guards were lifted up, and they offered their swords one after another, staring at Lin Xue with full alertness.

They are all the strengths of the eighth and ninth layers of the Heavenly God Realm, facing Lin Xue, a high-ranking sovereign, stunned.

But they have a task, even if they know that they are invincible, they will never shrink back.

Of course.

These guards are not stupid, they have long been secretly sent a subpoena to notify Meng Yu.

What they have to do now is to delay as much as possible and wait for Meng Yu to arrive.

The captain of the bodyguards bowed to Lin Xue again and said in a sincere tone: "Miss Lin, you really misunderstood!

We have absolutely no malice, just follow orders.

If you have any misunderstandings, please stay calm and wait until Lord Santos arrives, and then explain to you in person. How about?

We are just the guards of the City Lord’s Mansion, a trivial little girl. You have a large number of adults, so why bother us? "

The captain of the guard had a strong desire to survive, but Lin Xue didn't eat his suit at all.

"Misunderstanding? You close the gate of the manor, activate the defensive array, and face each other with swords. Is this still a misunderstanding?

Stop talking nonsense, I now give you two choices.

Either step back and open the gate of the manor.

Either... die by my sword! "

When the words fell, Lin Xue had accumulated surging divine power, and the demon knife in his right hand also burst out with dazzling blood and murderous aura.

Twenty guards were suddenly terrified, all of them looked bitter, and clenched their swords.

The captain of the guard swallowed, resisting worry and fear, and bit the bullet to persuade: "Miss Lin, you must not be impulsive..."

Unfortunately, Lin Xue's patience has been exhausted.

Before the captain of the guard finished speaking, she waved the demon knife, cutting out dozens of **** knife lights, which exploded like a hurricane.


In an instant, dozens of **** knives burst into the courtyard like a tornado, engulfing twenty guards.

The sound of "swish swish" sounded one after another, and the twenty guards screamed harshly, and they were immediately strangled to pieces.

The blood was flying in the sky, and the stumps and broken arms were thrown around the courtyard, making the air full of pungent blood.

In the blink of an eye, the twenty guards were shattered and all died.

Lin Xue was angry and killed them in a flash with only one move.

In several houses and corridors not far away, when several maids saw this scene, Huarong was so frightened that they ran away screaming.

But Lin Xue ignored them, and walked through the rain of blood, and walked under the gate of the manor.

She held the demon knife tightly, raised her hand and slashed towards the door.


The ten-foot-long **** knife light slammed on the gate, and there was a dull loud noise.

On the sturdy and heavy bronze gate, dazzling multicolored lights shined, forming a huge wall of light.

The **** knife light failed to smash the bronze gate, but was blocked by the light wall.

The light wall trembles violently dozens of times, shining with divine light, but it is not broken or cracked, and it is still safe and sound.

Lin Xue stared at the light wall and observed it carefully for a while, only to realize that it was a defensive array of the highest grade at the Jun level.

With her strength, it is almost impossible to break it open with brute force.

So she looked away and looked at the courtyard walls on both sides of the gate.

Although the defense of the gate is very strong, she does not have to pass the gate to leave Qifeng Courtyard.


She waved the demon knife again, cutting out two ten-foot-long **** knife lights, and slashed to the courtyard walls on both sides of the gate.

Only two loud bangs were heard, and the courtyard wall also lit up with colorful lights, and a thick light curtain appeared.


The defensive array covering the entire Qifeng Academy was completely activated.

A colorful mask with a radius of thousands of feet, like a sky curtain, enveloped the entire manor.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xue had been mentally prepared and was not surprised.

She used the magic pupil secret method, carefully observed the light curtain above her head, looking for nodes and weaknesses of the defense formation.

Time passed silently.

Soon, half an hour passed.

She finally found that over the lotus pond in the third courtyard, the seemingly thick colorful light curtain was actually an area with relatively weak defense.

It would be a waste of time if it were to cast a spell to crack the big formation.

After all, she is not a great master of formation like Ji Tianxing.

She decisively chose to attack with all her strength, brandishing the demon knife desperately, and attacked that area.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

She exploded with the strongest divine power, stabbing blood-colored light blades one after another, stabbing the colorful light curtain fiercely.

On average every breath time, she has to stab four blood-colored light blades, and the power is undiminished.

For a whole hundred breaths of time, she stabbed four hundred knives continuously, all concentrated on one point of the light curtain.

Only the muffled sound of "bang bang bang" burst out continuously, and it became a piece.

The light curtain trembled violently, bursting with colorful divine light, and the divine power fluctuations became chaotic.

Later, the power the light curtain endured became more and more terrifying, and it was no longer able to resolve and repair itself.

With a crisp sound of ‘click’, dense gaps cracked on the light curtain, revealing a big gap in the basin.

Lin Xue's whole body lit up~www.ltnovel.com~ her body shrank a hundred times, and turned into a streamer to penetrate the gap.


As soon as the divine light flashed, she left Qifengyuan and appeared in the sky.

After that, her body returned to its normal size, holding the demon knife and flying away.

Since Meng Yu had a problem, she would not stay, let alone question Meng Yu.

The wisest way is to leave Ssangyong City as soon as possible.


She had just flew two thousand miles away before leaving Luofeng Mountain.

In the sky on the side, a divine light flashed again and again, teleporting at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Xue sensed that the breath of divine power was approaching, and quickly released the divine sense to investigate.

I saw that the group of divine light was enveloping five figures, flying to her front at lightning speed, blocking her way.

After the light dissipated, the figures of Meng Yu and the four black armored guards were revealed.

The four black armored guards all have the second and third levels of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and they have been following and protecting Meng Yu, inseparable from each other.

They fanned out in the sky, blocking the direction in which Lin Xue might escape.

Meng Yu looked at Lin Xue with a smile, his tone was still as gentle as before, and he asked with surprise: "Sister Xueer, what are you doing?

I let those guards follow you, both to protect you and to serve you.

This will not allow you to do everything yourself, just ask them to do anything.

But it's good for you. Not only did you not appreciate it, you also killed them all... alas! "

At the end, Meng Yu had an injured expression on his face and sighed very aggrievedly.

At that moment, Lin Xue was startled, she was speechless.

She even had some doubts, could it really be her misunderstanding?

However, she came back to her senses immediately, and asked with a cold face, "Meng Yu, don't be hypocritical with me!

Say, what do you want to do when you try to put me under house arrest? "

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