Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3301: conflict

It is early morning again, when the sun rises.

The sapphire divine ship is hidden in the clouds, floating quietly.

Chao Qingyu sat in the cockpit and had already adjusted his strength for three days.

At this moment, he opened his eyes and looked at the sky outside the window.

Thousands of miles away, the ancient city was bathed in the morning sun, which seemed peaceful and peaceful.

Chao Qingyu sighed and said to herself: "Three days have passed, but Lin Xue has not returned.

What trouble is she having? Still don't plan to come back?

According to the agreement, the king should drive the divine ship and leave. "

Although he said so, Chao Qingyu always felt that he had left like this, and it seemed something was wrong.

But he was not familiar with Lin Xue and could not talk about friendships, and there was no reason to go to her.

After hesitating for a moment, he made up his mind and made a decision.

"No matter what, this king has to tell Master Tianxing about this and let him make a decision.

After all, Lin Xue is his friend and his follower. "

So Chao Qingyu got up and left the cockpit and hurried to the secret room where Ji Tianxing was closed.

Standing outside the door of the secret room, he waved his palm to make a supernatural power and injected it into the door of the secret room.

Suddenly, the interior of the secret room was shining with divine light, and a special sound was made.

This is Chao Qingyu knocking on the pass, awakening Ji Tianxing.

Although, Ji Tianxing stayed in the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, cultivating in twisting time and space.

But he still had a trace of spiritual knowledge, paying attention to the movement in the secret room.

This is to prevent any unexpected events. When Chao Qingyu comes to knock on the door, he will wake up as soon as possible.


Ji Tianxing, who was practising in retreat, sensed that Chao Qingyu was knocking, so he ended his movement and opened his eyes.

It has only been a few days since he retreated to the outside world, and he has been practicing for a year.

This year, his injury recovered 80%, and he looked full of energy, no different.


Divine light flashed, Ji Tianxing left the tower and appeared in the secret room.

He waved his hand with a magical force and opened the door of the secret room.

Chao Qingyu hurriedly walked into the secret room, came to him, and bowed his hand in a polite way: "Master Tianxing, I'm really sorry that I rushed to interrupt your practice.

However, I have to tell you something and ask you to make a decision. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said in a calm tone: "Don't say sorry, I believe you will come to me if something happens.

Come on, what happened? "

Chao Qingyu didn't mean anything, and said straightforwardly: "Three days ago, when I drove the godship to pass by Ssangyong City, Miss Lin Xue suddenly came to me and asked me to stop here and wait for her for three days...

If you want to go or stay, please ask Young Master Tianxing to decide. "

In just a few words, he explained the reason for the matter.

After listening to Ji Tianxing, he frowned suddenly, showing the color of thinking.

"Sky Demon Empire? Double Dragon City?

I remembered, Lin Xue's hometown is the Sky Demon Empire!

This Ssangyong City should be her hometown and home. "

Chao Qingyu also suddenly realized, nodded and said: "I understand! Miss Lin Xue will follow you, and will leave the Northern Territory and even the Vast Sky Continent.

She knew that it would be difficult to have a chance in the future to return to the Tianbei Region and the hometown of the Sky Demon Empire.

Therefore, when passing by Ssangyong City, she decided to go back and take one last look.

However, even if she revisited her old place, three days would be enough.

She hasn't come back yet, I'm afraid she has encountered some trouble? "

Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement, and said, "Well, you guessed it right, she must be in trouble.

Otherwise, she will not come back until now.

You don't know something, her life experience and experience are a bit tortuous, and it is not clear in a few words. "

While talking, Ji Tianxing walked out of the secret room with Chao Qingyu, to leave the divine ship.

"God of Qingyu, you come with me, let's go to Lin Xue to see what is going on with her."

Chao Qingyu agreed, and hurriedly followed Ji Tianxing out of the godship.

When he came to the sky, he cast a spell to put away the sapphire divine ship, and followed Ji Tianxing to Shuanglong City.


at the same time.

In the Qifeng Courtyard of Luofeng Mountain.

After last night's deliberation and consideration, Lin Xue sifted out some useful clues.

She decided to go to the neighboring Haiyuan City to investigate the lord of Liuxi Sect.

Because, from the tombs where her parents were destroyed, she found the traces and breath of the tidal flow soul secret method.

And this secret method of tidal flow soul, only a few gods have practiced.

It is said that the Liuxi Sect Master of Haiyuan City has mastered this supernatural skill, and he is quite accomplished.

Xue Lin decided to go to Haiyuan City and tried to sneak into Liuxi Sect to investigate the matter secretly.


As soon as she left the main courtyard, eight guards in armor and swords greeted her and followed her every step of the way.

Seeing this, she stopped, frowned, and said with an unhappy expression: "My lord is going out to do errands, you don't need to follow it today, just stay in Qifengyuan."


The eight guards turned a deaf ear to this, and still followed her every step of the way.

Lin Xue suddenly became a little angry, and coldly shouted, "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I said?"

Seeing her getting angry ~www.ltnovel.com~ The captain of the guard bowed to salute and explained: "Miss Lin, we are ordered by the lord of the city to protect you at all times and never dare to slack off.

Moreover, Lord City Lord has ordered, if you have anything to go out to handle, just ask us. "

Although, the captain of the guards spoke politely and respected her.

But Xue Lin was not stupid, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

She stared at the captain of the guard with a gloomy expression, and said with a sneer: "You are so loyal to Meng Yu's order, are you here to protect the monarch or to monitor him?

What does Meng Yu mean? Do you want to put this monarch under house arrest in Qifengyuan and not allowed to go out? "

The captain of the bodyguard hurriedly bowed to salute, and apologized: "Miss Lin, please calm down. The Lord of the City definitely did not mean that, and things are not what you think..."

"Get away!" Before the captain of the guard could finish speaking, Lin Xue shouted angrily and turned and flew out of the gate.

What she didn't expect was that the ten-zhang gate that had been open closed quickly and closed with a bang.

The divine light flickered on the bronze gate, which obviously activated the defensive divine formation.

At the same time, the twelve guards guarding the gate also rushed over quickly, blocking her way.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xue's expression became even colder, revealing a sneerful sneer.

"Ha ha ha... As expected, I did not expect it!

Meng Yu had nothing to do with his diligence, and he really had another plan.

Unexpectedly, after a thousand years of time, things are different and time changes.

Once the most trustworthy friend, now he wants to fight each other? "

While talking, a dark red blood glowed in her right hand, and a long, narrow and sharp demon sword appeared.

She glanced over the twenty guards around her, and sneered coldly: "Just because of you little ones, you want to stop this monarch? Overwhelming!"

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