Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3303: Top secret

Facing Lin Xue's questioning, Meng Yu still insisted on acting.

He looked at Lin Xue with a look of surprise, and asked incredulously: "Sister Xueer, what do you mean?

Brother Yu is really thinking about you, there is absolutely no malice, how can you slander me so?

Is this still the lively, cute, simple and kind-hearted sister Cher?

What have you experienced in these thousand years?

Why did you become like this? Even your most trusted brother Yu wants to doubt?

If Uncle Lin is alive in the sky, I don’t know how sad to see you slander me like this! "

Meng Yu's acting skills are superb, with almost no flaws.

Lin Xue's thoughts and will were a bit shaken, and she thought to herself: "Am I overreacting and making a fuss?

Seeing that Meng Yu was so wronged, could I really blame him? "

Just as these thoughts flashed in her mind, a large swath of colorful light flew in the sky not far away.

"Huh! Huh!"

Six pieces of colorful divine light came to the front as fast as lightning, scattered in all directions, surrounding Lin Xue.

After every divine light dissipated, fifty guards in armor and swords appeared.

There are six teams in total, with a total of three hundred guards.

Among them, there are twelve guards captains, all of which have reached the second level of the gods!

Without Meng Yu's orders, the three hundred guards all wielded swords and halberds, and they all aimed at Lin Xue in a vigilant and confronting posture.

This is the end of the matter, and the truth is revealed.

If Lin Xue still had a fluke, then she was really stupid to get home.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the field solidified.

Lin Xue retracted her cold gaze, looked at Meng Yu again, and the corner of her mouth evoked a sneer of contempt.

"Ha ha ha ha... I still have the last hope for you at a loss, wondering if I blamed you.

Unexpectedly, I was too stupid and naive to believe in you, a beast with a human face and a beast!

Meng Yu, what else do you want to say now? "

"Uh..." Meng Yu was taken aback, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

He glared at the guards and shouted: "What are you doing? This seat asks you to rush to support, and it is for you to protect Miss Lin.

Put away the sword!

Don't put on a arrogant posture, so that Miss Lin can't spare you! "

After speaking, he explained to Lin Xue: "Sister Xueer, you really misunderstood!

I was aware of the fighting in Qifeng Courtyard, thinking that you were attacked by a gangster, so I brought the guards to rescue you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Xue coldly shouted with contempt: "Shut up! Don't call me sister Xueer anymore, you are not worthy at all, it will only make me feel sick!

Meng Yu, when do you want to act?

Don't delay time!

If you explain your intentions straightforwardly, I will respect you as a man.

For a hypocritical and disgusting person like you, I feel ashamed to say a word to you! "

It's all about it. If Meng Yu continues acting, it would be boring.

He simply stopped pretending, and the sneer on his face disappeared a little bit.

Instead, there was a cold face with hateful eyes in indifference.

"Lin Xue, do you know?

In order to wait until this day, I waited for more than 1100 years!

After all, Haotian favored me. You disappeared for more than a thousand years and returned to Shuanglong City.

do you know?

Since your father was killed, you chased Lin Shan, and soon after leaving Ssangyong City, something happened to my father!

Do you know why my father is so kind and never causes trouble, but he incurs vendetta? "

Seeing Meng Yu's hypocritical appearance and revealing his true face, Lin Xue's heart settled down.

At least, she can handle this matter calmly and resolutely without worrying about her previous feelings.

"Why? Do you want to say that your father was killed by an enemy and has something to do with my father?"

Lin Xue stared at Meng Yu with cold eyes, and sneered in a harsh tone: "Ha ha ha... If you say that, then you want to commit crimes, why don't you have any trouble!"

"Hahahaha..." Meng Yu immediately raised his head and laughed, his voice filled with sadness in the desolation.

"Yes! Not only is it related to your father, but your father is the culprit!"

The sneer at the corner of Lin Xue's mouth was even worse, and she said indifferently, "Really? Then I would like to hear what is going on."

Meng Yu glared at her with resentment, and said bitterly: "Because your father, Lin Nengfu, deceived his master and destroyed his ancestor, betrayed his master, and also abducted the descendants of the ancient hidden family!

He knew his sins were serious, but he didn't want to repent, and fled to the Sky Demon Empire to live in seclusion.

He clearly knew that he had committed an unforgivable mistake, and sooner or later he would be killed by the Shimen and the Hidden Family.

His closest relatives, disciples and friends will all be implicated.

But he concealed all this and still called my father brother.

As a result, he was killed by his own disciple and also killed my father!

Do you think he is sinful and not regretting death? ! "

After listening to Meng Yu's words ~www.ltnovel.com~ Lin Xue was stunned.

Her eyes widened, her eyes were incredibly shocked, and she was speechless for a while.

Meng Yu grinned and sneered, and said in a playful tone: "Hehe...he deceived and killed his ancestors back then, killed his master, and escaped from the teacher.

Unexpectedly, good and evil are rewarded, and there is reincarnation in heaven, and he will eventually die in the hands of the most respected disciple.

This is retribution! "

Xue Lin gradually recovered, staring at him sharply, and asked in a deep voice, "You said just now that my father deceived his ancestor and betrayed his ancestor? He also abducted the descendant of the hidden family?"

"Yes!" Meng Yu nodded, his tone firm.

"I don't believe it! You talk nonsense!" Lin Xue coldly drank.

"Hahaha..." Meng Yu sneered and sneered, "Lin Can't Shimen is one of the ten major sects of Yunyangyu, the famous Wanfazong!

And his master is the elder of Wan Fazong, the famous Yonghe God!

As for the descendants of the hidden family that your father abducted, they are the daughter of the ancient Raksha tribe, that is, your mother's chamois! "

Meng Yu's tone was firm and swearing.

Moreover, he said he had a name and a surname.

Lin Xue frowned immediately, her pupils tightened, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

She didn't know anything about Yunyangyu, Ten Thousand Fazong, and Emperor Yonghe.

But she knew that her mother was indeed called Cha Yanyun!

Moreover, her mother's appearance and appearance were indeed very strange and beautiful, different from ordinary Protoss.

The mother has a special temperament and bloodlines seem to be very rare.

Her father, Lin Neng, was obedient to her mother, caring, and pampering to the extreme.

In the past, Lin Xue didn't know the reason, but thought that his parents had deep feelings, and they were the celestial couples that are hard to find in the world.

Now, after hearing these words of Meng Yu, she knew that her parents’ identities were complicated and there were hidden secrets!

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